New FictionJunction album "elemental" and YK Live vol. #11

Both are under the same track number, the second one is meant to be for pronounciation reasons in the JVC site, but now its not needed XD so when Kuga pasted it looks like there were two
^ Ah I meant the one published in the official FlyingDog webpage - there are 2 zodiacal sign. Just wondering.
Both are under the same track number, the second one is meant to be for pronounciation reasons in the JVC site, but now its not needed XD so when Kuga pasted it looks like there were two

Ah I see. Thanks for the clarification! Was really confused with JVC's track list. There's EC3 but no EC1 and EC2. The LIVE book is clearer:
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It's been so long since the DVD/BD of the girls' performance contain both 'fun to watch' aspect and 'nice vocal delivery' aspect. Kalafina's Consolation live and FJ live vol.9 lack the 'fun' aspect (only Keiko is enjoyable in live9) - plus the 'blah' lighting and stage settings and After Eden live DVD lack 'nice vocal delivery' with Keiko shouted too much, Hikaru's being overly nasal and heavily edited her voice doesn't sound like hers in some songs and Wakana straining too much (plus I don't care about most of the songs) Best DVD is still live vol.4 for me. The vocal is edited but it doesn't really annoy me (because the edit is good hehe)- plus the energy is there.

I get that feeling too. My favourite DVD's are vol#2 and vol#4 for vocal eargasm and watching the girls really enjoy the performance.

Vol#9 and the Consolation Tour Live were definitely toned down. Even vol#11 Yuuka was pretty serious....she was so bubbly in vol#4! I know After Eden had its vocal issues, but at least there was passion! The girls really gave it their all in that DVD, even if vocals were wobbly at times!
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I get that feeling too. My favourite DVD's are vol#2 and vol#4 for vocal eargasm and watching the girls really enjoy the performance.

Mine too! vol. #2 and vol. #4 were really fun to watch. vol. #9 has this really solemn quality about it... nice vocal delivery, but feels too serious. I hope vol. #11 will be more like vol. #2 and vol. #4.
Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#11 elemental Tour 2014 2014.04.20@NHK Hall+Making of LIVE vol.#11 [Blu-ray]


1. overture ~ elemental
2. storytelling
3. forest
4. liminality
5. in the land of twilight , under the moon
6. Luminous Sword
7. 花守の丘
8. Credens justitiam
9. Historia:opening theme
10. 空の境界「未来福音」KK09_M23 (inst)
11. ひとりごと
12. storm
13. eternal blue
14. 時の向こう 幻の空
15. 野原
16. rising up
17. 凱歌
18. absolute configuration
19. 君がいた物語
20. stone cold
21. Distance
22. overture ~ zodiacal sign (Encore)
23. Parallel Hearts (Encore)
24. Sweet Song (Encore)
Absolute Configuration? Oh my. That is something I've been thinking about that should've been played live and here it is.

Pity the only other meguca track is Credens which I don't like, especially after the live Numquam Vincar on the OST being so amazing.

Also the After Eden live had wobbly vocals? Honestly I've watched it a few times and never noticed anything, honestly I class it as one of the best
Kala releases I've seen, period. I just got some proper headphones so maybe I'll give it a relisten.
I totally don't enjoy Keiko shouting too much and being too cutesy in *in your eyes*, Wakana straining too much (in magnolia it's very obvious - by the end of the song she looks like she's dying), and Hikaru doesn't sound like herself in some songs + being too nasal to the point of potentially ear-cancering *ahem*in your eyes*ahem* in After Eden live DVD. Wobbly vocals after edit on Kugatsu and Eden are also quite a proof for me. Or maybe that's just me.
After Eden is the one blu-ray/video I've rewatched least often, thinking about it. 'Wobbly' or 'strained' are exactly the words I'd use to describe it when compared with the live shows of theirs released before and since (relatively, anyway. I don't regret buying it or anything). Even 'love come down' doesn't hit the spot for me like it did on the Red Moon live show. With the DVD/blu-ray of Consolation, on the other hand, they all seem to be in a 'better place', if that makes sense.

It could well depend on your home setup though. I upgraded my hi-fi a year or so ago, and it can make a real difference*.

