New FictionJunction album "elemental" and YK Live vol. #11

I got the answer from FromJapan, they can handle the bonus DVD request on our behalf. I'll send them the proofs of purchase as soon as I've got my second Blu-ray :w00t:
I haven't started watching / listening to it yet, but have asked my travel agent (and CD Japan and FromJapan) if they could assist with getting me the extra DVD if I send them the coupon.

I'm not sure what Japanese deputy or other services are happy to place orders for items that depend on a physical coupon that their customers need to send them.

PS, that's excellent about FromJapan being willing to do that, Daiima!
I got the answer from FromJapan, they can handle the bonus DVD request on our behalf. I'll send them the proofs of purchase as soon as I've got my second Blu-ray :w00t:

I haven't started watching / listening to it yet, but have asked my travel agent (and CD Japan and FromJapan) if they could assist with getting me the extra DVD if I send them the coupon.

I'm not sure what Japanese deputy or other services are happy to place orders for items that depend on a physical coupon that their customers need to send them.

PS, that's excellent about FromJapan being willing to do that, Daiima!

That's great! I hope you guys will be able to get it! :goodjob:
I got the answer from FromJapan, they can handle the bonus DVD request on our behalf. I'll send them the proofs of purchase as soon as I've got my second Blu-ray :w00t:

OK, so one needs the triangular proof of purchase from the FJY YK Live vol. #11 BD released earlier this year and the coupon from the YK Live vol. #11 BD just released to order the bonus DVD?

I might then ask FromJapan if I they could do the bonus DVD order if I get the FJY BD via them.
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That's it, from what I understood, you join the proof of purchase from FJY Live to an application form found into the new YK Live (I guess we have to send it void to FromJapan and that they'll fill it in...). Then they'll charge you the ¥700 + usual rates (commission fee is a flat ¥1,000, but I don't know if it's extra or instead of the usual commission fee).

If you get the BD from them, then maybe they may do all the stuff on your behalf before it reaches you. As for me, I got both from CDJapan but they don't mind about it, as long as I provide the right documents and pay :XD:
^ Ah, FromJapan told me that they would do it if I had purchased the blu-ray through them (which I hadn't, but I use FromJapan for other things).

I will be interested to hear whether CD Japan would be able to process the order instead.

It just all gets a bit complicated and involved...
1. It is 1 hour, 11 minutes and 30 seconds long...
3.There's one part where Wakana did something to Yuriko's clothes in her chest area :plot:
7. There were lots of laughing; very cheerful atmosphere :)
9. However, Kajiura-san's eyes look really red... I wonder if she hadn't been getting enough sleep.
15. It seems that the stairs were really tall. Kajiura-san had trouble getting down from the top and had to sit on the stairs in order to get down.
17. Footage of arriving at the venue. Wakana in a mini van with Kaori, Kajiura-san in a mini van with Yuriko and Keiko, the rest of the FBMs and Akagi-Rie-san shared a mini van, but Kore-chan arrived in Taxi??? :omgz:
And Keiko and Kore-chan throwing something off-stage again. Kajiura-san also threw something huge (I wonder what it is) :ohoho:

1. Harem War, another episode ! :plot:
7. :dote: As ever !
9. Insomnia. As ever ... :comeback:
15. OMG. Like a child. SO CUUUUUTE ! :love: :nosebleed: :hearts:
17. A fault in the KoreKaji love ?! :ghost:
18. Me too. :psst:










I have the booklet scanned too. PM me if any of you are interested :cheer:
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Niiiice, thank you a-chan!! :love: Hope for mine to arrive soon at home!
(What a large packet, you didn't order it alone ^^)

Edited: guys, seems that some of you really believe that the bonus DVD really contains 100 hrs of video... are you serious? :XD:
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Gaaaaah I got my copy today! hehehehehe! I can't wait to watch it, unfortunately not feeling well at the moment so have to lie down for only a little bit, then I will start it and finish it tonight. So many other shows to watch too, so I will be up late. heh I was glad it came today though since I will be gone tomorrow and Thurs because of the Within Temptation concert tomorrow night!
Niiiice, thank you a-chan!! :love: Hope for mine to arrive soon at home!
(What a large packet, you didn't order it alone ^^)

