I remember reading a study done a while ago about music piracy, which was expected to show people download music illegally without buying it, but...nope! The people who pirated the most music were also the people who bought the most!
I rarely buy anything without recommendations from other people, or hearing the songs played live. Half the CDs I buy these days came from the merch tables at concerts - quite often I discover new stuff by accident when I hear a band who happen to be supporting another band I'm familiar with on tour, and I'm so impressed I get their albums as well.
I just wish the situation at work could be sorted out quicker, so I can order a copy of this without worrying where the money will come from!
I rarely buy anything without recommendations from other people, or hearing the songs played live. Half the CDs I buy these days came from the merch tables at concerts - quite often I discover new stuff by accident when I hear a band who happen to be supporting another band I'm familiar with on tour, and I'm so impressed I get their albums as well.
I just wish the situation at work could be sorted out quicker, so I can order a copy of this without worrying where the money will come from!