I heard all of Seventh Heaven the other day, for the first time, as well as To the Beginning. I've now heard everything Kalafina has released, which makes me sad, in a way.
Seventh Heaven is a really good album. The "spectral reverb backing chorus" is awesome, and to me is the definitive Kalafina sound. I hope that Yuki Kajiura doesn't stop using the effect, now that Kalafina's focus is on songs they can sing live. There were a couple of tracks on the album that I wasn't fussed with, but all in all, it's a pretty good collection!
Ashita no Keshiki - I've not heard enough love for this song. While I don't like the chorus and overall development, Wakana solo parts are beautiful. It has to be one of the nicest melodies Yuki Kajiura has ever written - it's so different to everything else she's composed! I just LOVE that first minute or so, plus the ending. Wakana's voice is wonderful - not just on this song, but the whole album; +1 Wakana fan.
However, I'm not a fan of To the Beginning. For me, it's a little uninspired and doesn't have the instant hook that so many YK tracks deliver. Its hook is OK, but for a big single, it's a little bit generic, in my opinion. I love the first 6 seconds though - I wish that short intro was longer! Also, do I have a really low quality mp3 or is the quality of the track noticeably poorer than usual. I felt the voices didn't have the silky smoothness I've come to expect - especially Wakana, who sounds quite sharp. Whether that be due to the song itself, the mix, the recording process or my mp3, I'm not sure. Is it just me who thinks this?
Manten is quite cool. I prefer it to TTB, but I still have a complaint! There is a part during the instrumental section with a great sounding guitar, but it's totally buried in the mix! I wish they'd let Korenaga Kiochi take centre-stage at that point, instead of just using the guitar as a highlight.
On the subject of Seventh Heaven - Maya was present for that album, correct? I could clearly hear Hikaru, Keiko and Wakana, but rarely did I pick up on another voice. Was she simply used to buff up the backing vocals? She MIGHT have had a solo on Kimi ga Hikari ni Kaete Iku, but I honestly couldn't tell.
Maya's departure from Kalafina could very well just be down to her studies, but it's interesting to note that of the four singers, she had the least prominent/individual voice? You have Wakana, the silky smooth soprano, and Hikaru, who has a very sharp, raw and powerful tone - A total contrast to Wakana. Then you have Keiko, the Alto, who provides the foundation for most of Kalafina's vocal parts and is totally different from the other two. Sounds like a pretty killer combination - Where did Maya fit into this?
All in all, Red Moon is my favourite Kalafina album. I just love those songs.