I eat sleep and breathe Yuki
your experience is almost nearly identical to mine I'm choked. I am also not the biggest super junior fan because their songs to me are just plainly weird and mostly annoying, though they do have some good tracks every now and then. Their weirdness is not (for lack of better word), aesthetically weird as f(x). I remember my high school best friends didn't stop listening and talking about Mr.Simple and Bonamana and I was like urgh why those songs are annoying af. But damn yes Kyuhyun can sing so damn well. The best SuJu unit is obv SuJu KRY because their voices together are just wonderful. Their rendition of Himawari no Yakusoku is breathtaking.
also yes to that bit on Kalafina. I nowaday do become more and more skeptic towards Kalafina and Kajiura but I still listen to them and watch their live performance from time to time but mostly their older performances. Kalafina imo should not have those forced and weird choreography. They can just move their bodies following the rhythm or have something much simpler. For example, let's just compare te to te to me to me from Red Moon 2010 live and Red Day 2015. The choreography from their 2010 performance was much better and more fitting to the song compared to the Red Day 2015. Not to mention how stiff the girls looked like when they had to dance their recent choreographies. They concentrated so hard to not mess up and that affects the viewer/audience as well.
I know SM also didn't promote SHINee enough but every other groups seemed to have better promotion compared to f(x), which is the sad truth.
AND OMG THE FIRST EXO SONG I LISTENED TO WAS WOLF TOOthat song is super annoying and generally speaking, just plain horrible and I refuse to listen to them until I play Superstar SMTown (again, I kinda have to thank this game for introducing me to some good Kpop songs though only SM. but then again I was never a big fan of idols from other agencies like JYP and YG). Yes they do have some really good songs that I still didn't remember because I haven't listened to them all that much.
Also agreed on that bit about Taeyeon and SNSD. I haven't listened to their album songs too and only listened to their promotional songs but I think I'm stuck to their Jessica-era, as I don't really like their songs after Jessica got kicked. Party is a hella annoying song and their newest album is as boring as watching white paint drying. The whole Lion Heart single/EP is quite nice though for it has this vintage/retro vibe.
I'm listening to Taemin's Danger as I write this and man do I love his solo works. Danger, Drip Drop, and Play Me are really really good songs. And yes Jonghyun is such a dear and his songs are genuinely gems. Breathe is definitely one of the best ballads I heard since awhile and Sohyang's rendition makes me love that song even more.
It honestly feels so good to have someone to talk about SHINee and f(x) :") I mean most kpop fans nowadays are mostly into Blackpink and BTS. While I'm actually okay with Blackpink (their songs are quite okay but their voices are somewhat annoying to my ears), I totally don't get the hype for BTS. They're not attractive, their songs are annoying, and their attitude turns me off. Not to mention BTS Army is like one of the most vicious and exaggerated fanclub to ever exist.
Omg are we twins lol

Agreed on Super Junior though, a lot of their old stuff is just kinda obnoxious and weird, like you said. ('It's you' was good though). I actually like a lot of their more recent releases way more than their older more 'popular' stuff. (I really liked This is Love, Magic, Devil, and Evanesce ) It's a shame Kyuhyun just enlisted in the army though, he's 90% the reason I still listen to Super Junior tbh. But yesss Super Junior KRY is so good. Even though I don't like Sorry Sorry, I really loved Sorry Sorry Answer and their rendition of it.
Completely agree on that Kalafina thing too! I tried showing some of my friends the live performance of Koibito no (because I really liked that performance, vocally wise), but every time Keiko does that super weird and off putting choreography midway through the song, my friends always make fun of it and can never take the rest of the song seriously, which is annoying because I actually really like that song xD
At least Kpop stars are good enough at dancing to make the choreography at least believable, while for Kalafina it's just so stiff and unnatural and bleh
But yes, Wolf is so bad. So so so bad, I don't get what was going through SM's heads when they thought that was a good idea. Monster and Overdose were also kinda obnoxious, but at least Lucky One, Love Me Right, and Sing For You exist.
I'm not familiar with this SM app you keep referencing, should I check it out? I have a soft spot for those super fun and addictive apps lol
Also, I'm with you when it comes to not really liking other companies besides SM. Sure they (apparently) treat their artists better, but I just don't really enjoy the type of music they put out, and at the end of the day, that's the biggest thing that matters to me. Their music just seems super Western influenced (and I don't mean that in a good way), and a good number of it is just rap and hip-hop type stuff, which just really isn't my thing. Their songs never seem to be as musically interesting as SM's songs either.
It's super unfortunate what happened to Jessica though :( I'm not big on their recent releases either, their best era (for me) was probably Genie, Hoot, and Run Devil Run. I loooove all those songs.
I liked Lion Heart's concept too, but the song itself was a bit too repetitive and draggy for my liking.
But OMG yes, all of Taemin's solo stuff, both Korean and Japanese, is literal gold. I've had Sayonara Hitori and Flame of Love on repeat for god knows how long. Out of all his and Jonghyun's solo discography combined, I think there's maybe only 3 tracks I dislike. They're both just so talented and precious I love them so much.
And I know right! Bless these forums

Agreed on Blackpink and BTS as well. I might get hate from some for saying this, but I find the main rapper's voice (Lisa, I think?) in Blackpink super annoying and whenever I hear her voice, it makes me instantly dislike the song even if I might've liked it otherwise.
But BTS, I completely don't get. I don't like a single one of their songs (A ton of them sound just like the awful Western pop music I hear everywhere where I live, like I don't get how people claim that American pop is awful but then all they listen to is BTS and stuff, it's literally almost the exact same), I don't find them attractive either, their voices are annoying (especially the guy with the weird high voice in Blood Sweat and Tears, idk their names). It baffles me that they're so popular when there are so much better and more deserving groups out there that get nowhere near the same amount of love and exposure. And their 'fandom' is actually the most toxic thing I've ever seen, my god.
Favorite song today- Jonghyun- Deja Boo and Taemin-Experience