Sayaka's descent into self destructive despair was carried out a lot better than expected. It was quite beautiful actually (I know I sound effed up right now lol), she was actually
interesting for a couple of episodes and made me feel something when the final nail in the coffin screwed itself in. Not really sympathy but a heaviness that I haven't gotten out of an anime series in a long time. I could feel her apathy and hopelessness and could actually understand it. That being said, I kinda hope she is 'lost' for good because I just find it so cheap when a series strain the audience so emotionally like that--
just to bring the character back and ta da! Everything's happy and good again. Even for characters I really care about, it's a hollow resolution for me.
(Btw, I'm 99% certain that Hitomi lied about having feelings for whatshisname to get Sayaka to confess and was actually telling him about how great Sayaka is. But of course, Sayaka was too far away and caught up in her despair to hear them. Hence, the muted conversation. If that's the case and Madoka finds out... should be veerrrry interesting.
![what? nothing is going on :plot: :plot:](
So it seems like this series has gotten into a pattern of at least one WTF?!!! moment per episode. 6 had the reveal of Puella Magi being basically Ghosts
outside their Shell (
![My jaw is stationary but my head may fall off soon :ohoho: :ohoho:](
), 7 had Sayaka going Micheal Myers on that poor Witch, and 8 had Witches actually being former PM's and of course, Kyubey eating Kyubey Swiss cheese.
Like seriously, Kyubey creeps me da fuck out now.
Having no feelings or affection for humans I could deal with but now he has multiple bodies (that he EATS to dispose of) and possibly is some kind of demon that turns little girls into Witches (which he also has them KILL to get stronger) called "Incubator" (which I'm now realizing is where he gets his alias from: Cubey/Kyubey= In
cubator). With a name like that, I suspect that cute little body isn't his true form but just a guise. Afterall, what young grade school girl would mistrust something that cute and cuddly? Plus, gotta love the way Homura referred to him as an "it", it's a small thing but telling. Perhaps, he's not the main "trigger" in the PM world at all but just a recruiter apart of something larger? If that's the case, we might can expect another season or a sequel.
I really find the PM basically being young Witches angle to be very intriguing. I have a theory that these Witches that the PM have to fight are basically weak PM's with little talent (like Sayaka) who through lack of Grief Seeds and/or utter despair had their Soul Gems darkened and need to be taken care of. Kind of a survival of the fittest type thing: The Grief Seeds provide power for the PM's Soul Gems because they're basically absorbing power from former PM's. It doesn't really explain much but that's what I think.
And so my dear Homura remains the mystery girl.
![whyyyyy :orz: :orz:](
At least, more of her powers have been revealed and she has something to do with a different timeline but I want mooooaarrrr. Oh well, these two episodes belonged to Sayaka so the final 4 should be left to the Homura/Madoka connection. I just hope it was worth waiting until the last episodes for. Like seriously, I WILL be pissed if they half-ass it. I wanna be mindfucked or at least, shocked. Even with all the twists and turns so far, this can easily fall into the cliche for the conclusion. How the situation with Sayaka turning into a Witch, the night of Walpurgis, and Homura's connection to Madoka are resolved will really be the deciding factor to me if this series is really a game changer in the Mahou Shojo genre or if it is just a quirky show. Either way, if this makes it overseas it will most definitely be on my to-buy list.