Good Things that Happened to You!!!

I went to Key Lime with my sister overnight and it was so much fun! It's a huge indoor waterpark. It has slides, which I am not a fan of, and pools, a lazy river and hot tub. There is also a hot tub in your room. I had a lot of fun even though I did not sleep well last night. It was my birthday present from them. (my sister and bro-in-law.)
Just checked my work e-mail and voila, I won two awards from the company! They give out incentives to tutors who can pass their threshold in 3 different categories: # of Loyal Students, Lesson Evaluations, and Conversation Ratio. And guess what? I got 2 of them! So happy~ ^0^ Second time I won, but the first time I got only the last one. And now I got TWO. omg

The incentives themselves aren't so big so I won't be giving details here, but they're still pretty significant for me! After all, money is money~ (which will most likely go to buying Kalafina stuff lmao, among others).

Also, it seems our company's holding some kind of promotion, and 2 tutors will get a trip to Japan! OMG I want to qualify but then what are my tax issues... //:cry:to eternity
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^Wow, that is awesome. And if you win, take me with you! Heh I've said that to Kuga every time too. Though, I really would have to win the mega powerball lottery since I would be buying things for people here and for myself, and like 100 suitcases. lol That is great that you won though and I hope you win the trip.
I finally managed to get my ryb single from the post office yesterday at the nick of time since I got there just a few minutes before it closes - cannot wait for another day to get it, lol.

Disappointed with the cost of duties though, as I was charged with roughly over 20% of the overall cost of the package (single CD+shipping).
yaaay Cerise-san, give us more of your imagination~!! :love:

good things happened to me today... my design is finally accepted. huahahahahah 3 days left, still have to make maquette and poster. hahahahahahahha:ohoho:
Casa: Congrats! Being an Aunt is so much fun. My Lia is almost 2 already! But she's still what makes me feel warm and fuzzy when I see her and even look at a picture or video of her.
Kohaku: Congrats! That is great!

I get my Yuki Live Vol 2 tomorrow (well today, in hopefully about 8 hours or so). And I am glad I am feeling better. I also get to see my family for dinner, for a girls' night so that should be fun. Plus only 4 more days until the Lindsey Stirling concert! Squee!
^I feel that way too. I need to organize otherwise I get twitchy. heh But I do like a clean room, if it's messy then I feel like I don't want to be in it.

I got the album and it's glorious so far. A few songs I don't like very much, but other than that it's been great. Also I am so thankful to have discovered Yuki and company since just listening to these songs make me happy. Oh and also going to my personal trainer makes me feel like I am getting something accomplished. Sure I am tired and a bit sore after, but if it helps in the long run I am happy. Plus I enjoy talking with her and she has a kitty.
^I wish you could just do that with most phones, like I have the LG G2, then they came out with the G3, now they have the G4! I mean, can't we just exchange out phone for the next one when it comes out? Nooo, they want to try and sell you a new contract and everything. *sigh*

I saw Lindsey Stirling in cconert (which was sold out!) in Chicago with my mm and sister, then my mom and I stayed overnight on Friday. It was so much fun. My friend Melody ended up being there too, but I did not see her. But they had cloths all around the stage and that came down from the ceiling and that were on stage that ended up being projectors. So they did some really cool stuff. The only time it was bad was when the lights were in my eyes, and a few times it was strobe like, so I just had to look down. I could still listen to the music. We got there during the 2nd opening act, so that was good. She was okay though, her band name is Karmin. But Lindsey is just too awesome. She made a mash-up of all her video game songs, Assassin's Creed, Dragon Age, Skyrim, and Zelda and called it her "Nerd Medley" lol. She had female backup dancers which were amazing. It was one of the best birthday presents ever... except for mom messing up her shoulder I would say it was a great weekend.
Also the news about Kala's single One Light is great. That means maybe a fall or Winter album! I can't wait to hear the single too of course.
Bought Studio Ghibli's "From Up on Poppy Hill" on blu-ray at our local anime store's sale. Was funny seeing what all the customers looked like.
@ Liana, I didnt purchase a new one, but the android software was updated (changed) from Android 4.4.4 Kitkat to 5.2 which is Lolipop
My brother is engaged! Yaaay! He took her (Laura) to the House on the Rock which has all different kinds of rooms. There is a Japanese one and outside is a garden. This is where she proposed and said yes! The ring looks like the one in Sailor Moon (they are big fans, I used to be). I am going to be a big sister to her, since she is 3 years younger than me! Yay! Also I got a surprise visit from my niece and bro-in-law today. She is just too cute. Love her pieces, especially now that she can say "Aun-tie!" I just die of happiness and cuteness overload. lol Today has been a good day.