The Yuki Kajiura Anime & Game Music Guide

And now its the best time for it since she has no ties with spacecraft and i can bet the copyright stuff were reviewed as well. Not yo mention that she allowed that RHH director to use almost her entire ost discoography for the documentaries
Yea but if I can't have re-issues with extra tracks for each anime, I want WFSvictor to be 90% unreleased stuff (completely unreleased and alt versions)... I'll make that Hypothetical WFS volume 2 thread one day after I'm done with this shit. lol.

We have new stuff coming to talk about this year so the forum's not going to be ded.
The 5.1 mix on LORD rips I could find was shite, at least for what my ass could do with it.

@george1234 afaik it was released on digital (worldwide?) as well as DVD in Amerikka (though I can't say I've ever seen a 5.1 ac3 encoded at ?192kbps).
Uh, so I don't know why I wasted my day on this - but I did (I blame SAO) - so if you really want some rips from LORD, here they are.
If you're wondering why audio is going in and out sometimes (and why it sounds like ass) that's because I was selective with the center channel. The movie mix is Hokuto no Ken style where most of the raw audio is in the center channel and also with a fuckton of SFX everywhere. I should've just downmixed it, cut it up and then done something else, lol. The numbering is probably very off too cause the movie is pretty much non-stop music and sometimes my brain gave up.

So yea, it sounds like ass... I think what you should actually do instead is simply watch the movie. "crapolacpm"
-OST coming out now, I'll redo the unreleased parts-

What a weird soundtrack this is. So many random tracks. Stringfest? Check... but how about a random sax track in a tavern? how about something acoustic? how about every regular Kajiura singer except Yuriko? (I assume that 1 short kajiurago near the end and 1 vocalise in the middle are Joelle.) Sheeesh.
I hope they release a CD for it eventually. I'd really like to hear some of the war tracks - Yuri's in particular since it seems chaotic af.

If anyone needs the two Chinese songs in good quality, let me know, since I didn't include them.
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It needs a stand alone release just for lord 08 (Muh Eri, dat sax + brass. Oof~!) and 15 (Muh Middle Eastern Eri).
I assume that 1 short kajiurago near the end and 1 vocalise in the middle are Joelle.
AFAIK, Joelle sang two songs: Lord 29, and apparently a Kajiurago version of the ending used in international screenings of the movie. By vocalize, you mean the slow track that's just lalala? I think that's Eri. Or did I miss a song? hue
AFAIK, Joelle sang two songs: Lord 29, and apparently a Kajiurago version of the ending used in international screenings of the movie. By vocalize, you mean the slow track that's just lalala? I think that's Eri. Or did I miss a song? hue
I think it was #12 (I also inclided just the center channel since I wasnt sure who it was and you can barely hear it in the side channels). Its similar to I think that madoka gradus track. And also the second one in the last file. Doesnt sound like anyone regular...

And yeh, shes credited in the ed scroll for two songs - theme song kajiurago and ending song kajiurago with titles but I dont want to open the movie again... (no ending song with joelle in any audio that i have).
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I think it was #12 (I also inclided just the center channel since I wasnt sure who it was and you can barely hear it in the side channels). Its similar to I think that madoka gradus track.
Bretty sure #12 uses sampled vocals.
The short Kajiurago track... I completely missed it when I skipped through the movie hue. Could be Joelle I guess, although I haven't heard her head voice enough to be able to recognize it. There's a short part that sounds like Yuriko. Inb4 Wakana.
Based on this video, I think it is Joelle:

theme song kajiurago and ending song kajiurago with titles but I dont want to open the movie again... (no ending song with joelle in any audio that i have).
Flowers in the sand and We fell in love, IIRC.
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Bretty sure #12 uses sampled vocals.

Inb4 Wakana.
Not gonna lie I did have that thought for a second but only because I was like "waitwhodis".

Flowers in the sand and We fell in love, IIRC.
Ya. Wonder why Kajiura's only using "LORD Theme" during lives though... (Then again the Han Hong/action version doesn't really sound like it would be called either "we fell in love" or "flowers in sand" lol. unless it's flowers buried in sand hmmmmmmmmmm)

Also, I find it amusing how at the end of #36 they just pasted Han Hong's version of the theme twice. Wonder if that's how that moment was really supposed to go... Maybe we'll know when an OST materializes (which it probably won't but eh)...


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Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse MUSIC GUIDE
I'm still where I was at a year ago with Pandora and Gelade (rough guides done but not motivated to extract those several files since it's all so insignificant compared to the other shows) sooooo here's something different (in the end, similarly insignificant lol)...

Naming for the files in the guide according to xenosaga tools (if I remember correctly). I went through the files twice (JPN and ENG) and I've no idea if I'd somehow skipped 'here she comes (KOS-MOS)' and 'a field of battle~bitter #2' both times or if they were simply not used in the game...

Beware of SFX in the communication breakdown included below. "cpm"
with love from grunty of cpm

EPSTAFF Sweet Song
M-01 in the beginning, there was... (clean outro)
s010100 first meeting (clean intro) + opening theme + assault
s010310 Nephilim + strain + surrounded (?less synth vocal)
s010610 here he comes (?no melodic tingling)
s010700 gate out + fatal fight
s020310 R&D report
s020500 chase
s020520 surrounded
s020700 lamentation
s021200 Albedo
s030500 communication breakdown (off-choir) + Albedo
s031300 Sakura + Sakura #2
s031700 strained
s031800 Jr. #2 (off-vocal)
s032010 strained + Albedo
s032110 surrounded + Albedo #2
s040100 in the beginning, there was... #2
s040110 here he comes + Sakura
s050400 battle of Elsa + battle of Elsa #2
s080810 here he comes #2 + surrounded
s080900 creeping fear + U-DO-Febronia
s081100 final crisis
s090510 Albedo #2
s090600 creeping fear + presentiment-Jr. #3
s100500 inside + Sakura #3
s100600 creeping fear + U-DO-Febronia
s100700 I am free
s100800 Sakura #4
s101210 communication breakdown (off-choir)

Obviously this is just for Yuki Kajiura, not Shinji Hosoe.

PS: I'm still looking for that American soundtrack that came with the Brady Games limited edition Xenosaga 2 strategy guide so if anyone can help... I found some rips and they seem to be the same edits that were on the Japanese soundtrack, even with hard intros on tracks which were crossfaded on the Japanese release.
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that sfx covers a delicious part in communication breakdown... that is why I had said in this forum that someone should hack the computer!!