Yuki Kajiura to compose for Zaregoto OVA

im betting its a separate one. It played standalone from the "fast" version in all the times it was used (i think 3?) but you can never know we already were fooled by "shadows and fog" on pripri

Ah. Very perfectly simple name for it, "reconstructing a full picture", considering the specific instances it was played for.

Unrelated, but this also confirmed for me that "old-fashioned fairy tale" is indeed 4-part harmony. I could never hear it properly because Hikaru's two parts are super-blended to eachother, even though it's Keiko's Marchen part. I just knew something was a little too different from Marchen in comparison.
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I am kinda sad that "old-fashioned fairytale" is kinda short. I hoped that it would be longer for about 3min or over that time. I really miss the old times when Kajiurago songs were lengthy such as "inca rose" or "saints". This one track from Zaregoto is really good.
I am kinda sad that "old-fashioned fairytale" is kinda short. I hoped that it would be longer for about 3min or over that time. I really miss the old times when Kajiurago songs were lengthy such as "inca rose" or "saints". This one track from Zaregoto is really good.

SO TRUE. Especially because it was looped about 1.5 times in the show and so I was like, "Oh it's actually gonna be long! :sohappy:"
Sorry to double-post, but I had a very interesting series of dreams last night and it included a performance of "reconstructing a full picture" to open a FictionJunction performance (this was a joint FJ/Yuuka event in one concert).

The parts included from high to low - Wakana, Yuuka, Hikaru, Keiko, and the echo was Miss Kaida. (No, I don't know where Kaori was, and I was very surprised upon waking up and thinking back.) I was also surprised at this order as, had I been awake with a vision like this, I'd have done Miss Kaida, Wakana, Hikaru, Keiko; Yuuka. However, Yuuka and Hikaru's nasal potential is on par with eachother I'm sure, so.

Everyone was scattered on a completely dark multileveled stage with a spotlight specifically assigned to highlight them when they sang and immediately cut off. During the "sontilia deta, ilfio--" part you can hear in the sample, everyone starts ominously walking on beat (I mean half-speed, beat 1 and 3) across the stage (akin to the live 2016 Tsuioku performances if you remember which I'm talking about, I'm not good w/ specific concert names).

Their dress was very neo-Gothic-Aristocrat, countering their usual simplified lolita and femme-dandy-inspired (this depends on which singer we're talking about) FJ wear, though Hikaru was in harem pants laced across the front and a regular-sized crooked tophat, which I enjoyed. The colors were very Marchen-esque (black, white, beige, little gold, not unusual).
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I just finished Ep 8... I'm still a little confused. Is this truly the end? It did not seem like an ending, or at least it felt rushed. I thought Aikawa was supposed to go to the island with him? *sigh* There are novels right? But what I could hear of the music I really like. Especially when she starts to drive really recklessly. lol Yay for track samples! I will have to listen to them all tomorrow, but like what I'm hearing. I will have to wait to get this one though, since Kalafina BD next month will pretty much break my bank account. heh

I will have to listen to the Kajiurago ver of Marchen in it's full... but am I the only one who doesn't care for it now that I've heard Marchen? I know we heard the other one first, but still. But that's cool having it be a 4 part song. Interesting. I am wondering why she didn't have another artist do it, like Remi? Anyways, looking forward to the coming week!
^ Yes this OVA covers part of the first volume only so you cant possibly expect an ending ;) Just wish they announce a TV anime soon,

I think that Marchen is japanese ver of old fashioned fairytale and not the other way around :)
i personally enjoy both!
Zaregoto is sort of like harry potter in the sense that each book is basically its own contained story that adds to an overall narrative.

This ova covered the whole first volume, but there are 5 more story arcs left in the series.
I will have to listen to the Kajiurago ver of Marchen in it's full... but am I the only one who doesn't care for it now that I've heard Marchen? I know we heard the other one first, but still. But that's cool having it be a 4 part song. Interesting. I am wondering why she didn't have another artist do it, like Remi? Anyways, looking forward to the coming week!

I also think that the melody was made for the intent of old-fashioned fairytale first and then Märchen was made. I just assumed it from the beginning because to me, that's how it comes off. To hear, per se, Credens and Mirai, no matter which one came first, reads the complete opposite. To me.
Yeah, I was just saying that I might prefer Marchen better. I do like the Kajiurago version, still. I have to hear it in full though. It reminds me of a Neo Ranga song. hehe
^ dont be so impatient, it will eventually pop. OVA releases arent so mainstream and with the release schedule they had i bet people almost forgot the BDs even come out, so having late OST is no surprise to me.

2017/10/26 16:00
『クビキリサイクル 青色サヴァンと戯言遣い』のサウンドコレクション発売! 完成打ち上げパーティーでの作曲家・梶浦由記さんのコメントが到着
作曲家でプロデューサーの梶浦由記さんが音楽を手掛けた『劇場版 Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel] I.presage flower』(10月14日公開)が、ハリウッドの超大作『猿の惑星:聖戦記(グレート・ウォー)』をおさえて映画動員ランキング初登場1位を飾り、映画界に衝撃が走りました。

そんな梶浦さんが音楽を担当したOVA作品『クビキリサイクル 青色サヴァンと戯言遣い』のサウンドコレクションが発売。先日都内で行われた本作OVA全8巻の「完成打ち上げパーティー」では原作の西尾維新氏をはじめ新房総監督など、この作品に携わったスタッフ・キャスト約100名が一同に会しました。



【梶浦由記さん コメント】


【アニメイトオンライン】【サウンドトラック】OVA クビキリサイクル 青色サヴァンと戯言遣い Sound Collection



2004年より個人プロジェクト『FictionJunction』の活動を開始。「Yuki Kajiura LIVE」と称したライブも精力的に行い、現在vol.#13まで開催。


また、ヴォーカル・ユニット『Kalafina』を全面的にプロデュース。リリースした5作のオリジナルアルバムと2枚のBestアルバム全てをTop 10入りさせるなど、世界中にその名を轟かす。