*embarrassing fact: you know the vocal segment of 'love come down' before the very last line? I never knew it existed! I used to think it was something they improvised and added later for live shows, because I never noticed it at all on the album version. I realised that the only times I used to listen to Seventh Heaven was on crowded buses and trains with little earbud earphones instead of hi-fi speakers or my 'favourite' headphones, so things that are low in the mix could go completely unnoticed. :omgz:
Funny enough, Red Moon DVD is the least I watch. At the moment I am still trying to burn the Consolation DVD until I get enough money to buy it. So After Eden is the one I'm watching the most on my TV. Or YK vol#2 on a Friday evening, as I did yesterday was pretty epic when there is nothing on TV ;P
I really can't wait for this Blu-ray. I hope I have enough money at the time, otherwise I might have to ask for it for an early Christmas present. I want absolute configuration, since I think it is one of Yuki's best new songs, and Historia theme. I am especially curious about gaika and rising up, and I think I am one of the few who liked storytelling. It's just a nice calming song to listen to while driving, it has that 'being in a car or train' kind of feel to it, or working out even. I can go fast on the bike or slow walking with it.

(I watched some of the After Eden Live again the other day and thought it was okay, but I do agree on the straining part. Wakana seems out of breath sometimes, and she sweats a lot. Maybe the lights were too much? When I used to be on stage for choir and even a play (a loooong time ago heh) in grade school and the lights came on I got hot too. I am still amazed that they can sing with the lights flashing in their eyes, since for at ACen I had to close my eyes even sometimes because of them, I did not want to though. heh I think Keiko maybe has that voice in Kala lives because she's dancing around more and having fun, where in FJ lives she's standing most of the time, being a little more serious.)
In case I come across as overly negative about the AE live show: it does deliver, but the delivery is what a few of us have called 'strained'. The lights look hot, the singers look like they were having less fun, although it sounds fine. I sort of feel their discomfort somehow.

Before I drag the thread off topic...I just did a quick search for FJ vol #11 and the trailer clips for Yuuka's '2 days' release sound great - the crazy-awesome violin solo for live versions of Aikoi always make me smile. That song doesn't seem to be on this one, but I think I'm sold on the fact that Absolute Configuration and Gaika are on there. They sort-of make it "I kinda want this..." "I really want this!"

Oh dear. Another one for my wishlist then. :desksweat:
So it's most noticeable in In Your Eyes and Eden? That might be why I didn't pick up on it, I don't really like IYE that much and Eden was my least favourite Kala song until Mirai and Heavenly Blue happened, so I didn't focus on it much. I must admit Magnolia could've been better even though it's still a good performance.

I'll need to download the Consolation live though. The crap stream I saw of it wouldn't have given it justice at all. Red Moon I should be getting on BD in October though so I'll fire that up alongside After Eden as I haven't actually seen it, I just have an audio rip.
Getting back to the main topic of the thread...:sparkleguy:

I can't wait to hear elemental, Gaika , nohara and absolute configuration live! Hopefully I can buy a complete set : Elemental CD, elemental blu ray and the elemental pamphlet XD

I'm glad that FJ live DVD's are finally starting to pick up! I was upset that they didn't release any DVD after vol#4 for a long while :uh..: I was concerned that their popularity was dying out :wai:

Meanwhile I will continue hoping that Flying Dog will release a certain epic vol#10 one day!
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/me being an-oot b*stard as usual

Not only Eden and in your eyes. I don't really enjoy almost all new songs from After Eden and the live makes me enjoy them even less. Kugatsu and Eden have wobbly vocals. Keiko shouting in destination unknown isn't enjoyable and by the time they perform Mune no Yukue they're probably already so tired so it doesn't really please me as well. in your eyes is pretty cancerous. I never enjoy neverending and sandpiper so I forget about them. Plus magnolia-which is dilematic because I'd say despite the straining I like this song the most. That's about After Eden songs. Wakana is also dying in fantasia and Kyrie - her parts sounded like 'please save me I can't take it anymore'.

iirc Kajiura herself said that live vol.10 is a one in a lifetime experience that couldn't probably be relived again that she strongly advised her fans to attend the live so I'd say the opportunity to get live vol.10 to be released is pretty thin.

I'll probably get this BD. I need something to occupy me until new album (preferably by Kalafina) gets released.
Tbh, Kaji Fes had a mildly disappointing set list for me. Most of the songs were repeat performances if I remember correctly.