New FictionJunction album "elemental" and YK Live vol. #11

Can someone translate this Tweet?

10月に入ったら、いっせいのせでYK ライブ映像見ようやりたいと思っております(*´∇`*)。

My knowledge of the Japanese language isn't that good yet and Google Translate doesn't make any sense :spotlight: People who commented on this Tweet are saying things like "I'm looking forward to it" so it's making me think that some plans are being made for October. I could be wrong though :XD:
Oh my Wakana my copy has shipped!!! And now for the period of time that I actually wish I spent ridiculous amounts of money on the 1-2 day shipping option :comeback: (that costs as much as the bluray itself LOL)
This Kimi ga ita monogatari live cover was pretty interesting (sans Wakana's refrain which just doesn't have Chiaki's energy). Unfortunately, next to the other songs, it only shows how good Kajiura used to be.

Also, dat intro english.
Have you attended the concert or have you already received your copy?
Kimi ga Ita Monogatari was one of my favorite performances, I can't wait to rewatch it.
He should teach us how to be pirates. Because being a pirate is awesome~ hahahahaha
(which reminded me of a certain pirate song, oh noes)
Gayka is sleep inducing (actually the whole concert is, everything sounds so soft). I keep going back to Kimi ga ita. They should've let Kaori sing it all (choppy as her vocals are), instead of Wakana.

flute on storm, different yet again. guess that's cool. zodiacal sign sounds different, don't have my old stuff to compare to. EIther different mixing levels or they added more strings (and stuff) to the backing track.
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Ahhh mine is shipped too! I want to hear gaika so much. Still love it, and storytelling. Looking forward to it all actually. I hope it comes soon, but I did (well my mom) air mail so it won't get here for awhile. *sigh*
Mine's shipped too! :stars: I expect it will arrive some time next week. Which is perfect because that's when my mid-semester break starts...the universe has paved the way for a whole day of Kajiura goodness on the couch with tea and chocolate :stars: :TdT:
^At least in Adelaide we have Royce chocolate.
Mine hasn't shipped yet, since I ordered it over the weekend.
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@ritardando: I don't really have more to say. I was pretty bored (like Yuriko). storytelling, kimi ga ita and absolute configuration were the best. I was very annoyed with the full strings backing tracks on some tracks. the violin in Liminality sounded warmer than in vol2 but all dem glisses. Kaori's glisses on the lalalas in in the land of twilight,under the moon annoyed me greatly too. Last time I remember being very happy with Keiko's performance in Toki no mukou, but this time I think she overdid it with her voice breaking a couple times (but again, I can't compare since I don't have my old shit so it could be my memory playing tricks).
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^ LOL I don't think Yuriko was bored, it's just that her eyes are small so she looks sleepy most of the time :XD:Did you get to watch the making of too? I wonder if it's similar to vol. #9's.

My copy... despite it having entered the "despatch process" for a few days now, it's still not yet shipped :faint:
I think she was sleeping. The way she's singing some of her parts is just pure /effort. (And she's my favorite.)

I didn't watch any making.