New FictionJunction album "elemental" and YK Live vol. #11

For some odd reason, Im rewatching the full live and im just staring at Wakana's face when the others are singing and she is not singing (e.g. during storytelling). Its as though shes in a own little world while smiling. Its hilarious and cute at the same time! :ohoho::dote:

[EDIT] Something else caught my attention


This was towards the end of Stone Cold when Keiko and Wakana switched positions.
See the ice latte at the back? Yeap Wakana is still at it :tea: On another random note, look at Cakeys biceps :hearts:
She could easily take someone in a arm wrestling match down with it :kungfu:
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Well storytelling is Kaori's song so why Wakana needs to sing ?

also everyone who does some sport that involves hands (tennis/swimming/volley/basket/whatever) will have built some muscle just by playing, so why is this surprising ?
^ Nana-chan has her own gym equipment at home, and Minorin also works out a lot. (I timed one live show on video as having Minorin on stage for a total of 3 hours).
^^^^ I didnt mention anything about Wakana requiring to sing, just pointing out that her expressions were a little funny. As for your second statement, that is true she does play alot of spots, but once again I didnt say I was surprised about it, I was merely fascinated by the size of it and how clearly it could be seen in this picture.
I wonder if Wacchan made the ice latte herself? Or if she bought it and does she have a specific shop she buys it from?

And looooool Keiko could possibly bust me onto the floor; those biceps of hers. And well, Japanese are health nuts. :tea:
Why the hell is Wakana still drinking iced latte? That shit is bad if you're singing or about to sing.
I keep seeing that mentioned on here, but what's the reasoning behind it? Reading around, all I've found from studies published online is that dehydration should be avoided (caffeine -> dehydration -> bad), but beyond that, what's the scienc-y reasoning?

(Sorry to drag things off-topic, but I did find this: and I never did get out of the habit of QUESTIONING EVERYTHING even after leavin uni, so this stuff is interesting).
I think if she suffered from gastritis or acid reflux it could cause inflammation on her vocal chords, but obviously if she's healthy coffee wouldn't have that efect. Milk has a weird effect in your voice though, because it can thicken mucus and then your voice doesn't sound as clear, so I guess that could be the main issue with the ice latte, AFAIK

EDIT: Kowz, we wrote pretty much the same haha
Not sure if it's the same for now but in last year's FJC talk event, Wakana mentioned she has changed her stage drink from latte to milk tea...which is just as bad considering those sold in packaged bottles can be a lot sweeter than bottled coffee. All that sugar + milk. :swt:

Kajiura unsurprisingly followed up Wakana's statement with a "Doesn't everyone drink water?" question. Everyone else does except for Kaori who occasionally drinks sports drinks besides water.

And looooool Keiko could possibly bust me onto the floor; those biceps of hers. And well, Japanese are health nuts. :tea:
Add Yuriko in. Keiko does all sorts of sports like muscle training, tennis, cycling etc. but Yuriko is currently enrolled in a Fight Do fitness program. Looks like her hobby of watching fighting sports isn't just a casual interest. :kungfu:
Not sure if it's the same for now but in last year's FJC talk event, Wakana mentioned she has changed her stage drink from latte to milk tea...which is just as bad considering those sold in packaged bottles can be a lot sweeter than bottled coffee. All that sugar + milk. :swt:

Kajiura unsurprisingly followed up Wakana's statement with a "Doesn't everyone drink water?" question. Everyone else does except for Kaori who occasionally drinks sports drinks besides water.
Is there recording of this talk ?
Even just a text interview ? :plz: