[Album] Winter Acoustic “Kalafina with Strings”

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Agreed, @supermouse. It lacks an acoustic STUDIO RECORDING feeling. I was expecting more overlapping background vocals, especially for the bridge that requires more than 3 vocalists to hit all the harmonies.

Also, agree with @grunty and @ritardando about the tense atmosphere. It was toxic... KEIKO sounds so anxious at her solo... To me it sounds like they recorded it from start to end once, all three at the same time, and that was it.
Yes, I agree on that point about recording the song once from beginning to end without any re-take/re-recording. I've gotten that feeling ever since Mahiru though. We've seen from their blogpost how they entered the recording booth one by one so they weren't recording at the same time but the song does sound like they're singing together, trying to recreate the "live" atmosphere.

Now that I'm listening to it again to refresh my memory, the middle part starting from "mukidashi no hontou ga..." until "sprinter!" is really messy. Nothing is softer than the other, they're all loud. Hikaru, Keiko, the strings, Wakana's kajiurago...my ears couldn't take it. It's as if they didn't do any effort mixing, just throwing the vocals together along with the strings and piano. The best sprinter is still the studio version and the best live version is the one from LisAni 2010.

Forgive me for being a killjoy but I myself do miss the time when I can say something good about Kalafina (and Kajiura) in general.
Forgive me for being a killjoy but I myself do miss the time when I can say something good about Kalafina (and Kajiura) in general.

When even was the last time? 1993? 1995 maybe?

Anyway, sounds pretty decent to me, but I agree about the part with Wakana's Kajiurago sounding a little messy. I mean, Sprinter's always sounded messy, even in the studio version, but it's a different kind of messy. It's not enough to break it for me, just distracting.

The arrangement sounds pretty similar to the one in the 5th Anni Live to me, albeit not quite the same. I adore that performance (might actually be the best Sprinter for me) so that's in no way a bad thing.

I also agree about it sounding like a live performance even though it isn't. I don't know why they didn't just do a recording of one of the Christmas lives in that case, like they did with the 8th Anni release.
I can complain all I want, but at the end of the day, I'm still preordering it inevitably, and I'm still gonna have it looping on repeat while I cook.

However I would have appreciated it if it sounded like they put more time and effort into the production. :/
I'll listen the hell out of it naturally, even if I'm critical. That's just how I am. Problem is no matter how much the girls improve their singing, it'll still sound like shit if it's produced badly. If it's true that they're rushing to record things in a couple takes or less than that's also an issue. Whether that's because of Kajiura or Sony I don't know (although I'd be inclined to believe it's the latter) but it's annoying nonetheless.
I really like the version and appreciate that it's not a carbon copy of the 5th anni concert. Hikaru does sound a lot different than that concert though, and it doesn't fit with it as much as it did. Keiko did sound a bit weird but I like it, it sounds a bit more like how she did a few years ago. I'm looking forward to the release, since this preview as it is was pretty good imo.
Saying hello to Alleluia piano ver and hoping Kajiura didn't do to it what she did to Kimi ga Hikari ni Kaete Iku.
lol @Seasonreaper :XD:

@Kowz: maybe what YuiMakino said is making the song a Wakana solo song, just like Kimi ga Hikari ni Kaete iku (re:oblivious). I'll never forgive Kajiura if she really did that.
@Kowz: maybe what YuiMakino said is making the song a Wakana solo song, just like Kimi ga Hikari ni Kaete iku (re:oblivious). I'll never forgive Kajiura if she really did that.

He/she must be meaning that. It would be a TERRIBLE thing to do. Would not be surprised, though. But I'd hate it. (I mean, I love Wakana and Kimi ga piano ver. is lovely, but c'mon...)
Kimi ga works well as a Wakana song, but I really can't see Alleluia working at all as anything other than a Keiko song. I'd hope that Kajiura wouldn't screw with it like that, but I'm not wholly convinced.
Kimi ga works well as a Wakana song, but I really can't see Alleluia working at all as anything other than a Keiko song. I'd hope that Kajiura wouldn't screw with it like that, but I'm not wholly convinced.
Did I miss something? What changed about Kimi ga hikari ni kaete iku? I don't remember anything changing
Did I miss something? What changed about Kimi ga hikari ni kaete iku? I don't remember anything changing

In the Re/Oblivious mini album, Kimi ga was totally screwed with so that Wakana basically sung the entire thing. I don't dislike it, but Keiko's voice fits that song sooooo much better.
In the Re/Oblivious mini album, Kimi ga was totally screwed with so that Wakana basically sung the entire thing. I don't dislike it, but Keiko's voice fits that song sooooo much better.

I actually disagree, I prefer Wakana's voice for Kimi ga. There's something about the fragility of her voice that just works for that song. Keiko's version is still lovely, though.
I disagree. while Wakana's voice was lovely on the chorus, there's this gentleness and "lulling" effect in the way Keiko sang the opening lines that wasn't captured in Wakana's voice. I think Kimi ga Hikari acoustic in re:oblivious was the demo version of Kimi ga Hikari with minimum edit because iirc Wakana's voice wavered way too much in that version.

