New FictionJunction album "elemental" and YK Live vol. #11

Wahh I've just ordered the Elemental Pamphlet ...not sure whether to get the live tour book too ! Money is non-existent atm :vortex:
^ Actually there are only a few nice pictures in the LIVE book so I was a little disappointed when I got it. I prefer the concert pamphlets more. The LIVE book has this really extensive set list for each day of their performance though.

Some pics I took from the LIVE book as well as the vol. #6 and vol. #8 pamphlets when I first got them.
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Oh wow, thanks! I still really want those. *sigh* I may be getting the Blu-ray though! :sohappy:

Edit: I am getting it!!!!!!!! Early Christmas present!!! :dote::sohappy::love::shy::V:So happy right now.
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Why there is no Digest of the Blu-Ray release on Flying Dogs Youtube channel? Yuuka's blu-ray video was uploaded 2 weeks before the release, and there is no video for this one yet. I was looking forward to it... Hope they upload it soon..
thanks you!

All songs sound great :dote: , but Im sure its not random that the digest has mostly the new performances....

The violin sounds again like muiltiple strings :uh..: when are they going to stop trying to fool us ?
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:chuu::chuu::chuu::chuu::chuu: and more :chuu: Berta-chan!

This only consolidated my reason to get this bluray and Live Book!
Hmm well Flying Dog must of realized that the video digest would receive more attention if new songs were shown instead of old ones, zodiacal sign for example :XD: #marketing-strategies

The audio sounds fantastic, I don't know how but it really does! Hyped for this !!!!!!

And can I just say that 'Absolute Configuration' has made me go:love::chuu::blood::nosebleed::blood::nosebleed::plz: . I think I found heaven again with FictionJunction and Miss Yuki !
ooooh historia opening is pretty interesting :D
and yeah... the strings were a bit distracting coz it's just violin there. But I guess I'd like this better than the flat violin performance from #9 stream
If they want strings on live they might as well pay 3 more people and hire the whole Hitoshi Konno quartet, since they use them anyway. Post-recorded strings is too cheap tactic.
Thanks for the link, HimeWakana!

Here's my 2cents that's obviously not going to be popular lol :
- the girls sounded really tired almost in all songs.
elemental is okay, too bad i don't care for the song at all. the engrish in storytelling is enjoyable. Hitorigoto sounds really promising UNTIL the drums kick in. Wakana sounds like dying chicken in Historia op.theme, absolute configuration is a mess. I think they should get Yuriko's voice louder in absolute configuration and not Wakana. the girls all sounded really tired in toki no mukou, distance, eternal blue. with so many songs with her as lead vocal i think Kaori is really tired by the final song (sweet song) because her legato is practically nonexistent there - plus too much pushing and pausing to take a breath. The drum in the end of sweet song is improvised but as usual, it's loud without doing anything. Or this all could be because the vocal is less polished this time lol.

I'm still getting this. I hope Nohara, Gaika, and Kimi ga Ita Monogatari is okay.
Thanks for the link, HimeWakana!
I think they should get Yuriko's voice louder in absolute configuration and not Wakana. the girls all sounded really tired in toki no mukou, distance, eternal blue. with so many songs with her as lead vocal

Your 2 cents or 1 pence in the UK is agreeable on the aspect that I too think they sound tired in toki no and eternal blue. But I will agree to disagree on Historia and Absolute Config. If they really do sound bad then I must be ignorantly and happily deaf because those are my two favourite from the video so far XDDD
I sooo can't wait for this next week! So glad I convinced my parents to get it for me! (Would so not be able to wait until Xmas to watch it heh) But the audio sounds great, though since it was uploaded the quality isn't good, I mean the picture. It's going to look amazing on my big screen. But yes I do agree that they sound a little tired, but think they did a great job in learning a new song like absolute configuration, (can't wait to hear luminous sword, since it will be the same way probably) Konno is a rock star, and I loved how Yuki rocked out on the piano with that hair toss. lol I thought she was going to start head banging! But you can definitely tell when just Konno is playing though, at least I can, with the other strings in the background, since his is louder. I thought eternal blue and distance were actually better than other concerts, and toki no mukou was just okay, but waiting to hear the epic violin on that song. I actually like Kaori's voice in sweet song a lot more than the original. It is a long concert, so I would be surprised if they wouldn't be tired. (If you go back to the Red Moon concert, see how much Wakana sweat back then, and how she does now, I think it's a lot better.) Wakana does awesome, Yuriko was the one I was surprised at though, but hopefully she'll be strong in the rest of it. I didn't hear anything wrong with Hitorigoto, I think it will be really pretty. And Historia. :sohappy:Lol you guys.