OK. Prepare for the wall of text.
I think we'll just follow the structure I've laid out earlier. (anyone can still change this or make suggestions to have new stuff included!)
So....I think I'll open the option to everyone for now. It's ok to receive some early "open" submissions for now, George. Cos if these members do not want to take charge of editing or putting together articles, we can still use their submissions as individual recipes (think of a magazine where some of the "regular" articles are spread over only one or two pages). I don't mind taking over the role of editor-in-chief later on if you guys want me to.
To keep things simple, I think it's fair to aim for somewhere between 80 to 150 pages (since we're ad-free, or we can use member-submitted fan art as "ads"), double-sided on glossy paper (like in the Kala photobooks) and perfect bound with a 120gsm paper/thin cardboard cover. Please work on the assumption that everything will be in colour first. I can also help with printing if the design is simple enough.
I'll leave the option of whether we want edge-to-edge printing open for now, though.
So, to fill those pages, we'll be looking at these:
- Kera's message (half to one page affair)
- Feature-length articles (4-6 sub-editors required. Sub-editors to decide the content and language for users to submit to. Minimum 6-pages each. Ideally, at least one of these articles should be in Japanese.)
- Short articles like individual recipes, reviews of restaurants in certain key cities, food reviews, health/wellness tips (about 40 to 50 individual articles, one per member. About 2 pages) (2 editors and at least one Japanese language expert required here, mainly to screen for errors and edit or to make sure the content is acceptable for print)
- letters to YK (self-explanatory, one editor and a Japanese language expert needed here, should be a one page affair using 8/9 pt font)
- editorials (for us "staff" members to write
, peer edited)
General direction
We've noticed that Kajiura hasn't been resting well from her late night twitter feeds talking about how she misses her bed and how she is rushing deadlines.
So, for those submitting recipes, please try to work towards submitting nutritious food (something unique to your country, preferably....but you can also just simply submit whatever you feel you are good at doing). Others can also work towards submitting tips on how to take care of yourself when putting in late nights and rushing deadlines. Or tips to relax and unwind after a major project (even places to suggest for a trip!). Just bear in mind your page limits, though. Also note that we will reserve the right to combine articles with overlapping content into a feature-length one.
- All the articles will be in English or Japanese (if you are up to the task).
- For people submitting pictures in their articles, please make sure they are at least visible at 300dpi printing (900 x 600 for a 3"x 2" picture). For full page pictures (for example, to be used as the background to an article), please work with a minimum of 3000 x 4000 pixels.
- JPG pictures are allowed, but the resolution must be at least twice the minimum requirement.
Miscellaneous/Optional: Should we set up a Google workgroup or would this thread suffice? Submissions can be sent via third party websites like Dropbox if it's the latter option, though.