New FictionJunction album "elemental" and YK Live vol. #11

Watched the whole live!

More or less happy with it . My favourite songs were elemental , storytelling, forest,historia, nohara, absolute config, Hanomori no Oka, Kimi Ga Ita Monogatari and gaika

Enjoyed the live flute in a variety of songs. Keiko was amazing as usual, though sometimes she used her cutsey voice ( always preferred her deep voice), Wakana was strong in this live as well as Kaori. I was surprised with Yuriko because- as people have been saying- she looked a bit sleepy . Maybe during the MC she was half sleeping and then woke up to say something and failed :XD:

Wakana's English is clearer than any other live! Then again she replied very well to me at Japan Expo so I should of known heh

While this is one of my favourite song lists , volume 2 and I think even 9 had more energy . In the land of twilight for example was a bit lifeless compared to volume 2. Of course I prefer vocal quality to running around and being out breath. Also I know it would of made the realse longer but I really really missed the full MC's ....either way I will certainly buy this live ! :sohappy:

EDIT: Audio mixing was interesting to say the least. Yuriko's microphone was too loud and Keiko's was too quiet imo XD
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@Kenji: The FJ version seems to have higher volume, so it overlaps chiaki's voice and that wouldnt happen if it was really a live.
also I expect you to include the guitar solos of the studio versions too :P

I cant wait to hear Chaiki's live ver of Kimi wa boku ni niteiru (Kuga said she would perform it)
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@Kenji: The FJ version seems to have higher volume, so it overlaps chiaki's voice and that wouldnt happen if it was really a live.
also I expect you to include the guitar solos of the studio versions too :P

I cant wait to hear Chaiki's live ver of Kimi wa boku ni niteiru (Kuga said she would perform it)
It's true, @Kazado also told me. It was just that the Chiaki's powerful voice was overlapping the voices of the other girls, so I decided to reduce the volume of the voices of them.

I will try to do the thing of the guitars and to increase the volume!

Thank you so much for your critics, I really appreciate it ^_^
*sighs* that's a shame. I'd love to see a making-of documentary! Finding out about the creative process and the behind-the-scenes stuff in the studio and backstage would be really interesting.
Now I get why Nohara wansn't performed in the whole tour. Every time they sing it, Kajiura HAS to do that long speech about the song. It was the same in Osaka hahahahaha She was too lazy to repeat it every live performance :XD:

Just kidding, but it was funny to think it this way
That's some evil misadvertising on JVC's part, since the Bluray cover boasts Live+Making on all the shops.

I totally agree!! However it was stated in detail is some announcements found in the FJ website

Not to menthion that you have to pay additional 700Yen to send they flyers to Flying Dog :XD:

Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#11 elemental Tour 2014 ツアーオリジナルメイキングDVDプレゼントキャンペーン

2014年6月25日発売のYuki Kajiura LIVE BD商品第一弾(VTXL-19~20)に封入されている応募券を、9月24日に発売になるYuki Kajiura LIVE BD商人第二弾 (VTXL-21)に封入されている応募用紙に貼って、定額小為替700円分を同封の上、ご応募ください。ご応募頂いた方全員に、「Yu ki Ka jiu r a LIVE vol.#11elemental Tour 2014 ツアーオリジナルメイキングDVD」を


Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#11 elemental Tour 2014 04.20@NHK Hall + Making of LIVE vol.#11発売決定!
この度、Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#11 elemental Tour 2014のツアーファイナル公演・4月20日@NHKホールでのライブを全曲HD収録したLive Blu-rayの発売が決定しました!今回、特典映像としてツアーの全行程(計8か所)、100時間以上に及ぶ素材の中から選りすぐりのメイキング映像を収録しています。

※また、6月25日発売のYuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#11
FictionJunction YUUKA 2days Special 2014.02.08~09 中野サンプラザ

2014年6月25日発売のYuki Kajiura LIVE BD商品第一弾(VTXL-19~20)の封入フライヤーに付いている応募券を、2014年9月24日発売のYuki Kajiura LIVE BD商品第二弾(VTXL-21)に封入されている応募用紙に貼って、定額小為替700円分を同封の上、ご応募ください。
ご応募頂いた方全員に、「Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#11 elemental Tour 2014 ツアーオリジナルメイキングDVD」をプレゼントします。
I've written to my proxy service to know whether they may interface between Victor and me, let's hope for a positive answer (they usually answer fast)
The part with rising up, Gaika, absolute configuration and Kimi ga Ita Monogatari was the most enjoyable for me. Storm and zodiacal sign were quite ok too, but like most of the other songs they lack energy and emotion. I hoped to have at least one solo song by Yuriko, but well... probably it's good we had none considering her condition. She definitely didn't look well and during the two MCs she sounded as if she was dying :vortex:

Sad they had no guest vocals this time. And Kore-chan, you so cool with your new haidro and necktie!
About the english intro I figured it was Calling you in One and Only night. But here it's like Calling you in Cry of Lonely night????
Calling you in quiet lonely night? Or Calling you and cry in lonely night? :uh..: So many versions to come up with lol
^ which means we will never see it unless someone from Japan leaks it.
That's some evil misadvertising on JVC's part, since the Bluray cover boasts Live+Making on all the shops.

there is some making-of footage with the blu-ray but there's even more in the mail-in the extra DVD, according to this: said:
If you're wondering what it is, it is a DVD with more "making of" footage. Apparently they shot 100 hours worth of footage in HD. Naturally, they can't put all 100 hours in the BD, so a portion of it will be a bonus track on the BD. Another portion will be in this special DVD that they will give out to ALL who apply for it.
Oh now I remembered about it! Well the 100hours thing is probably without Montage since that's a crazy amount of video (I assume they even followed them in the toilet lol), still it's misleading to say that you have making of when it's not all of it, and not state it before purchase.