I just make sure everything is all .mp3 files. Bad quality, but good size 

Pontianak said:My iPod can't take anything except .mp3, so... And they all seem to be of okay quality...![]()
How about WAV? Mine can take these...Pontianak said:My iPod can't take anything except .mp3, so... And they all seem to be of okay quality...![]()
Rafael-sama said:mp3 is fine.![]()
Pontianak said:I have a 14GB iPod nano, but I like only having the necessary songs on it.
@Ponti Awww, he was so adorable!
May I ask what happened to him? I know that 3 years is a very short time for cats...![]()
Pontianak said:Yes!When we went to pick him and Shika up, I chose those two because Shika was hiding under a chair and the other was jumping on me. Ahah, very affectionate and lovely cats!
Pontianak said:Well, he was run over;; Shika mostly lazes around sleeping, but Sasu was always doing crazy things like running into walls and jumping on top of doors, so it wasn't really a surprise out of the two of them that it was him...
Pontianak said:Crazy cat lady mode: Activate!
They sound like total opposites![]()
Oh, I'm sorry![]()
Pontianak said:Ahaha, they were! It was quite funny, actually, especially considering how well they actually got on.
Pontianak said:My first choice of pet was a snake, but they were too expensive;; So I decided to let my inner old woman out and start collecting cats now to accompany me into old age.
ninetales said:Well, I had two cats once that were complete opposites - the boy was shy and skittish and the girl was practical and calm - and they were absolute best friends. Played together all the time, generally hung out...![]()
ninetales said:You like snakes, hmm?![]()
Pontianak said:Ahah, that sounds cute! Were they related?
Pontianak said:For me, Sasu was very placid, even if he was insanely hyperactive sometimes, and Shika often bullied him out of his favourite sleeping spots and annoyed Sasu when he was sleeping.
Pontianak said:They're very cute. I love learning about them! But my favourite animal ever is actually the crab...I think the way they snip-snip with their little pincers is oh-so-adorable!
Snip. Snip. Snip.![]()
ninetales said:Surprisingly no! One of them just showed up one day...with her calm personality, I theorized that she might've belonged to an older lady or something. The other one I adopted from friends who couldn't keep him.
ninetales said:They sound more silly than my two were![]()
ninetales said:Named Miss Haru after the heroine from The Cat Returns
ninetales said:She tried to climb onto and into everything, knocked things down, and looked way too smart for her own good sometimes.
ninetales said:She'd go someplace high and stare down on you...but she was very small, so I guess it was a way of asserting her toughness![]()
ninetales said:Reminds me of the Pokemon Krabby.
ninetales said:I love Pokemon![]()
Pontianak said:Ahh, I see! Were they different breeds, too, or...?
Pontianak said:Sasu and Shika were little ginger brothers; we got them from the RSPCA when they were kittens since we figured it would be better to give those cats a home.
Pontianak said:Yeah, they kinda were! Shika never stops meowing and Sasu occasionally did things like drag live blackbirds through the catflap and dash into things.
Pontianak said:A great choice from one of my favourite movies.![]()
Pontianak said:I think cats seem very intelligent, even when they might not be. It's easy to see why Egyptians used to worship them; they look very noble!
Pontianak said:Did she ever do something like jump down on you while you were passing?![]()
Pontianak said:I actually preferred Digimon as a child, if just for the characters. I still sorta do. But when it comes to the designs of the -mons, then I definitely prefer Pokemon.
ninetales said:Different breeds, too. The boy seemed to be an Applehead Siamese (he looked like the pictures in the book, at least) and the girl was just a random tortoiseshell. Not only that, but they were different sizes too - he was quite big-boned and a little pudgy, and she was short-legged and compact.
ninetales said:What's ironic is that I've only adopted from a shelter once, and the cat I got (and still have) is tremendously weird and lazy. Most of the other cats have come from people who can't keep them or have just mysteriously showed up.![]()
ninetales said:Live blackbirds!?
ninetales said:One of mine tooI actually like it better than Whisper of the Heart
ninetales said:I always thought that myself![]()
ninetales said:No, thank goodness! Once I was looking for her and walked by where she was sleeping several times before actually seeing her (she was a bit of a tortoiseshell too, but with dull colors), but she never did anything like that.
ninetales said:She could be sweet sometimes, jumping up on my lap and kneading away, but then she'd start pricking me with her nails and I'd have to take her down![]()
ninetales said:I don't know much about Digimon...it never seemed to hit the popularity level of Pokemon, and just faded away. But I've been playing Pokemon games forever and it never gets old![]()
ninetales said:However, the instant they switched voice actors on the show, I became very thankful that it was going to Cartoon Network and that I didn't have cable![]()
Pontianak said:Are you like the Cat Messaih?Taking in stray cats, no matter what they're like!
Pontianak said:Ahah, he always used to bring me things as "gifts" - such as dead mice and small birds - and I think the blackbirds were also intended as such.
Pontianak said:I liked Howl's Moving Castle and Pom Poko, as well as Grave of the Fireflies - though the latter mostly because it helped me understand situations in Japan during WWII and the former because of the lovely artsy style and waltzy theme song.
Pontianak said:Did she blend in? Like a chameleon cat?![]()
Pontianak said:Shika bites softly sometimes when he wants attention, since I never notice when he's pricking me with his nails. Sasu mostly just pawed at me ineffectually and gave me sad eyes.
Pontianak said:I'm iffy on any dub. Except the Mai-HiME dub. That was so awful that I loved it unconditionally; it cheers me up whenever I'm sad.
ninetales said:Well, as long as they get along and can fit in the house. I only have two currently, though![]()
ninetales said:Oh, I see. Another one of my cats (who mysteriously disappeared after a year or so) used to do that with mice. He was quite the adventurer...
ninetales said:I named him Tom Bombadil because he loved to wander around the neighborhood![]()
ninetales said:Don't get me started on Grave of the Fireflies. I still haven't gotten over it![]()
ninetales said:Although I do love Howl's Moving Castle...it was the first Miyazaki movie I saw, and the theme song is gorgeous. Haven't seen Pom Poko yet, though.
ninetales said:Exactly! I think I called her that a few times![]()
ninetales said:As for my current cats, one of them is a little nervous of me for some reason and tends to just do his own thing. The other one (the weird one) walks around behind me and cries, usually because she wants treats![]()
ninetales said:Sounds interesting![]()
ninetales said:I always thought the original Pokemon voice actors were brilliant, and I still think so. Most other dubs that I've heard are pretty boring/unemotional/bad, so I just listen to them in Japanese if possible. Especially Neon Genesis Evangelion...not only did I dislike the show, I found the voice acting horrific![]()