New FictionJunction album "elemental" and YK Live vol. #11

Perhaps it's a case of NewFans liking NewShit and OldFags liking OldShit...

PS. I don't really like the ~DreamField mix myself. ;P It's okay as an experiment (like oblivious Fukan Fukei mix) but I treasure the original(s).

Oddly enough I rarely ever listen to vanilla Oblivious. Maybe it's because I watched KnK before I acquired Seventh Heaven? Unless I'm listening through the whole album I just tend to go for the Fukan Fukei mix because I prefer it.
Thank you for sharing...^ ^. I decided not to get any BDs this time since none of the computers in my house can play Well...I got all previous DVDs, but I feel that it's too useless to buy a BD without BDplayer then...:omg:.

Because someone already picked up the piracy topic... I just buy when I want to buy and afford to buy it..(well..I've never ordered any stuff online before I got my own credit card though.) I just think that if you can and you would like to support them, buy the original, but it isn't, IMO, the horrible crime to get it when someone (who legally bought it) shared it online if you just can't afford or already bought it and want the e-versions that you can keep playing in your computer without putting CD/DVD/BD in, or to share it online after you bought it.

However, I think I, and also everyone here, must be more careful when taking the share from someone I didn't know.... Last time when Yuuka BD is out, I'm quite busy that I didn't visit cpm so often. The link that someone sharing here is already dead and I decided to download it from somewhere else. But my notebook was attacked by a virus when I extract the file....:vortex:. I don't know whether it's the uploader intention or it's an accident, but that virus wiped out so many video&picture files in my computer. It's my ill-fated that I usually backup the files in my external hard disk but the virus infected my computer when it connected to my external hard some backup files also gone.....T_____T. To all pirates here... Be careful!! T0T

From the digest, I feel a bit weird with Elemental (that Heyyy..inchorus...Orz) and not really enjoy Wakana singing style in Historia OP, but I'm quite ok with other song. They're just lack of energy at some point, but they aren't bad, at least. ( isn't that horrible, but still we know that they could do it better..kind of..)

I'm really appreciated Yuriko in AC that I didn't notice the other expressions or that missing piano sound... Usually, I feel that Hanae's voice is too calm and smooth for energetic songs, so I tend to prefer when Yuriko takes over it (eg. The Battle is to the Strong, Absolute Configuration.) But it may be a matter of personal preference then. And that Konno's 'hand-synched' really disappointed me...:glower:. If you use backing tracks...don't make any vocalists or musicians act as if they are singing/playing it please... I'll see whether I'll love it more or less when I watch the full performance.

Calling you in quiet lonely night? Or Calling you and cry in lonely night? :uh..: So many versions to come up with lol
I once sang it as "Calling you in world that nothing lies" in a singing contest, but it's about 6-7 years ago....:touched:(not much close at all....but still..It's like when Aikoi came out, I haven't imagined that the intro is 'eyes to me'
Just watched it until the very end (the final adieu and credit) and omg those frills on Kajiura's dress :omg:
I got my copy today~ though I won't be able to watch it until tomorrow or Sunday. However, as of now my expectations of the live are very low.
My copy left Tokyo on Friday (a bit slow leaving CD Japan), so I might get it Tuesday. I'll ask my travel agent to see if their representative could do the mail-in for the DVD.
I tought they were talking of an additional video longer than the one in the BD. :@_@:
100 hours ?! :w00t:
I want to see it ! :wai: But it will be complicated... :cry:
Oddly enough I rarely ever listen to vanilla Oblivious. Maybe it's because I watched KnK before I acquired Seventh Heaven? Unless I'm listening through the whole album I just tend to go for the Fukan Fukei mix because I prefer it.
The Re/Oblivious edit? Yeah, I really like that one, but I think of it as an 'alternative' rather than a definitive version since I heard the album mix first.

There are copies of that EP kicking around online for anyone else who wants to track it down, but the challenge is finding one at a reasonable price that ships to Europe. I think Discogs might be one option - I found the old Boris album 'Feedbacker' on there, which been out of print for a while and the CD looked almost new when it arrived (a lot of their stuff is super-rare since they're not signed to a major label!). It's either that or pay £30 for a second-hand copy off Amazon! :punched:

@Kagaribi no Hanabira makes a good point: it's not just the prices (as dedicated fans, we find out about new releases ahead of time, and make the effort to save up for them!) but the fact that we all live in different countries, so being physically able to import them is sometimes difficult. Whenever the music companies complain about piracy, I want to ask them, "are the products actually available to buy in my home country in the first place?" :anger:

Re: 100 hours of footage. I wonder whether it's multiple camera angles, or whether it is indeed long bits of footage where the band are sitting around backstage with cups of tea or having a nap for hours on end... :XD:
Below on the blog it says
If you're wondering what it is, it is a DVD with more "making of" footage. Apparently they shot 100 hours worth of footage in HD. Naturally, they can't put all 100 hours in the BD, so a portion of it will be a bonus track on the BD. Another portion will be in this special DVD that they will give out to ALL who apply for it.

