I have reached Yuki nirvana
Special_K said:Like what George has mentioned, English is still going to be our primary language for the project. So, no worries there.
RAW format is not exactly encouraged because the editors may not have the necessary viewers or the image processors to read certain brand-specific RAW formats (like NEF and ORF).
However, the common/open lossless extensions such as TIFF, GIF and PNG are encouraged.
george1234 said:What programs are we going to need to make it (arrange articles and images within the magazine's pages etc) is MS Office (& Open, Libre) kind of programs enough , and who is going to do that?
tsubasa said:george1234 said:What programs are we going to need to make it (arrange articles and images within the magazine's pages etc) is MS Office (& Open, Libre) kind of programs enough , and who is going to do that?
they can also Use Google Docs (now named Google Drive)
(My apology to Special_K since I cut a few parts from yr post :PTo keep things simple, I think it's fair to aim for somewhere between 80 to 150 pages (since we're ad-free, or we can use member-submitted fan art as "ads"), double-sided on glossy paper (like in the Kala photobooks) and perfect bound with a 120gsm paper/thin cardboard cover. Please work on the assumption that everything will be in colour first. I can also help with printing if the design is simple enough.
I'll leave the option of whether we want edge-to-edge printing open for now, though.
So, to fill those pages, we'll be looking at these:
- Table of contents
- Kera's message (half to one page affair)
- Feature-length articles (4-6 sub-editors required. Sub-editors to decide the content and language for users to submit to. Minimum 6-pages each. Ideally, at least one of these articles should be in Japanese.)
- Short articles like individual recipes, reviews of restaurants in certain key cities, food reviews, health/wellness tips (about 40 to 50 individual articles, one per member. About 2 pages) (2 editors and at least one Japanese language expert required here, mainly to screen for errors and edit or to make sure the content is acceptable for print)
- letters to YK (self-explanatory, one editor and a Japanese language expert needed here, should be a one page affair using 8/9 pt font)
- editorials (for us "staff" members to write
, peer edited)
- All the articles will be in English or Japanese (if you are up to the task).
- For people submitting pictures in their articles, please make sure they are at least visible at 300dpi printing (900 x 600 for a 3"x 2" picture). For full page pictures (for example, to be used as the background to an article), please work with a minimum of 3000 x 4000 pixels.
- JPG pictures are allowed, but the resolution must be at least twice the minimum requirement.
wormbook22 said:• Well, first, about the cookbook's subject. Someone (sorry, I don't remember his/her name) said that tips on how to take care of yrself, relax,... and restaurant reviews shouldn't be included the cookbook. However, I don't remember seeing anyone agreeing or disagreeing this. So are we gonna including this in the book or not?
• The book's name is still "Food book", right? I saw many ppl suggest other names but there was no agreement in using them.
• Many names of ingredients and dishes have no equivalent in English. Should we use their original name in the article and explain (ex: it's a kind of Vietnamese rice cake), or should we translate their names to nearly equivalent words?
• Now, onto my suggestions for the project. First, i think we need to put participating members in teams according to which nation's food they're going to write about. Then, the most experienced one with computer, English (or Japanese) and that country's food will be chosen by the group as the sub-editor of that group (we can also choose anyone who volunteers). If we don't hurry up and make small groups at this point, there won't be enough time to find enough sub-editors, since not many ppl want to do this kind of stuff.
• Second, we should make a Google group, or at least an email address where members and sub-editors can send their work to the main editors.
• Third, in the cookbook, the foods in the"short article" session should be cartegorized by their country. The book wouldn't serve its original purpose (a guidebook) otherwise.
No problem *________*Also guys, please note that I'll am away for pretty much the whole month of June although I'll try my best to respond to this thread as much as I can. So please expect my responses to be rather sporadic (about once every few days or so). I basically cannot expect to have an internet connection throughout my itinerary.
I agree. But should we make a new thread for members submitting their articles to avoid confusion? (this thread currently has 314 posts already)Special_K said:The trouble with most commercial email addresses is that they tend to be very bandwidth/capacity-restricted unless you are using a paid service.
I'll want to avoid this as much as possible while we actually have a good message board system here where we can use (along with cloud services for photo storage).
Yeah, I agree. I'll try to include these tips in my article if there's enough space left. It's kinda funny but my country has too many kinds of good food to choose from. When I think about cakes alone, there are about ... 50 to 100 kinds of cakes unique to only Vietnam (I'm not joking here), some of which I've never even tasted, so actually recommending something will be really tricky.Regarding the content, I was thinking a purely food magazine might be a bit difficult due to the perceived overall monotony of the content. So by including other (I emphasise) **related** bits in, it would help spice up the content and the retaining value.
Of course, this depends on whether the rest of you are up for it. Basically, it doesn't have to be difficult (such as prescribing techniques for ayurveda, which is probably way beyond the capabilities of anyone here).
You're right. When I saw CPM's gift to YK in 2008, only 2 of the messages to her were from Vietnam, and that was in 2008!! (Hope Vietnamese members increased since that time)george1234 said:Agree, but in some cases where not many people are from specific countries, it wont be possible to make a team (eg: from Greece are only me and Yuki_n and 2 other girls that no more visit oftenly)
so we might need to form 2 tips of teams, one type will be according to the country, and the other from various countries from where are not many members, or a country we have too many members from, they cant possible form only 1 team.
It's a good idea but if a group is too big, the sub-editors may not be able to handle that much work. And besides, the big cultural difference may cause trouble for the editors. And, if we divide participants into 5 big groups by their continent, then divide big groups into smaller groups by country, the countries which lie between 2 continents (like Russia) will have trouble choosing sides. We may still be able to use this idea if we think harder, though ^^tsubasa said:hmm...if we have problem with number of participants with each country, maybe each team should be grouped by continent instead.
so we will be efficient with man porwer.
wormbook22 said:Yeah, I agree. I'll try to include these tips in my article if there's enough space left. It's kinda funny but my country has too many kinds of good food to choose from. When I think about cakes alone, there are about ... 50 to 100 kinds of cakes unique to only Vietnam (I'm not joking here), some of which I've never even tasted, so actually recommending something will be really tricky.
tsubasa said:hmm...if we have problem with number of participants with each country, maybe each team should be grouped by continent instead.
so we will be efficient with man porwer.
george1234 said:I will make a massive pm to members that haven't replied on this thread yet, and ask them if they are interested in joining, with them replying it here, so then we will be able to make that list.
Special_K said:Noted. If you can help get hold of Kerachan for me, please. It would be nice to make an announcement on the front page as well too. If you have doubts about the wording of the announcement, feel free to PM me or drop me an email at: