What is your ringtone?

Re: Re:

KONIcchi said:
Uwah~~ Cool!!!! :dote: Want to use it too but I just changed my ringtone so it has to wait... haha

Glad someone else likes it too :V:

And after I posted that, I realized that I'd love to use this one even more. :plot:
Oh, wait... Who cares I have nice ringtones now? No one ever calls me! No one knows my number! And I don't like phones at all ! :XD:
Re: Re:

ninetales said:
KONIcchi said:
Uwah~~ Cool!!!! :dote: Want to use it too but I just changed my ringtone so it has to wait... haha

Glad someone else likes it too :V:

And after I posted that, I realized that I'd love to use this one even more. :plot:

Haha! If I make this as my ringtone my friend will have that weird face on them again.... i love making them do that :plot:

LOL @ Rafael! :XD:
I want to personalise my ringtones but my iPhone won't let me!!! :cry:

(unless I jailbreak it, of course :glasses:)
my ringtone was Parallel Hearts live version of FictionJunction :D
(believe me or not) my current ring tone is Parallel heart piano version played by RYVIUS :sohappy:

I know its been there in that site for a loong time but while i was goggle image searching for parallel heart i found Ryvius picture so i checked on it and found him playing piano :XD:
now I switched it to fantasia-Kalafina and I love it. Can't wait to put the new songs as my ringtone. :dote:
I use a sound of accelerating ferrari for my phonecall ring tone :XD:
Right now my ringtone is Decretum. As for SMS, it's Shadowlord Music Box Version by Keigo Hoashi.