So now my friend in Japan has the application form and 700 yen. Our mutual friend was suppose to pass her the sheet with the "応募券" triangle at the bottom but she left it on her desk at home. :( She said she'll mail it to my friend in Japan when she gets back... so I hope it all goes well. If it goes well, then I will be able to get this extra DVD bonus too. YAY!!!! :) Fingers crossed.

Unfortunately, this bonus DVD is only for residents of Japan. :( So all international fans can't apply for this bonus DVD without jumping through a few hoops. That's why I had to ask my friend in Japan for a favour. It's really nice of her to agree to do it. :)

I upgrade the note in the newspost according to the information of that blog

Note:* This BD contains a Making of video. However a much longer one (100 hours long) is inside a separate DVD sent to those who send to Flying Dog by mail some application form found inside Yuuka’s and FJ’s Vol#11 Blu-rays. The offer is not available to fans outside Japan so if you want it you need to ask some friend in Japan to help you. Also, they accept flyers till Octomber 31.
Kajiura will probably cover only the “short” version of it.
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Whenever the music companies complain about piracy, I want to ask them, "are the products actually available to buy in my home country in the first place?" :anger:

What really bugs me is that I've seen companies complaining about the piracy of soundtracks and the like, including those which are only available if you happened to pre-order a limited edition of something. Fate/Zero, SAO and the Madoka (the movies still, at least) are only available if you happened to grab the limited edition copies. It isn't just limited to this either, most recent Western example I can think of is the soundtrack for Bioshock Infinite, which I believe has exclusivity rights to those who pre-ordered the special editions of the game and there's no other legal way to obtain it. Not to mention numerous OST's which aren't legally available, period.

Maybe if I can't get it in my country I'm more willing to pirate it, but if you don't make it available without throwing down a ton of money on a limited release edition or simply not obtainable at all then all I can say is 'screw you, you brought this upon yourself'.

Pity, as there's quite a few things I'd love to own the scores for but never will because they just don't exist in any legal way.
The Re/Oblivious edit? Yeah, I really like that one, but I think of it as an 'alternative' rather than a definitive version since I heard the album mix first.

There are copies of that EP kicking around online for anyone else who wants to track it down, but the challenge is finding one at a reasonable price that ships to Europe.

I use to order stuff (like from itself or resellers) - they have good packaging and shipping options and work well.

PS, I was able to get stuff from other web sites also that way.

For FJC items, since my membership is/was tied to my travel agent's representative in Japan's address, I had to ask them nicely to order the YK Live vol. #10 memorial booklet on my behalf.

Some deputy services might be able to handle ordering stuff that is fan-club-only if the fan club membership is registered with their address, but one might be up for charges for every mail-out from the fan-club.
Oddly enough I rarely ever listen to vanilla Oblivious. Maybe it's because I watched KnK before I acquired Seventh Heaven? Unless I'm listening through the whole album I just tend to go for the Fukan Fukei mix because I prefer it.

Well the original oblivious was used in the first KnK so it can't be the reason. :P

@george1234 I don't know Japanese but I'm sure they meant they had 100 hours of raw footage to work with not that the actual DVD Making would be 100 h.
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Re: 100 hours of footage. I wonder whether it's multiple camera angles, or whether it is indeed long bits of footage where the band are sitting around backstage with cups of tea or having a nap for hours on end... :XD:

It would be funny ! :tea:
My copy arrived today and I've just watched the whole LIVE! :w00t: I find the performances weren't as bad as described; overall I enjoyed watching. Sure it lacks the energy present in the earlier LIVEs; other than that everyone did a fine job IMHO. I only have 2 minor complaints:

1) Those backstage people in black are DISTRACTING. When the camera zooms in on Kajiura-san talking I can see them clearly although they're partly hidden by the curtains. And during 'zodiacal sign' a hand appears out of the curtain doing the 'zodiacal sign' hand signal :glower:

2) Did they butcher the MCs? Why are the Utahimes' intro so short? It's like "Hello I'm [WAKANA/YURIKO KAIDA/KEIKO/KAORI]. [Yoroshiku onegaishimasu] FULL STOP". I want on-stage conversations between Kajiura-san and each Utahime :cry:

