Good Things that Happened to You!!!

^Lol Sounds like my Aunt's cottage which I will hopefully get to go to this winter. I want to snow shoe and try skiing, even though i'll be bad at it probably. heh Won't know until I try. But that's great about yours.
After discovering that the fault with my old pc was the motherboard, was able to get a working secondhand replacement fitted for $80. Hopefully it will last a while.
^That is still a lot, hope it works.

I got to see my niece all day today and will see her again tomorrow for Thanksgiving, and have lots of turkey. heh Also might be seeing them on Sat too for the hockey game. Also just two more days hopefully for me being in pain.
That job application that's been bothering me for weeks was handed over yesterday, a day before the deadline. I'm not sure if it counts as a 'good thing happening' yet unless I get an interview, but I've done everything I can and don't need to stress over it any more. I went all the way to London and delivered it by hand to make sure too. SO RELIEVED. :imdead:
@Smoshes thanks; I hope you're right!

More good news: I picked my copy of Believe up from the post office after it got lost/delayed in the post like so many things seem to do around here. I'm now basking in the warm fuzzy glow of "it reached the top 10 and I helped." :tea:
^Awesome! And yeah, I am sure you will get an interview. I am still waiting on mine from the correctional institute. Kind of putting off any other applications, but I think I need to start again. They go at their own pace, since I turned in the background check ages ago it seems. But they still need to call for a phone interview before hiring. I wish I knew if everything was okay with the check though. (Not that it wouldn't be.)

I got to see my niece two times already this week and will get to see her again tonight. She is the sweetest and I know I talk about her a lot but she is my world. I played with her a lot on Wed and on Thanksgiving, had a wonderful meal with the family too. Only people missing were my brother and his girlfriend, but still was a good time. She is starting to pull herself over to things, so pretty soon she'll be walking on her own! She'll be 1 in January so that fits. Can't wait to eat at my favorite restaurant again tonight too and see the Badgers win this time. Also getting a lot done for Christmas but still have a lot to go. I am making a lot this year, so it's taking awhile. But I am pleased with the stuff so far. I am also getting paid for watching 2 cute dogs (not a dog person) for my cousin this week. Staying over on Monday.
I finished repairing a guitar that I'd had lying around the house for ages, and despite the fact that I HATE using soldering irons, it works perfectly now! :sparkleguy:

The Christmas shopping is halfway done now too. A game I ordered for one of my friends was delivered today (it's out over here but not in the country where she lives, for some reason) so I'll be able to send it over next week then relax a bit. :tea:
done with classes for the first semester! Now just have to finish up one project, one term paper, and take two exams, and I'm doneee
I feel much better than before, probably 90% better. Also got most of my Xmas shopping done except for my bro-in-law. Hopefully will get his on Thurs this coming week. I like shopping for others and now I am making people things like button rocks (basically buttons glued on to rocks, we have a lot cool old buttons) and paintings. So pretty pleased with my presents this year. I also found a cool kitty necklace and I get to go to the hockey game tomorrow night too.
Two days ago I've been to One Ok Rock's concert in Milan and it has been one of the best things of my whole life. They're simply amazing.
I made Daisy Cream (which is a very rich, but creamy candy that melts in your mouth and is sugary and oh so good) with my family today. It was fun doing it again since we did not last year. And even though it has to be cold out for the marble slab to cool, it was not, but it still turned out well! (It's a bit like making taffy.) Also had really good cinnamon roll pancakes. Mmm. they were good, but rich.
^Yep, congrats! Now you can relax over Christmas!

I got the train to Manchester this morning to meet up with some friends and finish the shopping. Everything's sorted for next week, plus we found a great little Japanese restaurant that does really nice katsu and tempura. Drinks were had afterwards, so even after getting home off the train I still have that warm happy glow... :@_@:

Today was a GOOD day. I'm now looking forward to some relaxing time with the family towards the end of the week. :tea:
^I also had a good day today, well, except now that I my cold is worse, I think I was yelling too much heh. I had a party with my friends and family. We played some fun games and I got How to Train Your Dragon 2 and the first Hunger Games movie, a cool magnet bracelet/necklace thing, and kitty ring holder from my cousin. And a kitty book and a scarf from my friend Sara. It was fun and I hope this week goes smoothly.

Yeah ! :sohappy:
And Best Red and Consolation will arrive soon !

I am feeling better than I was last night and this morning. My back is still bothering me a bit, but we are going to go out soon and get a new hair straightener (that I've had for years) since it just went out. Hopefully this one will be as good.
met up with some high school friends this week. It was nice seeing everyone and hearing how college is going for them. Even one of my German friends came back to visit!