New FictionJunction album "elemental" and YK Live vol. #11

Roi: For elemental you mean? They are only blu-rays for that, I believe, no dvd.

I will post my review soon, this week has ben super busy and I am so tired. heh But Hopefully tomorrow, and I will watch some more of the concert tonight with my brother, since going to show him Credens and gaika, since he liked those. :) Also, wow at all those typos. heh
Of course ! Thank you ! :dote:

Sorry for the wait Daphné-san! I actually had it ready to upload last night as promised but uploading was so slow I fell asleep on my desk. Then when I woke up this morning it said "upload failed" :stupidbox: :orz:


Instead of a picture I uploaded short recordings of the Making-of TV playback instead. Not just Kaji vs. stairs, but a few others too. Onion-san is here to share the love if any of you are interested!
Kaji vs. stairs here ---> :psst:

I apologise for the low quality recording. Despite them being short recordings the size of the files ended up unexpectedly large :bow:
Sorry for the wait Daphné-san! I actually had it ready to upload last night as promised but uploading was so slow I fell asleep on my desk. Then when I woke up this morning it said "upload failed" :stupidbox: [/SPOILER]

You're my angel a-chan! :nosebleed::sohappy::dote::sohappy::dote:

Yuki vs stairs was HILARIOUS ! So glad she didn't have a nasty fall though! Wakana helping Yuriko to pose was entertaining too! Best part was the cacophony of cute "pain , pain", when everyone was double-fiving each other XD
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Instead of a picture I uploaded short recordings of the Making-of TV playback instead. Not just Kaji vs. stairs, but a few others too. Onion-san is here to share the love if any of you are interested!
THANK YOU! :plz:
Haha, it was so cute when Keiko and Wakana high-fived each other while saying "pain~" i wonder if they understand its true meaning :knife: and it was also funny when Keiko was struggling with Yuriko's name. I think she said Yuriko-chan instead?
I loved the part where they are showing their notes... Kaori's range is really impressive! And they all sound so nice just doing 'aaaaaah', that could be used in a song hahahahah
Gah, going to have to watch the rest of the making of now. heh Started to last night but then wanted to finish Buffy season 6 again. Showed my brother Luminous Sword, which he seemed to like, but then Credens he said that every line seemed to end in "aaah" and I said it's not true for every Kajiuran song, since LS did not. But I thought he really liked that song. Review to come later today, will probably update this post.

Okay, here's my review:

elemental: I liked it, it seemed a little slower than the original, that I remembered. And some mics were louder, which created an echo sometimes, but Yuriko and the others were great backing Kaori. I like it a lot more now.

storytelling: The drums started off kind of rough and Kaori did too, but once the song got going, it was great! I loved the piano in this version. You could really hear Keiko. Love the English part. I really enjoy this song, probably one of the only ones. The 2nd verse was a little shaky, or had vibrato or whatever, which the original did not. Love Yuki’s playing and Kore’s guitar. In love with this song more! Wakana was great at the end with the English. Yuriko might have been a little high on this one though.

forest: Wakana’s English has gotten so good! Love this this time. Had not liked it very much in previous lives, except for the one on the Live cd. This is excellent. Yuriko looks awake in this one. Heh And Kaori’s dark voice! Wow. Rie rocked it out on the flute. Loved it when the spot light was on her during her solo. Really thought it was great. Konno!! I could definitely tell it was him playing.

Liminality: Wow, I actually liked it. Wakana on those high notes was so great! Yuriko did great but was starting to look tired. The violin/piano “duet” was so awesome (when they were on the screen together.)

In the Land of Twilight…: Started off great. It was great seeing people standing for this since it is an older song/anime, even though they play it in lives. The guitar! Wakana seemed to be having the most fun. Heh

Luminous Sword: Oh wow… I love this so much! (Is there a recorded mp3 version of it yet?) Wakana, I am so impressed with you so far! I can tell its Konno playing more clearly now. I love when the drums start up again. Wakana did a really great job with this one. It’s one of my faves from SAO. But later with the strings, I do understand about Konno playing, but you can still hear him.

Hanamori…: I liked it, especially the flute. Kaori was spot on. Yuriko was a little shaky.

credens justitiam: Wow, Kaori lead? I thought it was Wakana last time? The live flute makes it even better. A little slower than the recorded, until after the “slow pretty part” heh. Still great. (Love Wakana’s nails heh) The flute quiet part was great. (Still can’t believe my brother did not like it very much. Still love Yuki’s Kajiuran.)

Historia: I agree about Wakana that she is not as great as the recorded version, but still she is good. Konno again! Ugh… he is just too good. Yuriko did really well here. I thought anyways. Liked it, not my favorite from this concert though.

M23: Was not the one I was thinking of but I do like it. It’s very calming. Love the flute/violin scene. Heh (I just love Konno so much, if you haven’t noticed already.) (Just had a weird déjà vu moment during this… so weird when I get those. Heh) It was very lovely and gave the girls a break for a bit.

Hitorigoto: Thought it was okay. I can see about the drums. But overall enjoyed it.

storm: Very nice. Wakana does a great job. Almost like it (her version) more than the original FJ version. Flute’s a little chaotic, but good.

eternal blue: Like I said before, this is better than past performances of it. (Is it me or does Kaori look almost mad sometimes during this concert? She smiles, but not as much as the others. Heh) Excellent performance! Yuki jamming on the piano was great.

Toki no…: Love this song so thought it was great. Still one of my fave songs next to gaika. You could really hear Konno, since there were no strings in the background this time. Wakana’s smile next to Yuki was great, need gif! She must have loved standing by her most of the concert. This song was just awesome, even with Keiko’s weird voice in her part at the end.

