My Review :)
Disc 1:
let him tell his story: really good start with dark tones but also hopeful piano, exactly how the show is like.
old fashioned fairytale: I expected more than 2x vocals and 3x bridge string. But it has a very fresh touch to it that i love.
pessimistically: disturbing that it has exact same begining as track #1, just usual cello other than that
he shows some interest- some doubts: boring tracks
he shows he is a bit puzzled: that beginning sfx reminds me of madlax ost for some reason. Would be nice if this had some guitar solo as bridge
a kind of friendship: really sweet and reminds of warm friend or family feelings.
he feels empty: truly and...empty track lol
deep in his heart: nice strings, the piano does add something that makes it more interesting, i love how the music gets more intense later and the piano is sweet near the end .Aparenly his heart is less empty than what he feels :D
twisted mind: this track reminds me of K's soundtrack in style. Nice how the percussion thing gets more intense later.
she's a scholar: lovely violin and piano background too. Its nice to see the roles of the 2 instruments to get reversed for a change :)
optimistically: One of my most awaited tracks, gorgeous piano, good strings, cool percussions!! Strings get better on the end part :D
she's a fortuneteller: I love how the sfx is in synch with the flute, which's melody is very sweet. Love the strings and the percussions too!
sudden fear: probably a Fate Zero leftover lol, i like how its building a beat later on, its unusual combo with the cello.
a courtesy of talk: This sounds like something that could be in a movie ost of hers. Liking the piano fast part.
she's a painter: Also a very nice track, reminds of Achilles to Kame / Velveteen rabbit in style but it sure is sweet ^_^
a logical talk: This is the one i said that is from knk in one part of the melody. But its good for what it is :) Nice cello!
a metaphical: I dont get why the logicall is sad and this one is happy hehe :) love how it combines the theme melody with some aetherial sfxs
a momentary exchange: Oh this is so sweet and nature-y I dont think we've had ac.guitar with lead role in an ost since sao's 4th disc. love the watery and airy sfx

this would perfectly match satoyama.
a composition of opposition: Oh its the indian/middle eastern track. Love the citar and the clarinet, the combo with the high tech sfx is really interesting.
first thing a detective does: slower ver of the theme melody, love the violin even more here <3
a presentation of mystery: could be so interesting with some intense percussion but instead its just a boring sfx track with bits of melody :(
reconstruction of a full picture: This is basically the same as the old fashioned but with reverb, slower pace and instruments replaced by sfx, could be a great pandora hearts extended if prolonged.
one more mystery: oh this is the track with copied melody from one of the sao tracks, but seems to have more worked strings.
Disc 2
now he talks again: theme melody again. Somehow this filtered cello remind my of a a bees buzz

its nice how it seems to be a medley of the disc 1 beginning tracks, this way we wont have to listen to the boring sfx ones. Later on part 2 it has lovely cello.
daily life returning to normal: Oh man, their daily life must be very boring if its like that lol
she's the strongest: just so good
she solves by herself: male synched vocals! This should have been medley with "she's the strongest" like it was in the episode. Then it would be the epicest track
LOVE these strings <3 Pretty sure she hasnt composed more complex strings since KnK.
she answers to him: logically slow track for vocals to be heard, but boring in standalone listening
she explains for the happy ending: I love the later part just so hopeful :)) she could replace Sato with this kind of synched drums, it sounds better.
he told his story: main melody just like it appeared across the OST, really like how the sfx are replaced by strings near the end
marchen: really nice for the end :D Tip: after watching the episode, if you did, read again the song's lyrics, they made perfect sense!
skipped the OP as i dont care for a ClariS-y song.
Overall, if you except the few sfx-only tracks, this OST is great, and the piano and string were mind-blowing on lots of part, and especially that piano speed was phenomental, we usually get 1 track per OST like that and now got half soundtrack and im sucker for fast piano ! ^_^ and loved the melodies, especially the main theme and she's the strongest and she solves by herself.