OK so most of my stuff arrived. I still have my spacecraft order of Al Fine and Mirai designs shirts and a couple postcard files (finally), the Consolation Special Commemoration Set from Amazon.jp and a copy of the Making Of After Eden Special Live 2011 pamphlet on the way, plus something else rather neat that I'll keep secret until I post it, only hint is it's not official merch, nor is it a bootleg or anything. But as for now, what I got from Surugu-ya and something festive.
That's the 2013 Christmas Live Set (new) and 7 preowned shirts I got off Surugu-ya, all for pretty cheap. The Consolation ones were only 700 yen each, in fact. There is some minor damage to the print on the Otodama Sea Studio design (part of the E in Sea has worn off) but otherwise they're all in perfect condition. As far as I can tell the Otodama shirt is also pretty goddamn rare so I'm lucky to even have it.
Front of these five shirts, with the Christmas Live one at the top, the green and black variant Consolation Tour shirts and Staff Replica variants of the To the Beginning and After Eden Live Tour shirts. As with the Kagayaku Sora no Shijimaniwa staff replica design I got a while ago, the replica variants for the After Eden Live Tour and To the Beginning designs exclusively use metallic purple/blue print. The Kalafina logo and the gold snowflakes on the Christmas Live shirt are also metallic.
Back of the five above. Mostly just dates. The Christmas Live shirt has the Kalafina with Strings logo thing on it, I didn't even know it had a print on the back until I got it so that's a bonus. Consolation shirts have the full tour dates including the Special Final listed. The To the Beginning one has a design which honestly would also work for a front design, which is odd since most Kalafina back designs are pretty simplistic and small. One thing I really like about the After Eden Live Tour staff replica variants is that they have these large back designs which look really nice in my opinion. The regular variants of the After Eden shirts have a much smaller print on the bottom corner like a lot of Kalafina shirts and also lack the official logo entirely. I kinda wish I'd gotten both of those when I had the chance, but at least I have a shirt from that particular tour now.
Front of the other three shirts, the Kimi no Gin no Niwa Special Live design which I actually prefer to the Kalafina Box variant I already have, although I'd have preferred to get the blue variant rather than black, but I can't be picky. Otodama Sea Studio design in the top corner, and the staff replica design for the After Eden Special Live. As far as I can tell, the After Eden Special Live never had a regular designed shirt, so the only ones that exist for that particular event are the staff replica design seen here. As with the other staff replica designs I have, the print here is metallic. That is literally all that's on the front of the shirt though, so if you're wearing a hoodie or a coat or something then nobody would even know that it's a Kalafina shirt unless they happened to recognize that particular design.
Back of those three. Simple Kalafina logo for the Kimi no Gin no Niwa design, same as the Kalafina Box variant. The Otodama Sea Studio design has a pretty cool little logo thing for the Otodama Sea Studio 10th Anniversary. The After Eden Special Live shirt has a somewhat similar design to the After Eden Live Tour back design, with a pretty big print and the Kalafina logo alongside information for the event.
Bonus image: My pile of Kalafina shirts. There's still more to come