Edited: guys, seems that some of you really believe that the bonus DVD really contains 100 hrs of video... are you serious? :XD:

Haha yes, actually three parcels came for me on Monday - 1 from HMV and 2 from CDJapan. The one from HMV contains YK LIVE vol.#11 BD as above, Kaori's Tsuiso Kanon CD Maxi and Kalafina's 5th Anniversary LIVE SELECTION album. The other two from CDJapan contain Progressive and Magia Photo Albums, as well as Kalafina Yasashii Piano Book and the recently released Yuki Kajiura Piano Solo Book :dote:

About the 100 hours Making-of footage, I think it could be just as @grunty said, that they took 100 hours' worth of footage and these will be selectively edited to come to the Bonus DVD. I'm not sure how long of a video footage a single DVD disc can record, but I'm guessing a maximum of 2 hours at most <- if this is correct then to give us 100 hours they would need to give out 50 DVD discs per person who applied. That's just not possible IMO :ohoho: Assuming it is possible to fit in 100 hours of video footage in one single DVD disc (or two), that is approximately 4.17 full days' worth of footage. If one has the time to watch an average of 2 hours a day, then one needs 50 days (1.67 months) to finish watching :@_@: Therefore I think the Bonus DVD should just contain edited snippets from the 100 hours, and will be at most 2 hours long. However, if they decided to surprise us by giving out the full 100 hours' footage, then who am I to complain :plot:
As for me, I got both from CDJapan but they don't mind about it, as long as I provide the right documents and pay :XD:

FromJapan wouldn't do it for me as I hadn't ordered the YK Live vol. #11 BD through them. I can accept that, but now hope that CD Japan would be able to order the the bonus DVD for me if I send them the coupon from YK Live vol. #11 BD and order the FJY BD from them and pay associated charges.
Okay, I have no idea which "Making of" you guys are talking about, since there is one on the Blu-ray, but it's like the one that's on the Yuuka live too, is it different?
Watched the full live today, and I must say I am very very pleased with it! I will have my review up probably tomorrow (well today, technically, but later) since I wrote notes down while watching. Though I want to say that I loved Konno, thought he was so awesome, as always. (He sounded terrible in the making of, probably had a cold, poor guy! But he praised Yuki's music, I think is what I heard. Did not watch the full thing of that though.) Loved Gaika, though it was not as upbeat as the studio version. Luminous Sword was just amazing... Konno again :love::hearts:-me the entire time, and Yuki heh she looked over to him very pleased. absolute configuration was okay, I have more to say on it in the review. M23 was nice, not the one I was thinking of though, and so was Historia. Overall very pleased like I said before. I will watch the entire making of that's on the disc when I get home from my stay at my sister's. I don't think Yuriko was sleeping, but she did not put as much energy into it. Kaori looked mad for some reason during some of it, but that's just me. Well, good night all. Review to come later.
@Kugayama that's very strange. I ordered none of both Blu-rays from them, still they are openly okay to make the whole thing on my behalf, provided that I give them everything necessary (the proof of purchase, the application form, and the payment) . Maybe the French guy there is more friendly than the English staff? :confu:
^ Maybe. I'll await CD Japan's response. If they can do the order for the bonus DVD for me, great, if not I'll order the FJY BD from them anyway and ask my travel agent's representative to order the bonus DVD for me (just looking at the closing date for orders for the bonus DVD being 31 October 2014).
Do I need to be a FictionJunction club member to avail this additional DVD?
^ No, but you need some way of getting the proof of purchase from the FJY BD, the coupon from YK Live vol. #11 BD and 700 yen to the ordering address and have a Japanese delivery address.
Oh thats great. I was planning on asking a friend in japan to help me.

So I can use the receipt of my FJY bluray and the card in the YK vol11, then send it to the address in the card together with 700yen?