where were we?? orchestraaaa timmmeeeee. >>>>>>

it will destroy itself !
strings sound still strained. Remi and Tokyo Konsei sound so well together.
aincrad - very nice!!! now the flute in the background. nicely blended.
swordland - ok.
first town - the violin is too fast. tsk.
a tender feeling - normally the oboe would be nice. but no there is just something odd. like the strings. tsk.
fly higher and faster - now there is a track I like more compared to the original. flute is nice addition, brass works well. strings is still problematic but the brass and drums covers it up. especially the latter part. the blending is nice.
aerial fight - bit of a yawn.
false king - sounds much better than the original. but still very repetitive.
dance with me - this pisses me off. it is the REPLICA of the original. tsk.
death gun - this is where strings sounds actually fine. !! it's weird. ...
moon and shadow - the transition into the flute is not done right. too abrupt.
you are not alone - not bad.
let's join swords - whatever.
delete - NOW THERE'S MUSIC. the atmospheric feeling is soooo good that I will forgive the strings problem. Remi and Konsei work work.!! my only complaint is that it's a bit long. SOMEONE ACTUALLY SAYS SHHHH!!! in the middle. wow incredible. aaah the middle choir sound ahhhhhh..... yes! much much better than the original. the ending is also great.
smile for you - it's good but too long for me.
her name is Alice - SUPER.
we have to save her! - the repetitiveness bothers me too much - next.
find your sword in this land - ok.
the days in swordcraft academy - very good !
crossing a dangerous bridge - omg the original is faaar superior.
she was sitting under the osmanthus tree - the dark transition is SUPERB. the increaasing sounds of the ahh iss excellent + drums. but then it goes downhill. it's exact replica of the original. it doesn't work for me... the arrangement is lacking.
a holy sword in his heart - still strings sounds as if there is a metal bar scrubbing a blackboard. but not too bad.
now the time has come - could have been much grander.
longing - Remi and Konsei work but the original is much more fun xD
still a huge disappointment. but I have tracks I really like so it's not a complete disaster lol. enjoy it folks!