New FictionJunction album "elemental" and YK Live vol. #11

Too sad when there's a new YK live video and you don't care for most of the songs :rain: And I agree with ritardando about Wakana in Historia :uh..:
I'm so excited about it! Because I watched most of the performances live and they are so awesome in the recording! I don't think they are tired at all, I loved everything about it. I wasn't going to buy it because I have already watched it, but now I'm very very very tempted.
^Yeah, it's still kind of weird watching Kalafina live dvds after you've seen them with the band and everything (except Konno *sigh*) but it's still awesome, and with me it feels like I am there, since I have a big screen tv, and recliners. heh But they do look like dolls singing, it's almost not real. (Especially watching the Blurays of the Best albums.) But yeah, I am going to enjoy this one, you are so lucky to have been there. Every time I see an audience I think, wow that must have been amazing!
I was thinking that they sounded a bit tired too. But this was the last day of their tour, so it's understandable that they'll be tired. Also considering the fact that they don't possess the same level of youthful energy they did during vol.#2 and vol.#4 LIVEs anymore (aging is such a cruel process :ohoho::punched::hide:)...

I still think they did an awesome job though. I'm eagerly waiting for my copy to ship :shy:
^Comparing it to vol.#2 (2008) and vol.#4 (2009), that's 5 - 6 years. And it's not ability, it's youthful energy :ohoho:
Uh even if 6 years, that's not an excuse. The only ones who might have lost youthful everngy due to age is Yuriko (who is probably close to 50s) and Wakana (close to 30s) all the others are young enough. according to their birthdates, Wakana will get 30 in December, (born 1984), Keiko 1 year younger (1985), Kaori 26 (1988), Yuriko Unknown :XD: + Wakana had some issues with her voice meanwhile, compared to 2008 so she's a different case
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I have to agree with ritardando, especially about Wakana. You just have to compare it to the original recordings of Historia. ugh.

I also agree with George about the violin recordings being used. Yuki at one point looks at Konno (could have been someone else I suppose, they show Konno right after)and smiles which is kind of funny given the recordings :D
Uh even if 6 years, that's not an excuse. The only ones who might have lost youthful everngy due to age is Yuriko (who is probably close to 50s) and Wakana (close to 30s) all the others are young enough. according to their birthdates, Wakana will get 30 in December, (born 1984), Keiko 1 year younger (1985), Kaori 26 (1988), Yuriko Unknown :XD: + Wakana has some issues with her voice meanwhile, compared to 2008 since she's a different case

Haha I think it does though. I mean, I'm around their age (same year as Hikaru - 1987), and I already feel a noticeable decrease in my energy level compared to when I'm in my early 20s (getting tired more easily, not being able to concentrate on a task for as long, etc.). It's just not the same anymore I guess. Females tend to age faster after 25 (or at least that's how it is for most of us Asians) :XD:
^wow I did not know Kaori was that young. Anyway, I'm a little disappointed with what I heard. I really liked the songs in the beginning, especially historia, but the girls just seemed to run out of steam by the end of the concert. Absolute configuration was extremely disappointing. Yuriko's vibrato does not work with this type of song it just ended sounding like a mess. Hopefully luminous sword and liminality deliver
I wish they'd stop using final peformances for recordings. It's understandable that everyone's gonna be at their most tired at that point and it'll show up. I guess it means that they'll have also had the most practice with the new material but it's not necessarily a worthwhile trade off. I'd rather have a couple of minor slip ups on the newer stuff than a lingering sense of fatigue throughout.

Still, it's nowhere near as bad as some people are saying it is and I'll likely buy it at some point.
Even though this was the final concert, they had a week to rest. In fact, during the whole tour, they only performed once a week. In other tours, and Kalafina tours, the performed twice a week (Friday and Saturday).

Actually wait, it might just be me.

I only really listened to the entire absolute configuration sample and, reverbation and mixing levels aside, it's just weird. Kaori has her smexy/angry/stinky face (no hate, her close up in red/yellow is the most interesting part of the sample), Yuriko is sleeping, Keiko is smiling as always, Korenaga is seriously chilling and then Kajiura is LIVING HER LYFE on her Roland but I can't hear anything.

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That shot of Korenaga @ 7:32 is just lulz. Someone loop it.

It's not just the audio, it's everyones approach to the track that's confusing. Some are rocking it out, some don't care and the others are sleeping, lol.
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^ speaking of loops I also want one with Kajiura @ 7:19 and 7:34:XD:

it's everyones approach to the track that's confusing. Some are rocking it out, some don't care and the others are sleeping, lol.

LOL Indeed :ohoho:

Anyway, look at 1:58. Yuki seems to have some notes in yellow on her left, possibly the setlist or about what to talk at the MCs ? :ayashii:
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Like I said before, it is a new song that they had to learn for this concert, along with some others, so I forgive them for maybe being nervous and a bit tired. I think it may be an audio issue as well, since for ACen the audio was terrible in the beginning of the Kala concert, but then was fixed in a little while. So maybe it was something like that with Yuki's mic, where it wasn't working right during that song. I heard a bit of the piano, just the clink clink sounds I think. But I agree with Season about the tiredness. Edit: Just watched the sample again, yeah you're right about the piano. I only hear the beginning of the song, and that's it. It's like all the other instruments drown her out, though I do hear it again towards the end of the sample too.
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Anyway, look at 1:58. Yuki seems to have some notes in yellow on her left, possibly the setlist or about what to talk at the MCs ? :ayashii:

Definitely setlist. We saw a similar leaf during the vol.9 making of. Girls have it on floor, in front of their feet.