New FictionJunction album "elemental" and YK Live vol. #11

I saw the booklet of the BD and I wonder why Ohira Yoshio is part of the FRONT band member if he's BACKstage during the whole concert :XD:
^ He's always been introduced as part of the FBM though? During LIVEs, and in the concert pamphlets.
The "manipulator" is a credited role at Japanese concerts - e.g. Animax Musix and Yoshio Ohira has also been manipulator for Yuuka Nanri as well as FJ/Kalafina.
OMG *runs to download the making*
Is it the first bluray's making, or is it the 100hours ver. ?
Can someone upload the making of on mediafire ?:confu:
Because torrents are so slow on my computer... 2 days left... :omg::leaf:
Please ? :plz::bow:
OMG *runs to download the making*
Is it the first bluray's making, or is it the 100hours ver. ?

They say they recorded around 100hrs length of footage but the making of DVD obviously won't cover all of it. Iirc someone has posted the length of the making of DVD before, and it's not 100hrs. Just clarifying here, since apparently there are some people who still think that the DVD will contain 100hrs long footage.
^ Haha yes, 100 hours was probably the unprocessed material (the video they shooted). It had to have a really crappy video quality for 100 hours to fit into a DVD :XD:
Yeah, I know it.
The second making doesn't have any name, so I call it the 100 hrs making, even if it isn't as long :waa:
^ Haha yes, 100 hours was probably the unprocessed material (the video they shooted). It had to have a really crappy video quality for 100 hours to fit into a DVD

maybe they will put videos in DVD quality into a Blu-ray discs and it'll take about 10 discs XDD but yea I think they have 100 hrs of footage and will be compiled into few hours of videos

Btw, I found this:
and other songs under the same account