wow !
I thought yuki composed her musics using her feeling trying to imagine a sound that good to hear
well, what i like fom yuki's song is because i feel yuki put more emotion to her song compared to other mainstream musics who dont
Emotions play a big big big part in music composition.
U can compose a song without any emotion in it... Beethoven is an example of a composer who normally composes his song based on composition techniques like (Repetition, sequences etc etc) and also planning the chord progression out first before writing the melody, however such pieces tend to be very very technical (i'm not saying they don't sound nice) and tend to be very detailed, very complex with alot of stuff in it. Maybe u wanna youtube Beethoven Symphony no.9
In my opinion, a song composed with emotions is clearer in its message?
For example, "I reach for the the sun" by Yuki Kajiura, i think this is wonderful song as the melody itself already tells u a synopsis of the entire song, moreover with the meaningful lyrics, its such pure wonder
I do it instinctively, lol.
Probably why my compositions are awful, eh?
Nah, i always think my composition suck like crap, but when i let my classmates and friends listen to it, they all think its great.
Let someone listen to it ^^ you will never know

And also, i compose instinctively, and often based on emotions and the chord progressions are random...but i apply composition techniques when i feel my pieces are too short or lack of some "punch". Yuki~sama obviously ran out of ideas and applied techniques for Stone Cold, where she had Kaori sing the extra verse during the bridge.