I won't go into detail on my opinion of each song performed because many have done that already and I doubt anyone would be interested in reading my probably biased opinion, so I'm just going to talk about the Making-of that is included in the BD. I'm watching it currently and here are some observations for those who are interested (see spoiler) :innocent:

1. It is 1 hour, 11 minutes and 30 seconds long.
2. Features footage of their whole tour in this order (end of April rehearsal to chronological LIVE performances from end of March to end of April).
3. It starts off quite similarly to vol.#9's Making-of (in the rehearsal studio - I think it's the same one as vol.#9's since it looks similar) but this time around there's less focus on rehearsing and more focus on interaction between the Utahimes. It's really interesting to watch. There's one part where Wakana did something to Yuriko's clothes in her chest area :plot:
4. Yuriko was indeed not feeling well, she was coughing at one point but she was still very cheerful.
5. It seems Sato and Jr. caught a flu too since they were wearing face masks on some days.
6. There's one part where Wakana rolled her shoulder to ease off the tension.
7. There were lots of laughing; very cheerful atmosphere :)
8. Wakana's normal clothing choice is quite conservative :ayashii:Keiko and Kaori are the most fashionable, Yuriko is not bad too.
9. The Making-of features various short indiviual comments by all involved (Kajiura-san, each Utahime, each FBM, Akagi Rie-san, Spacecraft Producer Mori-san, and a few other staff). Actually it was the first time I listened to the FBMs' voices. However, Kajiura-san's eyes look really red... I wonder if she hadn't been getting enough sleep.
10. There's footage of stage set-up (audio equipments, the "rose rainbow", the stairs, Kajiura-san's Roland etc.).
11. Sound check (?) by each Utahime on-stage is longer in comparison to vol.#9's and very interesting. I especially enjoyed Yuriko's and Kaori's (such vocal range!).
12. There's one part where the Utahimes gathered in a circle (Keiko was kneeling, the rest were squatting) to discuss something (Keiko seemed to be giving instruction of some sort). I find it really funny that they were in the "usual formation" even during impromptu discussions :XD:
13. About the before-LIVE ritual of gathering in a circle, they stacked their hands on top of each other's in order too, clockwise. The "code" was "elemental pain". And then there was once when they were high-five-ing each other while saying "pain" (cheerfully, of course):ohoho:
14. Two occassions of Wakana helping Yuri-nee take photos with the "rose rainbow" as backdrop. Wakana even directed Yuriko's pose :ayashii:
15. It seems that the stairs were really tall. Kajiura-san had trouble getting down from the top and had to sit on the stairs in order to get down.
16. On-stage rehearsal includes 'the image theme of Xenosaga II'. Would have been nice if performance for this song was included in the official BD LIVE performance footage :comeback:
17. Footage of arriving at the venue. Wakana in a mini van with Kaori, Kajiura-san in a mini van with Yuriko and Keiko, the rest of the FBMs and Akagi-Rie-san shared a mini van, but Kore-chan arrived in Taxi??? :omgz:
18. Taiwan airport arrival, otw to concert venue, concert venue footage etc. Full house! Kajiura-san saying, "Thank you, I will come to Taiwan again" in Mandarin garnered very favourable response from Taiwanese fans. And Keiko and Kore-chan throwing something off-stage again. Kajiura-san also threw something huge (I wonder what it is) :ohoho:
19. "...And, Yuki Kajiura's music journey will still continue..."

I'll update if I can remember anything else :tea: Anyone else who have already watched the Making-of, feel free to add in to the above too! I may have missed some interesting moments because it's way past my bedtime :ohoho: I hope someone will share the bonus DVD footage soon :w00t:
4. Yuriko was indeed not feeling well, she was coughing at one point but she was still very cheerful.
5. It seems Sato and Jr. caught a flu too since they were wearing face masks on some days.

Hm so Yuriko was indeed in bad condition that day :( If that's the case why they didnt choose an other day's concert to release ? :S
^ I think it was already too late by then. The rehearsal studio footage where she was seen coughing were just days before the last concert.
I want to see the "making" too!! :cry:Anyway thanks @a-chan for your report!!

Would love to share the Making-of footage, but my Blu-ray player doesn't rip Blu-ray discs (I would also like to rip for my own back-up purpose) :cry: Let's hope someone who can will share it soon because it's really fun to watch!

However, I can record the TV playback on my camera as a last option if no one shares it later on, but it'll probably be bad quality "cinema-like-pirate-footage".