Good Things that Happened to You!!!

Christmas was a fantastic family get-together with delicious food and everyone getting along. No arguments, kitchen disasters or bad weather stopping anyone visiting. It really was great fun.

The pleasant surprise came on Christmas eve when one of my sisters announced that she's now engaged! :dote: Her bf had proposed a couple of weeks ago, but they wanted to wait until they visited both sets of parents over the Christmas break to give the news face-to face. There's no date set for the wedding yet, but they've been together for a while and are really happy together.:w00t:
^Agreed. Christmas was nice for me too. Got a lot of good stuff, including Kalafina's calendar for next year and Consolation Live bluray and Yuuka's. (Slowly completing my want list of Yuki stuff heh) But I am thinking my brother and his girlfriend will get married soon. But then I will probably almost never see him. It is kind of hard now without him here. But he did come to the party we had today for my dad's side of the family. And my sister actually brought my niece too! She is just so cute. She brightens my day just looking at her pics or watching videos of her. It's especially cute now since she has a lot of teeth.

I got a couple of cool things at the party including a cool yellow bracelet and a new book light and a couple of books. I am also glad everyone liked my button rocks I have been making (just rocks with buttons on them). I also got flowers from my dad the other day since I haven't been feeling the greatest due to my back. They are really pretty. :dote:
I got a pair of pretty decent headphones for Christmas and ohh how great it is to listen to YK music with them
also, when I was watching Hanako to Anne while wearing them, during a scene with rain, when it thundered, IT SOUNDED LIKE IT WAS THUNDERING OUTSIDE THE WINDOW. It sounded so real o__o
Finished playing Pokemon X for the first time through, really enjoyed it and had a lot of fun anxious to get started on Alpha Sapphire now. And I'm having a really good ice cold Dr. Pepper :sohappy:
I went to Charming Charlie (not what I expected, but still a cool store) yesterday and got a pretty bracelet that has opal arrows and a black chain, and a gold chained necklace with an open shell with green stripes with a pearl inside it. They are both pretty.

I finally talked with my cousin tonight too! I feel a little better until the next time it happens. Also my brother came and we watched Aldnoah Zero s 2 ep 1, which wasn't too bad. And Once Upon a Time, which was good. Had a good evening actually, better than the day.
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Managed to finish an assignment on Saturday night and had 4 hours of easy paid work late Sunday afternoon / early evening.
finished my homework early and so had time to draw and add to my art journal
now going to watch more hta probably
I will get the 3rd Hanako to Anne ost tomorrow!!! I am so excited! (Even though I don't have any money right now. It was my allowance for this month. heh) I can't wait to hear the new vocal song, and all the songs! That piano one that was missed on ost 2! Ahh can it be tomorrow morning please?

Also celebrated my niece's 1st birthday on Sat. It was a fun party. She mashed cupcake in her face and got chocolate all over. It was so funny. She is just so cute and adorable and is my world and happiness. I gave her two of my kitty plushies from when I was younger, and she seemed to like them. And a kitty book. (I love cats.) It was fun. Then we went to the hockey game which they lost, but got to see my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins so it was still fun.

EDIT: I got the Hanako OST!!!!! So happy! :sohappy:It's so good so far. My Long Story almost made me cry, I am loving the 3rd song. It's a Celtic one!
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Double post, but wanted to get this thread going again. I got a new iPod touch today, since my old one's battery life is crap since I have so many songs on it, and it's getting old. I wanted the yellow, but the silver's pretty cool. I can get a yellow case for it too. I love that it has speakers too and a camera, even though my phone camera is better. Also got Neil Gaiman's new book: Trigger Warning today, 2 anime magazines, a cool journal, a new calendar, and some cool pens. :) I love shopping. Also feeling pretty good today so that's good since I am volunteering in an hour exactly. I have fun doing so and like the people at the museum.
Well seems like no one but me is posting here. I got a tweet favorited by echosmith, who is a band that I like since I mentioned them and their songs! I also had one like that with Kathy Reichs and Hannah Hart actually commented on my post of her and Grace's book. I was so happy. Also now I am listening to the ACen Kalafina playlist, and it is making me happy remembering them there. Also I went to Vegas not that long ago, and had a great time and got many cool things. They have a great anime store there finally. And I got to meet my baby cousin finally.
I attended two video game concerts this week, it was fantastic.
The orcestra and soprano were amazing. I went alone the first day but the second day I had a friend with me, he enjoyed it as well. They played the same songs on both days but I have no regrets:ohoho:, I could have gone a third time too, but there were only two concerts.
Cosplaying was allowed but I didn't see any the first day, but the second day I saw two cosplayers.
There was a boy in a uh minecraft outfit and a girl dressed as Zelda.
The girl was sitting on the row behind me...she screamed very loud right before and after they played music from Zelda...:notlistening:

The way I found out about these concerts was very random, I found out about it the day before the first concert.
I was sitting on work having lunch alone when I saw a newspaper lying on the table.
It was from a few days earlier, in the middle of the newspaper I found the ad for the concerts.
Luckily there were some tickets left but I couldn't see any empty seats during the it was a close call.:swt:
So yeah, pretty much a good week for me.:sohappy:
Got back from York late this evening because of a job interview, but it seemed to go pretty well. It was quite informal and was more of a discussion about the job and cultural stuff than the usual scary question sessions (the presentation part was nerve-racking though... :@_@:), so even if I don't get the job it was still a fun and interesting day out.
Actually feeling good today, and listening to music, I forgot how much I missed it right away in the morning. Well, it's close to noon now. heh Also my cousin, brother and his girlfriend are all coming to my recital on Sunday. I better practice a lot. heh
Happy :) Finally finished preparing my presentation on the Second Sino-Japanese War, and now I'm listening to Kalafina. I also found a hilarious book in the library.
Today's riding lesson went well. Translation: afterwards I wasn't frustrated with myself. Yay.
Yesterday I came back home after a five-days trip in Provence. Such a beautiful land.