Kaori was good but like I said looked kind of mad during some of the songs. Keiko was great, of course, even with using her vibrato sometimes. Yuriko was a little shaky at times, like in rising up and gaika, but maybe she really wasn’t feeling well that day. Wakana stole the show I think. She was amazing, even with Historia’s theme. She was amazing, hitting all the high notes. Gaika, M23, stone cold, toki no, storytelling, Kimi ga, rising up, and credens were among my favorite. Yuki was amazing on piano and singing, and I think it takes a lot to put together a concert like this, and since this is the last concert of the tour, it would be understandable that they are all tired. Have not watched all the making of yet, but saw them putting together the stage and sound and wow. Would love that, to be able to say “I worked on the stage that Yuki and co. performed on” that would be awesome. Heh