Yuki Kajiura to compose for Zaregoto OVA

Taking away their individual credit when they received it in the OST feels... questionable to me. :p But it's not my site...

PS. Fate/Zero OST lists KEIKO and KAORI individually too so...
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PS. Fate/Zero OST lists KEIKO and KAORI individually too so...
I think the difference there is that that's not all of FJ, just Kaori and Keiko (Unless Wakana and Yuriko Kaida are in the songs as well, idk; haven't seen the booklet)
Eh. Not my site. Maybe it should say Kalafina. Might as well change every appearence of the FMB members to just FMB. /care
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Taking away their individual credit when they received it in the OST feels... questionable to me. :p But it's not my site...

Didnt take it away, they are in brackets :)

We dont have the 3rd disc credits for FZ yet.

FMB arenr a group, they are just working for that band, as seen by cases where they are replaced by other musicians in some lives or recordings :)
Also regarding the FZ ost credits, remember its a release by Sony, they cant put FictionJunction in it. But with Kalafina that was possible :)
I believe it's really just your choice.

Kalafina is listed under Marchen, not under the soundtrack part. (Maybe it should be there and it's just a mistake instead of putting "Kalafina is W, K, H" but unless they clear it up "officialy" - they are credited individually in the OST musicians list.)

You adding it to the site there is your choice. That's all it is.

And that's all I think.

If you use Kalafina then on Fate/Zero there clearly must be a reason why Yuriko is listed in a different spot than on OST2! On OST2 she was credited before Hanae, on Disc3 with the other 3 FJ girls AFTER Hanae. Not to mention it's listing WAKANA and KEIKO instead of Wakana and Keiko. Sarcasm much. inb4 you're correct and my sarcasm is true as well.
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so I just realized I hadn't kept up with this OST and had essentially forgotten Kajiura wrote more music for zaregoto than just marchen (I'm very behind on Kajiura's recent works, actually). but after skimming through everyone's thoughts, I'm tempted to go ahead and buy the soundtrack. I can't remember the last time I read a thread with such positive reviews, especially from @wat11 & @grunty
I can't remember the last time I read a thread with such positive reviews, especially from @wat11 & @grunty
Probably because I didn't find her OSTs as fresh as the first disc on Zaregoto in that long dududu...

PS. @aki, TBH you only have to listen to the first track on the OST to know if you'll like the thing.
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@aki Princess Principal also has very good tracks too. and that's it really from Kajiura these days. I think she's resting a bit. I mean, hopefully.
It's been a while...

What's that hikari where I can find the ost? Seems you don't put the onions anymore :cry:
Blu-ray announced on CD Japan:
(2 discs, 18000 yen)

クビキリサイクル 青色サヴァンと戯言遣い Blu-ray Disc BOX [完全生産限定版] / アニメ​

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