Nohara: Wow, so fantastic, loved it all the way. Keiko did not use her “cutesy” voice very much. The sparkle in her eyes like she was going to start crying almost made me cry. Heh Yuki does talk a lot about the song.

rising up: I like the deeper tone. Actually like the bass in it. Very nice.

gaika: Wow. So it is Yuriko doing the Aaahs. I thought the beginning was a bit off, but I wouldn’t want it to be exactly the same. This is so great! The soft part with the piano, so awesome! Wakana could have been a little more powerful, like in the recording, but was still just… wow. Loved it!

absolute configuration: Thought the transition was great. A little shaky in the beginning, like we saw. Then it gets better, especially with Konno’s playing. Yuki’s smile was great. And I could hear the piano more. Kore’s playing was good. The singing could have been better, yes, but still good.

Kimi ga...: Wakana is awesome! Yuriko’s harmonics are good too. This is an interesting rendition, but pretty. Wakana rocks this concert! Kaori’s part-awesome. Kore-wow. Konno’s weird violin… lol I think this is a perfect song for Wakana.

stone cold: Love Yuki’s singing and hand gestures, lol. Really like this one, better than previous versions. Like how they switched positions on stage and showed the audience. Even liked Kaori’s shout towards the end.

distance: Thought it was okay. Not my favorite song by them, but they did a great job. Loved the end Yuki’s smile to the camera.

zodiacal sign: Weird intro, but the guitar and violin are awesome then. Yuriko seems to have more energy. I think it was a thing with her mic, it wasn’t loud enough or something.

Parellel Hearts: Actually really good. I did not care for this song either, but this live is good, better than past ones. Konno just steals my heart. :love::hearts:

sweet song: Love the moon and the lights. Kaori’s voice is so beautiful with this song. Love how they have subs for this but not for others. Heh She should sing more songs in English for Yuki. The flute and violin, wow. So pretty. Like this more than the original, do not like the original singer very much, but with Kaori singing it’s better.

Overall I loved this concert. Yuki rocked on the piano, Konno of course was awesome :love:, Kore’s playing great. Others were okay. Kaori was good but like I said looked kind of mad during some of the songs. Keiko was great, of course, even with using her vibrato sometimes. Yuriko was a little shaky at times, like in rising up and gaika, but maybe she really wasn’t feeling well that day. Wakana stole the show I think. She was amazing, even with Historia’s theme. She was amazing, hitting all the high notes. Gaika, M23, stone cold, toki no, storytelling, Kimi ga, rising up, and credens were among my favorite. Yuki was amazing on piano and singing, and I think it takes a lot to put together a concert like this, and since this is the last concert of the tour, it would be understandable that they are all tired. Have not watched all the making of yet, but saw them putting together the stage and sound and wow. Would love that, to be able to say “I worked on the stage that Yuki and co. performed on” that would be awesome. Heh
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Sorry for the really long post. Heh but I just looked at the booklet again, on the first pic, I just had it paused at that exact scene, I don't know how, but it was funny. Lol
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Nohara: Wow, so fantastic, loved it all the way. Keiko did not use her “cutesy” voice very much. The sparkle in her eyes like she was going to start crying almost made me cry. Heh Yuki does talk a lot about the song.

I know what you mean, I wanted to cry too! :plz:'Nohara' is my favourite performance in this LIVE.
Kaori was good but like I said looked kind of mad during some of the songs. Keiko was great, of course, even with using her vibrato sometimes. Yuriko was a little shaky at times, like in rising up and gaika, but maybe she really wasn’t feeling well that day. Wakana stole the show I think. She was amazing, even with Historia’s theme. She was amazing, hitting all the high notes. Gaika, M23, stone cold, toki no, storytelling, Kimi ga, rising up, and credens were among my favorite. Yuki was amazing on piano and singing, and I think it takes a lot to put together a concert like this, and since this is the last concert of the tour, it would be understandable that they are all tired. Have not watched all the making of yet, but saw them putting together the stage and sound and wow. Would love that, to be able to say “I worked on the stage that Yuki and co. performed on” that would be awesome. Heh

Omg yes! I too thought Kaori looked a bit pissed at times! I guess she was just tired. Yuriko was really sick she couldnt even speak when they were introducing themselves im surprise she sang as well as she did with that flu! Keiko oh keiko you rarely fail us! Yes! I agree, Wakana performed magnificently! :love:
grunty: oh, I thought it sounded like Yuriko too on the recorded version, since they sound so similar anyways. (Thought Wakana did those really high notes in Liminality, so I guess it could be her too.
So I was watching parts of the ripped copy that was circulated earlier; did anyone notice some visual lag (eg. 'Gaika', 'absolute configuration')? As in, the audio doesn't really match with the visual. The visual comes less than a second later. I don't remember seeing it in my own copy. I wonder if it's just me :confu:
^I don't remember it in my copy either, but I did not watch the rip.

I watched all of the making of, glad Yuki was all right, though that would have not been a very long fall, it still would have hurt. I wouldn't want her to not be able to play! But the guy was so courteous and funny with the flashlight showing her each step after. Also the each "elemental pain" high fives were great. I especially like the one where Wakana accidently does it to the camera, and then Keiko and then Jr does, at least I thought it was him right? My memory is fuzzy at the moment. Was Yuki saying something during one of the before show things, about her outfit? Since she flipped the long part of if and went "nandeshou?" which means "what is this?" I think, but she chooses her outfits right? lol