Yuki Kajiura Birthday Project 2012


murrue02 said:
I think I got an idea on which Philippine dish I would like to suggest, but it would be real troublesome for Yuki to look for ingredients, unless there's someone who sells Filipino goods there.

You can turn it into a suggestion of a dish for her to try out if she visits the Philippines!
Re: Re:

Special_K said:
You can turn it into a suggestion of a dish for her to try out if she visits the Philippines!
Ohh good idea! I might send her ingredients too. (just kidding) :rain:
^Maybe for one article it can be like our introduction page where each member gives how they were introduced to Kajiura and her music. I am not sure what the others could be, although I know some want recipes in there.
mmm interesting thing *____*

Special_K said:
[*]Short articles like individual recipes, reviews of restaurants in certain key cities, food reviews, health/wellness tips (about 40 to 50 individual articles, one per member. About 2 pages)

wait a bit:
1. I though we had agreed that the magazine would have articles about only food from each country, not ", reviews of restaurants in certain key cities, health/wellness tips " ) although I kinda agree with restaurant reviews, even thought these are some kind of "ads", health/wellness tips are not necessary imo because i) we're not special on it, ii) people are going to say various stuff we are not sure they are working. Better stick onlu with food.
2. In which magical way 40 and 50 articles will fit in 2 pages, or our magazine size will be the one of a wallpaper ? :XD:
2 pages each, George! :XD:

Yes, tsuba, the image sizes for print are never meant to be web-friendly. PNG should be alright as long as they are not heavily compressed.
Oh about the content:

We'll try to keep everything food and drink related. The "wellness and health" bits can still be tied in somewhat, if we can establish the link back to YK and the FJ/Kala people (for relevancy).
For the resolution you're asking for, would it not be better to send you the pictures in RAW format ?

I am not quite sure because I am very very very busy this time :uh..: but I will try to propose one or two recipies. I'd be glad to participate. Unfortunately, I am not good enough in japanese to write an article in that language, sorry >_<.

FxMacCobra said:
For the resolution you're asking for, would it not be better to send you the pictures in RAW format ?

I am not quite sure because I am very very very busy this time :uh..: but I will try to propose one or two recipies. I'd be glad to participate. Unfortunately, I am not good enough in japanese to write an article in that language, sorry >_<.

Like what George has mentioned, English is still going to be our primary language for the project. So, no worries there.

RAW format is not exactly encouraged because the editors may not have the necessary viewers or the image processors to read certain brand-specific RAW formats (like NEF and ORF).

However, the common/open lossless extensions such as TIFF, GIF and PNG are encouraged. Lossy JPEG is also acceptable provided that the least amount of data compression is used (straight from camera) and the image itself is large to compensate for the data loss during post-production.
So we can still submit a recipe and a short explanation right? I think I will do that as I have no other ideas. (And for my other one that is okay for the 50th, I think it would be more meaningful then as well) Although I am pretty sure it will just be one of my favorite ones since I am from the US and although part German, we don't make any German dishes. lol If that is okay, and I will probably submit a pic too. :dote:
^ Liana, you might want to consider submitting your recipe under one of the "general" short articles (with a few pretty, well-taken images), the method and about a few short paragraphs explaining the dish. Try to have at least one page worth of content but not more than 2.
^ 2 pages is ok for now (considering we get about 25 participants), however if we end up opening it further than the forum, and get about 50, 2 pages will be too much since the magazine is going to have about 100 pages :uh..: Lets not make the magazine too big, because otherwise it will take some weeks for Yuki to read it (and might she even forget to thank us) and its going to be too costy too. Imo the articles shouldnt be more than 1 page (photos included) each, after all we are not going to tell our life stories :XD:

george1234 said:
^ 2 pages is ok for now (considering we get about 25 participants), however if we end up opening it further than the forum, and get about 50, 2 pages will be too much since the magazine is going to have about 100 pages :uh..:

That is alright. I would rather have a few extra than to have too little to work with.
Hmm....having done such projects myself, I think the sizing is alright as long as we keep under 150 pages. (most of the others I've had the pleasure of doing were typically about 300~500 pages)

I think as far as credits are concerned, the beauty of a magazine concept is that Yuki can flip through the mag for a very quick browse. Take a snapshot and post it up on her twitter account. After which, she can still continue to keep/use the book if she deems fit.

Anyway, we should not be worrying too much about such small details for now. Let's try to get the actual product up and running first.
What programs are we going to need to make it (arrange articles and images within the magazine's pages etc) is MS Office (& Open, Libre) kind of programs enough , and who is going to do that?
I see now. I will do the one that we're having tonight then, since it would be an easy dish to make if she decides to try making any of these. Hmm, I will have to think about how to write it out. And would using Microsoft Word be okay? You could then adjust the pages to however you want in that case.
Members can submit everything in .doc or plain text first. The final articles will be composited in an Adobe Suite.