MC #2
YK: Good evening again, everyone. I’m Kajiura Yuki, FictionJunction of FictionJunction YUUKA.
This is the first time we hold a live concert in this way. We two have been hoping for holding a live concert for a long time. Today I’m really happy to perform our various songs in front of you all. What’s more, today is the final day of the tour. Have a good time.
We’ve performed four songs in a row—Honoh no Tobira, Yorokobi, nostalgia, and Kouya Ruten. Well… As they are lined up in this way, they are aggressive than expected, aren’t they, YUUKA-chan? I thought many of FJY songs were rather calmer.
YUUKA: They sound calm when we listen to them, aren’t they?
YK: I think so, too.
YUUKA: Yeah, but, for the performers—band members, chorus singers, Kajiura-san, and me—, these songs are fairly hard.
YK: It’s the same when we are recording. Before recording YUUKA-chan and I would say to each other “The new song is a sort of calm”. But after we went into recording, I’d ask you “I’ve changed my mind. Sing more powerfully, please?”
We’ve performed four FJY songs which seem calm, but are actually aggressive.
I have special feelings toward some songs, especially “Yorokobi”, which is recorded in our second album “circus”. We hadn’t held any live concerts after releasing ’circus’, so this is the first time we perform it at a live concert. Composers are freer in making album songs, compared to single songs. So I did whatever I felt like to a large extent when I was making that song. As for the lyrics, I wrote about the joy I feel when I make music. People are alone when they make something. We tend to go to rather dark side when we are making something alone. I wrote about such joy.
The phrase “Let’s go together” is in the first stanza. FJY consists of two of us, so I encouraged YUUKA-chan to “go to the world of music with me” in the lyrics.
YUUKA: I see… I found myself nodding… That’s new to me.
YK: In the CD recording, we two sing the same melody in that phrase only.
YK: We don’t do that in other songs.
Actually, I don’t explain lyrics to her at all.
YUUKA: She doesn’t at all. So she always asks me to sing powerfully, and I sing, developing my imagination freely. That’s how our recording goes.
YK: I think explanations of lyrics would spoil singers’ imagination. That wouldn’t be interesting. Even if I explained lyrics, it would let singers know incomplete images only. I hope my words, instead of my images, let YUUKA-chan’s own imagination fly like a phoenix. That’s how I think during our recordings.
Excuse me, I’ve talked too long. I have to introduce the members now. I’d like to go onto the members’ introduction.
I think they are usually called a “back band”, but we call them “front band” instead, because they are essential for my music including FJY. Frankly speaking, I like them very much. When I play with them and listen to them playing, they remind me of how much I like music. They are important members who always make wonderful plays.
On Bass, Jr.!
I asked each of them a question; “Speaking of summer, you know what that brings to mind?”
Jr. answered “suntan”. His skin is strong pink now because he’s been to a tanning salon lately. He looks cool in his suit, but he’s extraordinary pink when he takes it off. So he’s called “tandoori” now. He looks like tandoori chicken in color. His face is not that much, but his chest turns white when it is pushed with a finger…See what I mean? Suntanned skin turns white when it is pushed with a finger. So the other members push him with their finger for fun.
On Drums, Nozaki Masuke! Can you see him?
His answer to the question is “sherbet, lemon-flavored”. It’s a sort of cute, isn’t it?
He asked me “Can I make my hair stand up?” And I said “As for this time, please don’t.”
Then he wears a hat today. He’s very stylish.
He plays drums as if he’s singing.
He firmly supports FJY songs and play drums melodiously as well.
On guitar, Konno Hitoshi!
……? Sorry! Correction. I wonder why I said it wrong.
On violin, Konno Hitoshi!
His answer to the question is “Enoshima(note: a scenic spot in Kanagawa prefecture)”. I’ve heard he used to live in near Kamakura, and go to see the sea of Enoshima in youth.
I asked him “Did you used to go there with your girlfriend or something?” He replied “Well, maybe yes.” Let’s not pursue that.
I was planning not to use the word “erotic”for him today, but his violin really sounds erotic. So I dare call it erotic.
The violin player who plays very erotic, sexy, and cool sounds, Konno Hitoshi!
On guitar, Korenaga Koichi!
His answer to the question is “cold”. I asked him “What do you mean?” Then he said that he likes to cool everything. (speaking to him) For example, “cold Tofu”, right? “cold Soba”… “cold pillow”? Sounds good. That would be cool to sleep with.
He seems cool, but is actually hot. Does he want to cool something? …Your heart? Oh, OK.
He has played various songs with us and has various abilities. He not only plays music, but also plays “with” music.
My favorite guitarist, Mr.Korenaga!
And, you can’t see him well from there… On manipulator, Ohira Yoshio!
He’s playing the behind-the-scenes role in this live. Thanks a lot!
His answer to the question is “loss of weight”. I’ve heard he loses so much weight during summer, so he has to eat a lot.
I envy him! He has a really enviable constitution, doesn’t he?
On chorus, Yuriko Kaida and Hikaru!
Later we’ll take our time to listen to Kaida-san’s answer to the question.
Hikaru-chan’s answer is “shade”. I asked “Why shade?” She cutely said “ Because it’s cool there, you know.” She’s very cute.
And, let me introduce her again. On vocal, YUUKA!
YUUKA-chan, speaking of summer, you know what that brings to mind?
YUUKA: I’m getting embarrassed to say that… I like peaches. They are much more delicious during summer. I want to eat peaches only (during summer).
YK: I like peaches, too. Though our hands get sticky when eating them, we peel and eat them, huh?
YK: Peaches go well with YUUKA-chan, don’t they?
YUUKA: Really? Thank you.
YK: I’ve heard you like peach pasta…
YUUKA: I’ve never eaten it.
YK: You never?
YUUKA: One of my co-workers says to me “Let’s go to eat peach pasta this year.” But every year he/she sends me only e-mails with photos that say “YUUKA-chan, I ate peach pasta!” …They make me feel a little sad. So I promised him/her we go to eat it together this year.
YK: I see. Let’s all go to eat it.
YUUKA: Yes, let’s all.
YK: Probably. Maybe.
YUUKA: Kajiura-san’s “Probably. Maybe.” means…… Excuse me, just joking.
YK: Everyone, please enjoy the first stage, which is performed by these members.
Now, we’d like to play some calm songs.