To ease people's mind here, Kajiura said that she wrote Alleluia with Keiko's voice in mind so I say she wouldn't change it. Though...if she really changed it into a Wakana solo song I would send so many curses to her via twitter lol. But if she changes it into a Keiko solo song I wouldn't mind lol (what a very biased opinion)
I actually disagree, I prefer Wakana's voice for Kimi ga. There's something about the fragility of her voice that just works for that song. Keiko's version is still lovely, though.
Yeah, fair enough. I just don't like how abruptly Wakana's version starts, the slow piano buildup in the beginning of the original is one of my favorite things about the song.
  • 2016/10/21 12:00
Kalafina ニューアルバム『Winter Acoustic “Kalafina with Strings”』発売記念イベント開催決定!!

Kalafinaニューアルバム『Winter Acoustic “Kalafina with Strings”』のリリースを記念して発売記念イベントが決定致しました!!

■日時:2016年11月19日(土) 14:00~
■会場:ゲートシティ大崎 アトリウム(地下1階)
■内容:ミニライブ+特典引換え<『Winter Acoustic “Kalafina with Strings”』サインデータ入りスペシャルポスター>

2016年11月16日(水)リリース Kalafina『Winter Acoustic “Kalafina with Strings”
通常盤 : SECL-2000 ¥3,000+

イベント参加券を当日お持ちの方には、ミニライブ終了後、スタッフより<『Winter Acoustic “Kalafina with Strings”』サインデータ入りスペシャルポスター>を差し上げます。
※ミニライブ後、特典となる「『Winter Acoustic “Kalafina with Strings”』サインデータ入りスペシャルポスター」はスタッフよりお渡しとなります。特典引き換え時はKalafina本人の出演はございません。

【ゲートシティ大崎 優先観覧エリアについて】
優先観覧エリアへ入場希望の方は、イベント当日、午前9:00より11月16日発売 Kalafina『Winter Acoustic “Kalafina with Strings”』(通常盤(SECL-2000))のCDを、当日のCD即売所にてご購入いただいた方を対象に、「整理番号入り優先観覧エリア入場券」の配布を抽選方式にて行い、優先スペースへの入場者を決定致します。
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■優先観覧エリア入場券抽選日時:2015年11月19日(土) 9:00~

※「整理番号入り優先観覧エリア入場券」はイベント当日、対象商品(11月16日発売Kalafina『Winter Acoustic “Kalafina with Strings”』(SECL-2000)をご購入いただいた方にお配りする「優先観覧エリア抽選券」をお持ちの方を対象に抽選配布となります。

※問合わせ先:ゲートシティ大崎イベント事務局 03-3287-1500

■日時:2016年11月20日(日) 14:00~
■会場:阪急西宮ガーデンズ 4F スカイガーデン・木の葉のステージ
■内容:ミニライブ+特典引換え<『Winter Acoustic “Kalafina with Strings”』サインデータ入りスペシャルポスター>
(HMV阪急西宮ガーデンズ、HMV三宮、HMV京都カナート洛北、HMVイオンモール伊丹、HMVグランフロント大阪、HMVららぽーと和泉、HMV SPOTあべのキューズモール)

2016年11月16日(水)リリース Kalafina『Winter Acoustic “Kalafina with Strings”』
通常盤 : SECL-2000 ¥3,000+税

ご予約者優先で上記対象店舗、又はイベント当日のCD即売場にて、上記対象商品をお買い上げの方に先着で、イベント参加券を差し上げます。イベント参加券を当日ご持参いただいた方には、ミニライブ終了後、スタッフより<『Winter Acoustic “Kalafina with Strings”』サインデータ入りスペシャルポスター>を差し上げます。
※ミニライブ後、特典となる<『Winter Acoustic “Kalafina with Strings”』サインデータ入りスペシャルポスター>はスタッフよりお渡しとなります。特典引き換え時はKalafina本人の出演はございません。

当日のCD即売は、午前10:00から4F スカイガーデンにて即売所を設けて行います。

★優先エリア入場券配布日時:2016年11月20日(日) 10:00~
★配布場所:阪急西宮ガーデンズ 4F スカイガーデン
※イベント当日、イベント参加券・優先観覧エリア入場券をお求めで4F スカイガーデンにお越しになる際には、阪急西宮ガーデンズ2Fメインエントランス出入口(阪急西宮北口駅方面)から、そのまま正面のエスカレーターを使って4Fまでお越しください。整列場所へは係員がご案内致します。

問合わせ先:㈱ソニー・ミュージックマーケティング 大阪オフィス 06-4795-8500(平日のみ:10:00~17:00)

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Just listened to the sprinter track. While I can appreciate the arrangement, I dislike how it's in the same tempo as the original. I much, much prefer the 5th anni version since it's slower and the way the girls sang it gave the song a completely different mood. This time, the girls just sang it like how they would a regular sprinter live but instead of a band, it's strings.

Also, Hikaru's cutting of her lines is not something I really like. It's too abrupt and sounds unpolished. And then she sings the full "inai"? At least make it consistent. The strings when during the "sprinter" line was great though. But basically, 5th anni > this one.
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