Yuki Kajiura to compose for "Hanako to Anne" TV drama

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Just out of curiosity, how are the ratings for this series over in japan? Has reception been positive?
^No, I think it's been used before, but the one at the end is a longer version of a song that played earlier. I am glad everything seemed to work out. Hopefully Renko is all right and it's not serious with the pregnancy issue.

sora: was wondering the same thing actually.
Um, could anyone download and link ep 87 and 100 to me? :bow: I couldn't download/watch them for unknown reasons.
sora: that's the sensei (or writer) that writes for the publishing place that Hana worked at. I do not like her at all. Her hair is really weird when she started doing it that way. But now she is going to help Daigo I guess. With what, I am not sure. I think she wants to be a writer like Hana. We shall see.
sora: that's the sensei (or writer) that writes for the publishing place that Hana worked at. I do not like her at all. Her hair is really weird when she started doing it that way. But now she is going to help Daigo I guess. With what, I am not sure. I think she wants to be a writer like Hana. We shall see.
Ah, I figured she was a writer of some sort. I might be remembering wrong but didn;t she have something to do with a fight between hana's parents?
Yes, I think she said something about Hana's father cheating on her mother or something like that. She made him out to be a womanizer when he was in Tokyo. Which he really was not. I really don't like that sensei. I groan every time I see her. But no episode 102 yet?
^Thanks wormie, and welcome back!

Just watched 102, wow. There's a lot of drama in this episode. heh Not sure if the song after the theme is new or not, but it sounded like it. It's strings I think. A lot of use out of the bagpipe songs. I thought Hana's Aunt was going to turn around to have all the rings on too or something, not just the tiara. lol Why does he always try and bring her back with money first when it did not work the first time? Oy.
^Thanks Liana :)
I've been doing a Hanako marathon since last week, and I caught up to ep 100 :w00t:
This series is much better than I first expected it, and it keeps getting better. Honestly, this is the 1st time I didn't drop a long dorama series. The plot twists are interesting, the music's so good, and also, I really like Hanako :dote: Her personality's interesting, and I can relate a lot to her cuz she was kinda like me at one point (ofc, she's a greatly improved version :XD: Unlike her, I suck at too many things). Aside from that, the series has a bit too much love for my taste, but well, it's not like I didn't expect such a thing in there, plus the scenes here didn't annoy me like in some other doramas. There're still some characters and situation I couldn't relate to, but that might change as I continue watching~

"Yes, I think she said something about Hana's father cheating on her mother or something like that. She made him out to be a womanizer when he was in Tokyo. Which he really was not." (Liana)
Sr, I tried to quote yr post, but somehow it didn't work. Must be my Internet
Eh? I thought that was done by a different woman? Utaga-sensei (or whatever her name is) seems to be a bit older than Hanako, so I don't think she could hook up with her dad. Still, there's a chance my memory's messed up b/c I watched too many eps at once :XD:
Abt the scene with her and Daigo-san, I think Daigo-san was asking her if she knew anything abt Renko-san (she wanted to do something to help her friends). I'm not sure, though.

Not related, but for those needing to download the eps, here's a link: http://raredoramas.info/page/hanako-to-anne-花子とアン-2014 (credits to @wat11 for finding this :bow:)
There's also a torrent link http://www.yyets.com/resource/31969, but it upload stuffs slowly.
105: http://video.fc2.com/en/content/20140730rFvReF3U/

-Oboe+strings piece at the beginning. That's new, right?
-2:49: strings+flute. Sounds fancy.
-11:09: piano+oboe+strings.
I liked the piece the quartet was playing. Does anyone know the name?

Also, considering there's already enough material for the second soundtrack, and the show still has like 45 episodes left, I think there's a high chance they're releasing a third soundtrack.
Yessss! Another soundtrack! I come back from my mini vacation to find this. Ahhh happy.

Worm: Yeah, that's what I meant about her father. (And it's Hana remember, although now she's starting to like being called Hanako. lol) That it was someone else. But then that sensei wrapped her arm around him and I remember Hana's mom getting mad. But was it really not true? Since she ended up forgiving him and all, and it looked like he was trying to explain it wasn't true before she threw him out. Anyways... I need to catch up, but only on a few episodes. Going to try and do that now before the power goes out, though I hope it doesn't.

Just caught up. lol at the end of 105. Poor guy. (He reminded me so much of my brother, trying so hard to get the girl he likes, and dressing up to do it and everything. lol) I do think he's cute and that Eiji and him do not look very much alike. Eiji has big ears and I think they picked the right kid. (Though was it just me or did that kid seem like a little girl, rather than a boy? Could have just been the outfit.) Loved all the music, and that song the quartet played too, do not know the name though.
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there's also a longer strings section of a used track at 04:55 although there is actually additional piano part to it.

yes, the track at the beginning is new, there's also drums which makes it quite interesting, a part of is like a march yet it's not.

i don't know the string quartet piece. it sounds like a melody used in Charlie Chaplin films :)

there really could be a third soundtrack. especially if they go into WW2, apart from one war track there's no war-like music. will they cover WW2, does anyone know?
This was a fun episode but it's getting harder to understand everything that's going on without subs. The new music is really lovely, but I feel like these newer pieces lean a little heavier on the strings than I'd like. I love them and all but I loved the instrumental diversity in the first soundtrack. That being said, I am very behind on the show so I haven't heard all the new pieces.
yes i think so too, there's too much strings about. they're really good but accordion, pipes, oud, bouzouki and dulcimer were quite something. personally, i really like the use of brass and flute in the songs and looking forward to them. let's see how the whole thing develops.