New FictionJunction album "elemental" and YK Live vol. #11

Like I said before, it is a new song that they had to learn for this concert, along with some others, so I forgive them for maybe being nervous and a bit tired.

I think this can hardly be an excuse, I mean other artists every time they do a new album, they perform all the new songs, while in FictionJunction, except vol.1, half the tracklist was conisisting of old tracks + that this is the last day of their tour. They might be tired, but they should know how to perform it after 2 other lives performances (the previous days) and who knows how many rehearsal, after all they are proffessionals.

@ Daphne: I see :)
^Yeah, I was saying that too, I just meant that it can be understood why some people would think there was something wrong with it. Even with only a few performances, but yeah, they are professionals, which is why I said they sounded great regardless.

Gaaah this week is dragging! heh
I love how the people here blow the negatives out of proportion.

I'm just grateful we can get live BDs at all considering their low sale numbers.

The girls sound fine. Yeah, they don't move around too much, but it's not nearly as bad as people are describing it.
I'm with Kirito. The girls sounded fine to me :goodjob: And I really love the smile on Kajiura-san's face from the glimpses offered in that Digest vid - she looks like she's enjoying performing a lot. It made me smile too :)
I just don't like the way Yuriko absolute configuration. I'll wait to hear the full performance before making a judgement but I still think they sound tired. Not bad mind you, Wakana in particular was smoothest she's been in ages, just a little burnt out.
I wasn't blowing it out of proportion, I was saying how I could think people would think that, if that makes sense. I think they did fine too, which is what I was saying. And I thought that about the mic because George and someone else said they couldn't hear the piano well in that song. Yeah, it's only a bit of the songs, so I am really looking forward to the whole thing. I did say distance and eternal blue were very good, which they weren't so much in previous lives. I so can't wait to hear Gaika, since it's my favorite song from the new album.
^ I'm sure Kirito was just referring to the multitude of negative comments here following the release of the Digest vid, he's not referring to anyone specifically. That said, we are all entitled to our own opinions so it's fine if we can't agree on things. I for one am super hyped about the release... been waiting for a few months and now there's only a few more days to go :w00t:
Based on comments from around the web I always get the impression that a chunk of Kajiura's strictest critics are in fact her fans, whereas casual listeners are mostly very praiseworthy. Tough love perhaps? :ohoho:

Anyways, I can't wait for this to come out - next week?! :ghost: :stars: I do agree the girls seem to be lacking the energy that was present in vol. 2 and 4. But the singing was awesome (then again, based on previous general reactions to other lives it seems I'm not very good at telling her bad performances from her good ones because they all sound great to me... :desksweat: :XD: )

I still think the girls did an admirable job, especially with absolute configuration and Historia, considering only Yuriko amongst them is actually professionally trained in opera-style singing. They don't sound like easy songs for most singers (I can't imagine most of the singers I listen to being able to pull off a Kajiura OST song live like that).

Also dat Kajiura smile


^ I Believe that the strict critics from the fans root from the fact that the fans that know all of YK's works and her vocalists capabilities throught her works know better about what they are capable to do when they do their best (eg: Yuriko in Materialise live), so as a result when we see them perform not as good as some other time, we would of course complain a bit :XD:

As for absolute confuguration the performance was not bad for me audio-wise but like grunty said everyone of the performers seems to have a different approach to it, and that is just funny :XD: My reply to Liana was concerning the commonly used excuses "they were tired", and "the song was new" and I dont target it toward the performance of that particular song.
I just meant that maybe they were still nervous over it even after singing it a few times, since you do get nervous going on stage, even if you are professionals. I don't think there's anyone who does not get somewhat nervous getting on stage. (I know I get terrified when I have recitals.) But anyways, I thought it was great, I am just saying that because other people thought it was not very good. Okay, let's wait until we hear the full version of all songs. (Who knows, maybe the energy comes after just the little preview we got?) Gaah is it next week yet? I am not sure which shipping my mom choose, but I don't think it was the fastest one, so I might not get it right away, I will be dying of waiting. heh
I put in an order with CD Japan for "Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#11 elemental Tour 2014 2014.04.20 @NHK Hall + Making of LIVE vol.#11" - they were down to their last pre-order copy after my order.
I put in an order with CD Japan for "Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#11 elemental Tour 2014 2014.04.20 @NHK Hall + Making of LIVE vol.#11" - they were down to their last pre-order copy after my order.

Woah, thanks for that. I just ordered the last one, huehue.
Can someone help me (I know I'm quite late :cry:)?

I would like to watch the digests for:
-Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#11 FictionJunction YUUKA 2days Special
-Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#11 elemental Tour 2014

Although I have proxtube as an addon I can't watch the vidoes.

Can someone please please help me???? :plz:
I think the main problem is because the youtube videos were prohibited in TroupeLeader's region/country, so that he/she can't watch it. I have the FJ one downloaded but I can't upload it atm, sorry :(

OMG thank you thank you thank you! Thank you sooooo much!!!!!
This restriction thing on YT is such an annoying thing. I really hate it!!!
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