Sorry, double posting but I have been listening to the Hanako ost again and man, it is darn near perfect. I LOVED this track today though: 動き出す運命 Kajiura of course. I love the style. Kind of reminds me of the Spiral soundtrack. heh Such an awesome work by her.
You know you can't deny it
The world's a little more f*cked up everyday
F(x)- Rum Pum Pum Pum
This is one of the only other songs (much less a kpop song) that has given me that same Middle Eastern funk vibe that Tetotetometome gave me (Even though this one is significantly more electro-funk, though that's to be expected with Kpop xD).
I almost like it better than Tetotetometome in some aspects because of all the vocal layering and excellent harmonies going on, not to mention it's incredibly original and unique amidst the slew of generic Kpop out there right now. This is the first time I've liked a Kpop song this much in years haha, color me impressed.
Also, the pre-chorus lead in into the last chorus is amazingg
omg another f(x)'s listener! honestly i just listened to their whole discography this year (more like these past 2 months) and I honestly was really impressed. my sister has been their fans since 2012 and I used to mock her because f(x)'s songs are really 'different' and their title songs often have weird lyrics but after watching their DVD I honestly like almost 80% of their whole discography. They have the sound that I really really like, and most of their album songs are really great, especially their Red Light album. Rum Pum Pum Pum is a 2013 song though. I would recommend Milk if you haven't listened to it. If I've known them since 2015 I would've waited for their 4 walls (which is an another great album if you're into EDM) instead of fotw.
and Victoria is the queen. God she's the perfect woman. bye Keiko your place in my heart has been replaced.
f(x) - Cowboy is my favorite song of the day.
Yesss, f(x) is the best!!! I'm glad to see another fan here.
Since writing that initial post, I actually went back and listened to all of their (and all of SHINee's) discography and I was super impressed. Like you, I've been aware of f(x) for a while now, but all I really knew were Electric Shock and Hot Summer, which, now that I've listened to all their discography, are some of their weaker tracks, at least to me. Their album songs are just way too good. (Milk was one of my favorite tracks off Red Light lol)
I agree, they have a really unique sound compared to the rest of the Kpop groups I've seen. It's a shame they're relatively underrated though. :/ Them and SHINee are probably tied right now for my two favorite musical groups ever to be honest.
If you like f(x), I'd recommend SHINee if you haven't heard much from them already! They're kinda considered the sibling group to f(x), as they both have that really cool distinct sound (View is basically SHINee's equivalent to 4 Walls xD), and like f(x), their album songs are way better than their title songs. (Both them and f(x) also have some of the best harmonies ever,sorry Kalafina)
I loved 4 Walls too, definitely miles better than fotw haha.
And yes Victoria is queen I love both her and Luna so much
Favorite song today: tied between f(x)- Deja Vu and SHINee- Don't Stop
omg you liked SHINee too let's be best friends! I completely agree about Electric Shock and Hot Summer being some of their weaker tracks. Both of them are catchy though so I get why they became so popular and amongst the most well known tracks from f(x).
I've known SHINee because my some of my high school friends are a big shawol, so I've known them since 2009 actually but never really got around to listen to them because I was too infatuated by Kalafina back then (since 2008 - 2010 is Kalafina best era). Now that I played Superstar SMTown on android I've been actively searching for their musics because man they're really good. View is a BOP and yes that's SHINee's equivalent to 4 Walls. And yes honestly SHINee and f(x) have some cool harmonies on their tracks (sorry Kalafina) and overall their songs are really well-produced. The only advantage Kalafina have on them is that Kalafina also sings their harmonies live while Kpop idols don't sing in harmonies that much on their live performance, but when you compare the CD version SHINee's and f(x)'s won by MILES.
I am really sad that SM slept on them, though not as much on SHINee as they did on f(x), at least SHINee have been actively doing concerts while f(x) had their 1st concert after 7 years of debuting lmao. SM put a tons of effort to promote EXO and Red Velvet but not so much on SHINee and f(x). EXO at least became really popular because their members are good looking and the vocalists really can sing but man if their title tracks aren't annoying af. Red Velvet also have nice vocalists but they don't have their own style, their songs are mostly blergh to me (not catchy enough to get stuck on your head - I mean TWICE can't sing and dance but their songs stuck in your head, though sometimes not in a good way - and not good enough to be considered as good songs), and visually they're nothing compared to their older sisters (SNSD and f(x)) though they do hold their own compared to 3rd gen Kpop idols. It's been 4-5 years and they still don't have the aura of a star.
