New FictionJunction album "elemental" and YK Live vol. #11

Tbh, Kaji Fes had a mildly disappointing set list for me. Most of the songs were repeat performances if I remember correctly.
But have you ever heard Luminous sword by REMI? Or the tsubasa medley with ito eri and live flute? Or point zero with kasahara yuri? Or oblivious with hanae doing the chorus? You have never heard the performances at Kajifes before. Trust me on that.
@Hatouchan I'm just saying, for a big milestone event like this I would have loved it if Kajiura had done more new songs. Especially considering how difficult it must have been to coordinate the schedules of all 12 vocalists. Besides, I didn't even get see the live so I guess I shouldn't complain. If it ever came out I would certainly buy it just for the reasons you listed.
iirc Kajiura herself said that live vol.10 is a one in a lifetime experience that couldn't probably be relived again that she strongly advised her fans to attend the live so I'd say the opportunity to get live vol.10 to be released is pretty thin.

More like nonexistent. She already said they're not going to release it.
I believe they secretly have it recorded and they are waiting for a new anniversary to release it. There's so way they would let her biggest concert to date without video.
iirc Kajiura herself said that live vol.10 is a one in a lifetime experience that couldn't probably be relived again that she strongly advised her fans to attend the live so I'd say the opportunity to get live vol.10 to be released is pretty thin.
I doubt that line had anything to do with whether it will be released. You'd never have an experience anywhere close to it live via BD. It's her saying that they have no plans to release it.
Ontopic: So will the release of Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#11 elemental Tour include the MCs or not ? because they werent on amazon's page :S
EDIT: It will! (but here it doesnt have them @_@)

EDIT 2 : Full title seems to be "
Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#11 elemental Tour 2014 2014.04.20 @NHK Hall + Making of elemental Tour 2014

so the making of will be of both the Yuuka and the FJ concerts ?
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I doubt that line had anything to do with whether it will be released. You'd never have an experience anywhere close to it live via BD. It's her saying that they have no plans to release it.

My bad. I shall pay attention to what I say so that I could please Your Majesty.
@Hatouchan We dont care if we will re-live the live experience since the technology is still far from reproducing 100% the reality, and with your logic no artist should be releasing live videos because its far from going to the live itself. What we need is a bit of that live pleasure :) - and this is why they need to release it.
My bad. I shall pay attention to what I say so that I could please Your Majesty.
@Hatouchan We dont care if we will re-live the live experience since the technology is still far from reproducing 100% the reality, and with your logic no artist should be releasing live videos because its far from going to the live itself. What we need is a bit of that live pleasure :) - and this is why they need to release it.
I'm saying that "once in a lifetime experience" does not mean "No BD" because even with the BD, the live will still be a once in a lifetime experience. She doesn't think she'd do another live like that. So you can't take that as an inference that we won't get BD. Her answer on Twitter, "No plans for a BD", tells you more definitely. So we can stop dreaming. What is up with the aggression. I'm not accusing anyone of anything...
Well, I since in the concert, like you had menthioned there were flyers asking if they should do a concert like that again, it means that she was probably thinking of doing it again every few years.
Well, I since in the concert, like you had menthioned there were flyers asking if they should do a concert like that again, it means that she was probably thinking of doing it again every few years.
She did say at a radio show that she thinks it won't happen again. Tells you what she thinks. They can gather information on the interest (and not everyone will like the big show, believe it or not. Some prefer smaller ones that let the specific guest shine more rather than splitting time amongst everyone) , and it'd make it a little more likely to happen. But she's of the opinion that it probably won't.. Much to our dismay.
^ The YK Live vol. #10 show was physically very exhausting for Yuki Kajiura-san - and she had previously said that the YK Live vol. #9 series was very demanding in terms of number of pieces of music to be performed.

Maybe there will be more events like the FJY concerts of YK Live vol. #11 where some related compositions (by series or singers or other musicians) will be put together and performed over more than one concert?
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Okay, we know it will never be released, I think Hatou is trying to say that she might do another live similar to it and that might get released, which would be nice. So I think back on topic now, though sort of off again. heh

When I was watching Kala live again the other day on my big screen, sitting in a leather recliner, it was sort of like being at the concert again. I can just hear when the audience is clapping and cheering (since they try and drown that out, which makes the quality a little less too) but it will not simply be the same, as Hatou says. I went to ACen, and I loved being surrounded by people who loved Kala as well. (Even talking to them about if afterwards) But when watching it on dvd or Blu-ray it's kind of like they are not real almost, like dolls singing. (I know that sounds creepy.) But I still enjoy it so I think I will enjoy this live too, especially since it has the band, and Konno is my favorite. heh
I don't think it's possible to recreate 100% of the 'live experience' in your own living room at home, even with a massive surround sound system and humongous TV...if I had the sort of money for a hi-fi upgrade of that size, I'd rather spend the money on going to the concert instead! :hero: So yeah, I can understand that there's no real substitute for actually being there. Live music shows are awesome and the atmosphere and sound quality are pretty special.

