New FictionJunction album "elemental" and YK Live vol. #11

oh indeed, I had forgot about that ^^;

oh also I forgot to menthion the 2-day special with 2 performances, between vol 10 and 11.
Don't forget that the audio of about half of vol.5 Japanese Seal @Yokohama was released, plus a few songs from vol.3
Yes I think the LIVE experience cannot be re-enacted via BD/DVD, but for me who have not attended any LIVEs I'm happy with whatever they've released / are going to release. To be honest I'm also a little disappointed with some of the repeat songs, but because each LIVE sounds different (for example, I much prefer 'Parallel Hearts' and 'zodiacal sign' in vol. #9 than in vol. #4), and their expressions/movement are also different, I'm still very much looking forward to it. If I can have it my way I'll have them release every volume :ohoho: More releases please :gimmeh:

One more month to go for vol. #11 BD release! :cheer:
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Sorry if this has already been discussed but... good lord, seeing "Liminality" in the setlist has me both excited and terrified at the same time. Does anyone know if Wakana even sang the main vocal in that song this time? She was amazing in Vol 3 live but I doubt she could do the same these days... it would seem more plausible if Yuriko Kaida took over lol

edit: i just discovered the glorious "search" function and this post implies that Wakana sang lead and actually did well. *rabid fan squeal*
Sorry if this has already been discussed but... good lord, seeing "Liminality" in the setlist has me both excited and terrified at the same time. Does anyone know if Wakana even sang the main vocal in that song this time? She was amazing in Vol 3 live but I doubt she could do the same these days... it would seem more plausible if Yuriko Kaida took over lol

edit: i just discovered the glorious "search" function and this post implies that Wakana sang lead and actually did well. *rabid fan squeal*

Well, I was a bit afraid when the song started, but Wakana was indeed very good. During all performances she was very consistent and did a wonderful job, so I would tell you to relax :D
Since this thread is still part of the original discussion, I guess this is the place to talk about it.

I finally downloaded a copy of Elemental as I just ordered the album and I know I won't get it until October but wanted to listen to it. After all this hype for Gaika I wasn't sure what to expect but damn, it is wonderful. Elemental is great too. The whole thing about there only being four new songs doesn't really bother me as I don't currently own any FictionJunction material at all, so it's all new stuff for me :innocent:. I'm not sure why I haven't listened to much beyond a couple of songs here and there, and most of what I have heard is Yuuka material, but it's time to rectify that.
since its your first time with FictionJunction you should definetely listen to everlasting songs which contains almost all the non-Yuuka songs prior to the girls gathering together as group (they were duo of Yuki + vocalist before) there's also Wakana's first song with Yuki which isnt into the album, Hikari no Yukue of Hokuto no Ken (there's als0 a kajiurago ver of the song into the ost)
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I have a few songs from Everlasting Songs and I actually had it on my order until I realised that things were getting a little *too* expensive :comeback:. I'll probably pick it up later on, I already have a bunch of things to put in for another huge order (my wallet: :imdead:) . I only have Dreamscape, Cazador del Amor, Kaze no Machi e and one of the other Yuuka songs though.

I've been watching Youtube vids from various YK lives recently and I think I may have to make that jump soon too :dote:.
I have a few songs from Everlasting Songs and I actually had it on my order until I realised that things were getting a little *too* expensive :comeback:. I'll probably pick it up later on, I already have a bunch of things to put in for another huge order (my wallet: :imdead:) . I only have Dreamscape, Cazador del Amor, Kaze no Machi e and one of the other Yuuka songs though.

I've been watching Youtube vids from various YK lives recently and I think I may have to make that jump soon too :dote:.

Ai I hear you! CD Japan must make a mint with international deliveries XD I'm looking into everlasting songs too! I listen to the album alot so I might as well buy it for my cd player heh
dreamscape is by Kaori and Kaze no is by Keiko. I love both of them, Keiko is so peaceful, and love most of her live versions of it. (Even tried to play it on the violin with someone playing the piano part, did not do too well though) My favorite FJ song now is Gaika, even though Wakana is the main vocal and you can barely hear the other girls, except Yuriko's ahhhing of course, pretty sure it's her anyways. elemental and storytelling are nice too. Toki no Mukou ni is still one of my fave songs from them though.
Wow its really inspired!!! :goodjob: The summoned spirits / fighters that appear in sailor moon style, ready to punish evil. Yuki, the summoner, has a grin on her face because she knows that she already won the battle! :whip: The doors open, and the girls appear *imagination runs wild* THE BEST video release cover of YK so far for sure!! :dote: :love::love:
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^ well if you compare with this :

1. She had long hair when the concert happened.
2. She surely wears make up
3. They did some editing
4. the angle and lightining help so that her skin imperfections dont show

EDIT: I just noticed her eyes are totally not showing :glower: