Vocal Discussion of Yuki's Singers

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@Ophelia:http://www.fictionjunction.com/ but Yuki herself said that she can't respond for lack of time!

@Kowz: aye aye , You're righ!! If you want , It's sure better an email about all Kalafina!!
ninetales is right,

if u do eant to send a message. u only tell them about the suspected wakana's health issue, and thus help her or giving her rest.

u should not talk about other matters, because they may think u talk too much critics and thi u r only a nuisance.
Ahhhh Wakana :cry: how I wish you could get well soon~ I'll be so happy if on the next live we see she's back to her old usual self...

I swear she's lost weight too, comparing her look froom the Red Moon Live 2010 and After Eden Live...

...or it might just be me overreacting and hallucinating things... :blood:
Cerise you're right!!! I don't know minna really.. I really hope that Wacchan comes back soon to full condition!! GAMBATTE GAMBATTEEEEEEEEEEEEE

ritardando said:
We can address the Kalafina's problem such as :
- the totally unimportant choreography
- how Hikaru seems to fail on higher notes now, opposite on how cool is her lower notes
- Wakana, obviously
- Keiko's cute singing voice -.-

Although I agree with you here...

ninetales said:
^ To be honest, I don't think that's a very good idea. Keiko or Hikaru don't seem to be showing any signs of health issues, so mentioning their performances might sound more like outright criticism. Similarly, asking a bunch of questions about things like the choreography might also give off a critical impression.

(Plus, I'm not sure if Kala deserves to be singled out for live criticism anyway. There's no way of knowing if FJ performed somewhat badly at times back in the Vol. 2 and 4 DVDs, since we have only one unedited performance from them. They might be equally shaky, and we just don't know it.)

Wakana's showing signs of struggling, and that's a worrisome thing. I think we should address that first and foremost, and then ask about the other things later, if we do get an answer about Wakana.

I agree more with her. XD We should address Wakana's issue only, as is most important as it could be/become some health problem. And Niney, which FJ performance would be the unedited one?
@aero.senpai: FJ? Unedited? the closest we can see is from Anisama 2009 when FJ participated. For incomplete FJ would be Epithalamion+Hanamori no Oka performance from HnK event. Not much, really.
@Yuki88: Yeah, that's what i thought, too, Anisama. For the other peformance, I never seen it. Gonna check later.
Epithalamion+Hanamori no Oka had only Wakana, Yuriko and Keiko, though, no Kaori...
Re: Vocal Ranges of Yuki's Singers

Animelo unedited? Are you guys on crack? The DVDs of AnimeLo are edited so hard it's hilarious.
If that's the case, then I can understand grunty's position towards Wakana..
Here's fripSide from 2010 as an example of how it can be:

live stream: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjA0NTAwMzAw.html
dvd version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2F3d9ZuSno

It's not just "add reverb, mix it properly and it's good to go" - there's pretty much nothing of the actual vocals on DVD, lol. 2010 was the only year with a live stream.

I said it back when the Animelo DVD was released - they messed with Wakana's voice so hard in Parallel Hearts it doesn't even sound like her on DVD anymore. (And it still sucks for whatever reason.)

(My god that violinist is hot tho.)

PS. I remember there was an audio only bootleg of Akatsuki no Kuruma live on youtube, did anyone save it?
Yup, they've messed with Wakana's voice so hard that it really doesn't sound like herself anymore, and tbh the mix/editing/whatever is it actually only make their performance worse.Although I still say that the worst one is Kaori, because I don't even like Parallel Hearts in live vol.4 DVD -.- I even have a Wakana-can't sing-moment for awhile because I saw that performance and the obvious editing in progressive kajiurago part in Red moon bonus DVD in around the same time.

I wanna ask Kugayama-san about Kala's performance in Animelo 2011. I wonder if it's good or bad -.-
i like an unedited version more :tea:

because my purpose of watching a live show is to hear the real voice of the artist I like :tea:

^Same. Live is where you can see what the artists are really able to do. That's why I hate the tons of recorded samples the japanese use in their lives :uh..:

grunty said:
Here's fripSide from 2010 as an example of how it can be:

live stream: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjA0NTAwMzAw.html
dvd version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2F3d9ZuSno

It's not just "add reverb, mix it properly and it's good to go" - there's pretty much nothing of the actual vocals on DVD, lol. 2010 was the only year with a live stream.

I said it back when the Animelo DVD was released - they messed with Wakana's voice so hard in Parallel Hearts it doesn't even sound like her on DVD anymore. (And it still sucks for whatever reason.)

(My god that violinist is hot tho.)

PS. I remember there was an audio only bootleg of Akatsuki no Kuruma live on youtube, did anyone save it?

I can't watch it now, gonna check it later. But maybe this explains why 2010 was the only year with live streaming :ohoho: And I always wondered why Wakana didn't sound like herself in Animelo's PH. Now it's all clear :P
What aero.sempai said about lives vs studio. The reason why I respect Kala (and all Yuki's vocalists generally) is because they don't use the autotuning nonsense that's so prevalent in mainstream pop these days. Or, at least, not in a way that's noticeable. Recording and mixing live shows is a major undertaking at the best of times so I'd expect editing and post-processing anyway.

Back on-topic: I hope I don't come across as harsh or dismissive here... :rain:

as for the wording in the message, I'd say keep it as short, to-the-point and polite as possible. I'm not sure how fluent Yuki's English is, but I daresay she'd be reading it in a hurry if she has chance to read it at all. Personally I'd start thanking her and the live crew (good manners and all that), saying what you thought of the recording overall (i.e. highlighting how it's not a message of criticism) then stating your concerns for Wakana's wellbeing.

Talking about anything else might draw attention away from the main point though, or make your message sound like just another bit of fanmail.

Out of all the instances I've heard about in which music artists suffer health issues from overwork, I can't think of any one that was resolved by fan intervention. Do I think this will work? No. Do I think you should try all the same? Yes. I'm getting a real conflict of concerned fan vs cynic here...I feel helpless but at the same time I completely understand why you'd want to so something. The worst that could happen is that your efforts will make no difference at all.

In other words, you have nothing to lose. Best of luck!

grunty said:
Here's fripSide from 2010 as an example of how it can be:

live stream: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjA0NTAwMzAw.html
dvd version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2F3d9ZuSno

It's not just "add reverb, mix it properly and it's good to go" - there's pretty much nothing of the actual vocals on DVD, lol. 2010 was the only year with a live stream.

Wow, that's just...lol The difference is just so huge.
That makes me wonder...has Wakana simply just always been bad live but just know she "physically" shows it as well? I wouldn't know because I didn't follow Kalafina way back then. And, well, all of these shows we get from then are heavily edited (even though some still end up being "bad" lol). I personally don't know what to believe in anymore.

And you guys are sure having a hard time deciding whether or not to send this message about Wakana.
@Martin: I see your point and I agree. Post-production is expected, but not as exaggerated as exemplified by grunty here. That's why I like lives...live :ohoho:

KP-X said:
And you guys are sure having a hard time deciding whether or not to send this message about Wakana.

Tell me about it. It's a delicate issue. I wish I could just go there and kidnap her to a doctor, but... :imdead: :desksweat: :XD:
Personally I'd have sent this right away, since I don't think an e-mail of an oversea fan could cause as much a catastrophe as you guys seem to be thinking it will. I'd probably just write this (in English, to top it off):

It seems like Wakana has been dying lately in the shows. Can't you guys do anything about it?

And they'd just never reply it lol