New FictionJunction album "elemental" and YK Live vol. #11

I just remembered this blu-ray doesn't have 'image theme of xenosaga'. It was one of my favorite performances... But it has absolute configuration instead, so I'm fine. Really wanting to buy this release, but just in a couple months...
- Why was Yuriko almost speachless during her introduction ? :S
- elemental is much more energetic in live version :dote: (wants to danse)
- Liminality was surpsringly good considering Wakana's known condition compared to the vol#2 one
- This was the best Hanamori no Oka from all the lives so far, Kaori sung it very well! (as good as the recording ver I can say!)
- M23 was lovely, but I have a fealing Sato ruins every song with his cymbals mania >_>
- Hitorigoto!! Amazing harmonies, mucch better than the recording, loved the flute! :dote: Also like the flute on storm
- This perforamnce of Toki no Mukou made me think it has the best melody out of the Parellel-Hearts-like songs.
- Nohara: Lovely deep voice!
- rising up: would be amazing if it wasnt so repeatitive
- Gaika was Amazing! <3 Sato did a good job at this one, and Korenaga was so :hero: with this guitar show-off! [However I should say I was dissapointed by Yuriko, who, for some reason is really down in this whole concert :cry: ]

Kimi ga Ita Monogatari: Like grunty said, its hands down the best performormance of this concert!!!! :nosebleed: I love the intro with the english it was just so adrenaline hyping!! :love: (isnt it "COME HERE TO FALL IN LOVE" ?) - I could never figure it out with Chiaki's voice XD

I always thought the closest to Chiaki's voice was Hikaru, but Wakana did a splendid job too. Was kinda disappointed the e.guitar wasnt the "Dream Field" mix melody, and I think the violin didnt really fit, and im also missing the choruses of the .hack version. If it had all those it would have been perfect!
- skipping stone cold , will talk later about it.
- Nothing to comment on distance, it was neither better than before, nor bad.
- Zodical sign: WOw nice guitar!!!! :hero: The rest of the song is as expected, with Yuriko less jumpy than the previous performances of it :XD: Next time I want "Kokuyou no Kimi~Amai Yuuwaku" (Mai Hime ost 2) as instrumental, so that Jr gets a proper bass solo :)
- I think I like Parallel Hearts more now that I read the Yuki Kajiura interview about the manga. Compared to previous performances I think this one has better drums.
Sweet Song: At last live flute for this! Its really a very sweet song, and a nice change from everlasting song. Kaori did a good job and I love the chorus.

Kaori Oda had almost half the tracklist for herself, so she really shined in this concert. I guess Yuriko was in a bad day, I cant otherwise explain why she was so down this time :(
All in all it was a very enjoyable concert :sohappy:
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Maybe she hadn't voice in that moment, but it's strange òò
(Liminality is one of my fav FJ song <3 Good work my dear Waka-chan)
You guys are making me very curious to watch this omg, I can't hold myself, I'm watching the vol #4 right now :love:
And I told you guys Wakana wasn't bad at all in Liminality, she surprised me too ~
^ but she was about to say something and her voice cracked :S

maybe she had a flu ? Its not impossible since at that time it was April.
I dont know. I remember Kajiura tweeted about her being sick during the 3days lives (was it that one? whichever had the Japanese seal), this time - no idea.

About the english intro I figured it was Calling you in One and Only night. But here it's like Calling you in Cry of Lonely night???? I don't even. We will not know unless it gets displayed on some backdrop visual or shit.
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The 3 days special was August 31 - Sept 1, 2, 2012 and the japanese seal was the September 2 one.
Before vol 11, There was a 2-days on Sept 25, and 26, 2013.

I dunno about this time too, if I knew japanese I would stalk Kajiura's twitter everyday and would know :P
Okay, now bilibili decided to let me watch the video. That tsundere website, hunf. hahahahaha
Still looking forward to your link, though, HimeWakana~
Thank you very much, HimeWakana.

I'm watching the live and loving it. I can't believe I watched it already, it looked like a dream. Now I see that was not my imagination, those performances really existed <3
Oh, neat. Now I just need to find some time to watch it which won't be easy in my upcoming week.

I should really get around to buying the YK Lives though, especially after getting addicted on FJ Keiko's Synchronicity from Vol. #4.