^Thanks Liana :)
I've been doing a Hanako marathon since last week, and I caught up to ep 100

This series is much better than I first expected it, and it keeps getting better. Honestly, this is the 1st time I didn't drop a long dorama series. The plot twists are interesting, the music's so good, and also, I really like Hanako

Her personality's interesting, and I can relate a lot to her cuz she was kinda like me at one point (ofc, she's a greatly improved version

Unlike her, I suck at too many things). Aside from that, the series has a bit
too much love for my taste, but well, it's not like I didn't expect such a thing in there, plus the scenes here didn't annoy me like in some other doramas. There're still some characters and situation I couldn't relate to, but that might change as I continue watching~
"Yes, I think she said something about Hana's father cheating on her mother or something like that. She made him out to be a womanizer when he was in Tokyo. Which he really was not." (Liana)
Sr, I tried to quote yr post, but somehow it didn't work. Must be my Internet
Eh? I thought that was done by a different woman? Utaga-sensei (or whatever her name is) seems to be a bit older than Hanako, so I don't think she could hook up with her dad. Still, there's a chance my memory's messed up b/c I watched too many eps at once

Abt the scene with her and Daigo-san, I think Daigo-san was asking her if she knew anything abt Renko-san (she wanted to do something to help her friends). I'm not sure, though.
Not related, but for those needing to download the eps, here's a link:
http://raredoramas.info/page/hanako-to-anne-花子とアン-2014 (credits to
@wat11 for finding this

There's also a torrent link
http://www.yyets.com/resource/31969, but it upload stuffs slowly.