So how does the volume numbering system work then, if certain volumes aren't released? Is, say, vol #11 the 11th tour, and some tours don't get a home video release to accompany them at all?
^ I will explain. Look at the live performances of FJ here, or search here for "Yuki Kajiura Live" using your browser's "Find" function.

vol 1, 2, 3 werent a tour but single lives, vol#4 was the first tour, vol #5 was 2 concerts one with japanese seal, vol#6 was a 4 concerts tour with a different vocal guest on each, vol#7 was 2 concerts promoting Fiction II, vol#8 had 3 concerts, vol#9 also 3 but split in japanese seal, kajiurago/english only, and sountrack special (Eri secret guest on ost one, Hanae on the 3rd), vol#10 was a single live with a tone of guests, vol#11 was alot of concerts of FJ and 2 of Yuuka with 2 guests for Yuuka, vol#12 will again be split in japanese seal, kajiurago/english only, and sountrack special. but in a tour style and there will be day and night performances.

from all these only vol#2, 4, 9 and 11 made it into DVD, so they are releasing what they feel like witout any sort of rule.

Also they tend to release the performances with the most cliche tracklists every time and that is irritating (for example you wont see any concert without zodical sign or mezame in it - other cliche tracks are Ensei, song of storm and fire, yume no tsubasa, maybe tomorrow, sweet song) as if there arent other musics they can perform. I understand that it takes time to learn to sing the new songs but if you sell a DVD that's 45% with already performed stuff without any change to the performers that sing/play them (guests) its starting to get ridiculous.

@Hatouchan : They can also try to have a guest during a whole concert (or a big part of it) and not just 2-3 songs, like it happens in some lives where I live. If they have them for 2-3 songs, it makes no difference for the guest if there are different guests in one live, or only one, since in all cases the time they get to shine at is the MC, and the amount of songs he/she gets to sing/play, the same.
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^ I will explain. Look at the live performances of FJ here, or search here for "Yuki Kajiura Live" using your browser's "Find" function.

vol 1, 2, 3 werent a tour but single lives, vol#4 was the first tour, vol #5 was 2 concerts one with japanese seal, vol#6 was a 4 concerts tour with a different vocal guest on each, vol#7 was 2 concerts promoting Fiction II, vol#8 had 3 concerts, vol#9 also 3 but split in japanese seal, kajiurago/english only, and sountrack special (Eri secret guest on ost one, Hanae on the 3rd), vol#10 was a single live with a tone of guests, vol#11 was alot of concerts of FJ and 2 of Yuuka with 2 guests for Yuuka, vol#12 will again be split in japanese seal, kajiurago/english only, and sountrack special. but in a tour style and there will be day and night performances.

from all these only vol#2, 4, 9 and 11 made it into DVD, so they are releasing what they feel like witout any sort of rule.

Also they tend to release the performances with the most cliche tracklists every time and that is irritating (for example you wont see any concert without zodical sign or mezame in it - other cliche tracks are Ensei, song of storm and fire, yume no tsubasa, maybe tomorrow, sweet song) as if there arent other musics they can perform. I understand that it takes time to learn to sing the new songs but if you sell a DVD that's 45% with already performed stuff without any change to the performers that sing/play them (guests) its starting to get ridiculous.

@Hatouchan : They can also try to have a guest during a whole concert and not just 2-3 songs, like it happens in some lives where I live. If they have them for 2-3 songs, it makes no difference for the guest if there are different guests in one live, or only one, since in all cases the time they get to shine at is the MC, and the amount of songs he/she gets to sing/play, the same.
Blimey. I'm glad I asked...I think. :@_@:

Considering the size of FJ's back catalogue I can see why people are disappointed that many of the recordings are comprised of a few newer tracks amongst the same old stuff. Many artists do the opposite and play setlists that are mostly made up of whatever's on their latest record, plus a few old faves to keep the long-standing fans happy!
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