Good Things that Happened to You!!!

^Nintendo is awesome. I hope I get a Wii U for Christmas.

I got my desk today, as I was saying "I hope it comes before I leave" out loud to myself, the guy came up the door. lol Then I made ranch chicken for dinner all by myself (not much of a cook, but will try more after this) and it turned out good! I am proud of myself. Also only 14 more days until Believe!
Today, I stopped someone who was on the verge to commit suicide. His look when he understood that his dead girlfriend would not want to see him dead was the most beautiful thing I ever seen.
We had a long discussion and he was very resigned to die. But he finally cracked and cried a lot.

Now he'll do the same thing that me : he'll look at the stars for his friend and live for her.

I'm so moved guys ! :touched:
^ Wow, I don't know how I'd do in your situation - I hope that the person you helped is getting further help.
@Daphné wow. Just, wow. That's a really amazing and important thing you did there, given how difficult the situation must've been. I hope your friend's okay now!
I've been accepted into a ten month volunteer work thing for disaster relief. I'll be heading down south again... Excited and nervous. I also have a new baby kitten. XD
^Sooo lucky, the kitten I mean. I want one so badly, but parents won't allow it unless I move out, which requires money.

Congrats casa! I hope I get this job for the file clerk at the correctional institute. There's actually another position too that I am going for, but I am not sure what it is. I think it's something Admin Assistant like otherwise she wouldn't have told me about it.

I got my desk completed, so today I am going start crafting hopefully. I am going to be painting rocks and trying paper craft. Also I did well at my recital on Sunday and went to the hockey game with my niece and family on Sat. She got sooo tired at the game, but stayed awake almost all the time. She was so good, a little fussy at the restaurant, but not bad. Our team, the Badgers, lost, but it was still fun. My niece is just so cute, and she warms my heart.
I just got back from London after going to the Perfume concert last night. Holy hell, it was AMAZING. :touched: If any of you here are fans and get the chance to see them live, you'd really, really be doing yourself a favour by going. The songs sound fantastic in a live venue (in this one they did, at least!) and the visual effects are something else. The girls seemed to be having loads of fun, and the crowd nearly sold out the place.

I've been so lucky for live music shows this year...:hero:
^They are okay, a little too "techno" for me, but some of their songs are good.

I got some of my art stuff done I wanted to do today, which is making Christmas presents this year. I am starting rock painting, and paper craft. I am making dad a stone/paper version of our fish tank, I hope it turns out well. I also drew something really amazing. I am very proud of it so far, and it's for my mom. She loves angels and it's an angel but on big paper, which usually I can't do. I am psyched.

I HAVE GRADUATEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
Congrats Casa!

My brother came today and we played Smash Bros for a bit and watched Once Upon a Time. He is coming on Sunday as well. Also I can't believe still that I got a comment from Hannah Hart! She is a youtuber that is famous for My Drunk Kitchen, and it's awesome. I posted that I got her book next to Grace's and she commented "Enjoy!" Ahhh now I want to hear from Grace, and of course Yuki and the girls, I just thought it was awesome. Also parents are coming back tomorrow so I can sleep well again, well, better anyways.
Congratulations Casarina!

A great Kalafina performance today at Animax Musix 2014 in Yokohama arena and lots of friendliness around.
Kuga: That crowd looked nuts! (Not nuts like crazy, but just crowded heh) I don't think I could have handled that many people (not a crowd person at all) But that's awesome you got to go. I would like to one of these times, if I ever go to Japan. My sister still thinks I should teach there, yeah, because I love kids so much. heh

Doesn't feel too bad yet, going off some meds to try a new one for my back, which will hopefully help more, since it I stronger, but that's what I am anxious about. And this week, that I won't be able to survive it. Also listening to lapis again, it's just so pretty. I want to hear it live! I am sure in every nothing will be a hard one live, but it's growing on me, finally. It was in my head yesterday. Just not that pleased with it, except for Konno's part, if someone could just take his part out, that would be awesome, (I mean to play by itself.)
so my parents bought a house in the mountains that they'll retire in eventually and the scenery around it is simply gorgeous. Can't wait to see how it looks in the spring when there is actually foliage. But the porch looks out upon a stream and through the trees you can see a pretty tall peak. The house is really homey too : )