4 walls is the bop. Luna is also the love and man can that girl sing. I honestly prefer her compared to more known female kpop vocalists idols such as SNSD's Taeyeon, Tiffany, Seohyun and IU. Tiffany and IU, despite having nice timbre are the queens of strain though how can people stand hearing their voices so much I'd never known. I can feel my throat hurt just by hearing them
fav tracks today: SHINee - Replay and f(x) - Diamond (this song has been stuck in my head since yesterday).
sorry for making this a Kpop random rant lmao but I need to say this as I'm not active in any Kpop forums because the drama here is much tamer compared to the drama on Kpop forums.
Yes let's! :D
You have no idea how much I've been dying to talk to another Kpop fan who actually knows their stuff, half of my friends don't take Kpop seriously when I try to show it to them, and the other half are just the super annoying 'bts and blackpink armyyyy ' type ://
I actually went through a huge SHINee phase back in 2010-2012 (their first album was literally the only thing I listened to back then), but I kinda just stopped keeping track of them until very recently when I went back and listened to everything that I missed out on and I was SUPER impressed. (1of1 and Odd are so good)
Completely agree with the thing about the harmonies though. It's one of the main reasons why I still regularly re-watch old Kalafina and YK lives while I can never seem to get that same sense of enjoyment when watching K-pop lives. I honestly wouldn't mind if they ditched all the fancy choreography (never was one to care for that tbh) and just put more focus on the actual live singing and harmonizations. They're all perfectly capable singers, but it's freaking Kpop (and SM) so of course that would never happen lol
Also agree with what you said regarding SM. While they have some of the best singers in the K-pop world (not the biggest Super Junior fan in the world, but damn Kyuhyun can sing) they never seem to know how to utilize them properly. F(x) is so much better than the other 'big' SM groups, but they never get anywhere near as much promotion compared to what those groups get. (It took them like 7 years to get an official fanclub name wtf)
I'm at least grateful that they're treating SHINee better than that, but it's really not that much better tbh (still nowhere near the amount they're promoting groups like EXO and Red Velvet lol)
I do like EXO though, even though the first song I heard from them was fucking Wolf of all things, so it took me a long time before I was willing to listen to more of their music after that haha. They do have good albums/album songs though, my favorite album probably being Ex'act.
I never really liked Red Velvet though, their music is just kinda obnoxious to me and nothing really stands out about them either; it's like you said, they have no real style.
Completely agree about Luna too!! God I love her so much, she's probably my favorite female vocalist in all of Kpop (my male favorite is probably Jonghyun with Taemin being a close second).
I'm not the biggest fan of Taeyeon either, she has a good voice and all, but it doesn't really strike me as anything that special, if that makes sense.I do like SNSD, but I've only really heard the majority of their singles and not any of their album tracks, so I'm not sure whether those or worth checking out or not.
Agree with IU as well (I haven't heard enough of the rest you mentioned to really judge). My sister really likes her and I'm like...why. I like her collab track with Jonghyun and that's about it lol.
Haha don't apologize, I really appreciate your rants!
I've been dying to talk about SHINee and f(x) with someone for a while now, so much so that I actually am in the middle of writing a giant comprehensive guide to ALL of SHINee's discography (It's 30 pages now and it's still not done), including all their Korean, Japanese, AND all of Jonghyun's and Taemin's solo stuff (which are also REALLY good), so yeah... haha
Also, all the Kpop forums suck lol. So much stupid drama and whining, I'm far more comfortable sticking here even if I'm not as into Kajiura as I used to be
Today's favorite track: Taemin- Already
Love when Jonghyun composes stuff for other SHINee members. This track is really good and screams super early Replay-era SHINee, which I really like.
Also, Lollipop- f(x).
This track is super corny but it keeps getting stuck in my head and I can't bring myself to dislike it lol