Summer 2010 anime


It's time for a new single; 2nd single of the year. I'm sure Kalafina will sing the ED.
[gossip mode]Yana Toboso loved Kalafina's Lacrimosa (like CLAMP loves Maaya Sakamoto, lol).[/gossip mode]

george1234 said:
Because i hear the rumor a few months ago
which rumur ?
Kyrie - Kalafina.

輝く空の静寂(しじま)には/ Kalafina (SMEレコーズ)

同年3月17日に発売した、2ndアルバム「Red Moon」はオリコンウィークリーアルバムチャート5位を記録した。

Kagayaku sora no seijaku ( shijima ) niha <-- Is this correct?
it should be "Kagayaku sora no shijima ni wa"

That (しじま) was to show how 静寂 read since it can be read as both seijaku and shijima.

Nick Hunter said:
Too bad for Vespertine. I say again, someone should really feed Yuki some of these title ideas from 2ch. :XD:
agreed. vespertine and, especially, hidden agenda are beautiful titles :shy: :ohoho:
Re: Re:

Alphard Sokaina said:
Nick Hunter said:
Too bad for Vespertine. I say again, someone should really feed Yuki some of these title ideas from 2ch. :XD:
agreed. vespertine and, especially, hidden agenda are beautiful titles :shy: :ohoho:
maybe that "Hidden Agenda" is tetotetometome :psst:
version 2 :sohappy: :

Lesse so far:

Mitsudomoe >>>> Kuroshitsuji II (until Sebastian and Ciel returned) >>>>>>>>>>> Kuroshitsuji II (after Sebastian and Ciel returned) > Denyuden > Ookamisan > Amagami SS > Campanella >
You see, I liked the new guys more than Sebastian and Ciel so I'm disappointed. I bet the new guys don't even show up anymore til like the last 5 episodes... Eh.
Wel that's not very possible, since all the pre 1st episode promotion of the season was done with these 2 new guys so I guess that they will have a good on-screen time (like they say in Hayate no Gotoku XD).
All the footage from promotion materials was in episode 1 so it might've all been to troll people that Sebastian and Ciel wouldn't be returning.