Good Things that Happened to You!!!

I got Haruna Luna's new album 'Candy Lips' today.. (its even more interesting than her previous album 'OVERSKY')
and I had finish my Finals project this morning!.. *feeling exhausted, but happy! Now, All I need is some sleep :sleep:
^Cool! I want to hear it. Could you maybe upload it for me please?

I am feeling better after having some major breakdowns this past week. I felt so sick, and did not want to do anything. Today I am up already which is amazing, and listening to music again! It feels so great. I am also going shopping to get new music (Three Days Grace's new album Human and Halestorms' new one, hopefully they'll be good). But for now I am excited for Kalafina's new single, which comes out 4 days after my bday! I will probably get it that Tues. I can't wait.
I'm too old for birthday cake, but had a great lunch with my parents and grandad today. My best friend is working abroad atm, but still managed to buy me a mail-ordering a box of them to my door. :omgz::tea:
I ran my first half marathon today, I made it in 1:30:50.
My goal was to do it in under 1:40 so I'm very happy about the time.
It was very fun to run with hundreds of people around me, it will probably not be my last time doing this.
Maybe I'm gonna do a full marathon next year. :ayashii:
I had a few Kalafina songs stuck in my head during parts of the race to motivate worked. :V:
^Wow, that really is commendable, good job! I wish I could do that, but because of having Scoliosis in my back, I can't run very far.

My niece came to stay yesterday through tomorrow. It's so sad that she has to go home tomorrow already. But we had a lot of fun today. She definitely keeps me and my mom busy. Her favorite words now are "no no" and "please" but it's pronounced "plsss" so cute! And tomorrow I get to go to this Japanese centered place that has food, snacks, and a book store. It's called Mitsuwa. I am going to get a lot of Hi Chew, since I love it, and the little strawberry things. Also going with my brother and his girlfriend. Also I had an interview on Thurs at this big company in our city so I am hoping I get it. it's for a mail room type job and it's a yearly contract, but maybe I'll get hired after that. I hope. Also, got new Yuki music today so I am happy.
Lots of good things on this trip - seeing the original 8-tailed fox painting in Kyoto, seeing Chiaki Ishikawa live in Osaka, meeting Eiko Shimamiya at M3 in Tokyo, seeing Nana Mizuki (without backing band) at Nippon Budoukan, meeting another music of anime fan that I knew from twitter, lunch with the travel agent's representative in Tokyo, buying secondhand CD's in Nakano Broadway.
one exam down, one exam and one paper and one take-home exam to go

in other news, my day became a whole lot better when I found out my roommate and I got a room in the dorm we wanted! waitlists ftw. the faculty in residence is a history prof, so I'm excited about that too. here's to hoping we'll actually get out and hang out with other ppl more //hit

I'm too old for birthday cake,
no one's too old for a birthday cake :listen:
I got a message from my youngest sister to tell me that her second child is going to be a boy. I already knew she was expecting again (she announced it quite early on because it's sort of impossible for her to hide the bump...:XD:), but I now know this one will be a nephew. The whole family's pretty excited. :cheer:

This afternoon I got back from London after seeing Scandal play live last night. It's been ages since I've so much fun at a concert - I didn't know any of the songs and only really went because one of my friends was going, but they were pretty great. I'm listening to the CD I bought afterwards now. :hero:
Kuga: I envy you so much, in fact, I think you are the envy of everyone here. Chiaki, Nana and Eiko? Wow. Can you please take me with you to Japan next time? As long as there's a FJ concert I am in. (And I have money of course.)

I volunteered at the museum again tonight. I like doing it, but I kind of wish they would hire me as a receptionist. I am so tired of looking at job emails, though I did see some interesting ones today. So I hope to hear back from one of those. Also, 1 week until my birthday tomorrow. (Going to be 30 ahhh, I can't believe it.) And then on mother's day my niece and whole family are coming over to do a potluck kind of thing. Should be fun. She is so cute.
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^I got mine cut the other day.

It's my birthday today. I turned 30... but I don't feel or look it so I guess that's a plus, right?
^ Happy birthday @Liana_Ilia !

Some people I know have felt different at some age milestone, but it seems to be better to do and to enjoy what you are capable of regardless of what the count of years might imply.
Thank you both! I actually feel all right so far about being 30. heh I might have a different opinion later, but we'll see. :P
^Thank you!

I got tickets to see Lindsey Stirling again! Now that she has more music I am so excited! I am going with my mom and sister and staying overnight in a hotel in Chicago, even though my sister lives near there. heh Should be really fun. I also got gift cards, and a cat journal from my parents.
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