MadokaMagica Side Story: Magia Record (mobile game) - TV anime [Takumi Ozawa OST / ClariS/Trysail ED/OP]

Funny now the titles are both latin italian and english, like she combines the 2 trends from Kajiura's Madoka OSTs
To my surprise they just announced OST3 will come with the next home video release. Vol#4 @ 2020.8.5
Not sure if this will be the final one. I was really expecting the OSTs to only cover up to whatever episode the bluray had (granted, from the tracklisting I don't think Uwasa kazoeuta carnaval arrange from eps6&7 is included on OST2) - this really threw me for a loop... Unless my theory with the drama CD is true and they bumped it even more to the final DVD. Or maybe they want the final disc to only have Nigredo. Or maybe OST2 will already have stuff from the last episode, lol...

At least that Alina Grey Venari strigas track might come sooner than I expected...

Edit: ?Fixed that romanization.
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OST2 available on meow.

Fuck me in the ass. Mizuna Tragic Love Legend. So simple, so effective.
I was totally expecting Excited Beat to be the colossem BGM, instead it's the strings+FBMsounding action track. I guess a dum on my part since it makes sense for the colosseum track to be battle against MAGIUS - parts of it are from Wings of MAGIUS. The last 40 seconds of battle against MAGIUS are my jam. On the other hand, I think Excited Beat is still one of my least favorite from the show. Like Fata Magica on OST1.
Oh yes, Dang Gong. I've been waiting.
OMG Rumor THEATER. I've been so worried it wouldn't be included cause of another track's title. YES.

OST2 covers everything new up to episode 7 included.

I'm so happy with the music in this show - give me a standalone release after the 2nd season, please.

Re: credits
Shito is credited on vocal (in addition to Ozawa on chorus). Wonder which track. Still listening. Shito confirmed on twitter to be on the last track.
Hitoshi Konno strings instead of Kiyo Kido from OST1.
Jr on bass this time.
Nozaki on drums this time.
Saeka (from PriPri live) on Sax.
Someone other than Rie and Korenaga this time. Didn't look them up yet. Kei Sakamoto on flute. Shinji Kakijima on A. Guitar and Ukulele (was on Divine Gate and non-Kajiura AQUARIAN AGE songs). Narukaze on guitar.
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Doubt anyone cares, considering everything seems to be getting released and it's pretty managable between CDs so far, but here's the BGM listing for MAGIA RECORD episodes 1-7.


Sis puella magica (MADOKA_OST)
La chica dijo
Conturbatio (MADOKA_OST)
La gis sulva za Celow
ウワサ数え唄 (vocal only) (INSERT)
Creeping Darkness
She Insisted
Paradero de Memoria

Signum malum (MADOKA_OST)
La gis sulva za Celow
Magia Curativa
Rumored JINTA
She Insisted
Creeping Darkness

Philosopher's Play
She Insisted
Fata Magica
ウワサ数え唄 (off-vocal) (INSERT)
国宝ハイエンド (INSERT)
La chica dijo
Creeping Darkness

Rumored JINTA
Find you
ポイント10倍 (INSERT)
La gis sulva za Celow
Altar malam
ウワサ数え唄 (off-vocal) (INSERT)

Memorias com voce
Creeping Darkness
La gis sulva za Celow
Dang Gong
Credens justitiam (MADOKA_OST)
ウワサ数え唄 (ver.Music Box)
feel close

She Insisted
Fata Magica
Lucky Lucky lovely Lives→But??
Rumored JINTA
La gis sulva za Celow
Wings of MAGIUS

Wings of MAGIUS
月華咲夜 [battle against MAGIUS]
Excited Beat
La gis sulva za Celow
Creeping Darkness
No es sola

Invisible Girl
Chica se lamenta
Philosopher's Play
She Insisted
Radio Kula
Creeping Darkness
Excited Beat

Radio Kula
Chica se lamenta
Rumeurs de Solitude
craves trust
Invisible Girl
Amazing Artist!!

bygone days
Colapso da arte
Excited Beat
Dang Gong
one's place
craves trust
No es sola

OST2 on youtube:

Edit: Updated with OST3.
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Hopefully you find something you like.

Looking at the episodes again for the sooner-than-expected OST3:
up to ep10: 12 new tracks;
up to ep13: 6*+Nigredo (*7 if that koto at the start of #11 turns out to be a full track). I want that pounding strings BGM from eps12-13 so much.
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omg there are tracks titled keraguan, altar malam, and mengambang? They're Indonesian (probably Malaysian too, idk if Malaysian words also have me- as suffix, iirc it's only in Indonesian grammar) words lol keraguan is doubt, altar malam (kinda weird but eh it's not grammatically wrong) is translated to night altar, and mengambang has different meanings based on the context it's used on but the literal definition is floating wow i was so surprised
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I don't know about the choice of languages but most of the titles themselves are very content and/or show specific. Makes them easier to remember for me and also go "oh yea, that makes sense" when you rewatch the show.

Almost half the tracks on OST2 were only used once in the entire season, and only 3 appeared more than twice. On OST1 the ratio is obviously a little different (with La gis sulva za Celow holding the record of playing 7 times, followed by 6 times for Creeping Darkness - maybe two too many for each but I like the tracks sooo "lolz") but there's still some rarely used tracks - e.g. Paradero de Memoria is exclusive to the first episode (and PV :p).


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You really want these titles to be Latin, huh? :P

We have multiple titles in Indonesian as @ritarudandoo points out, so I don't think there's a need to force Latin into it with "feminine"/"accusative" declination (which is kind of assuming a lot of effort for a Japanese OST track title). Altar is also neutral in Latin, isn't it?

Thus, I would conclude that @ritarudandoo is correct.


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shrine at night = altar di malam hari:XD: very literal. When I say altar malam sounds kinda weird in Indonesian is because it doesn't actually mean shrine/altar at night but more of shrine/altar built for night. Indonesian syntax is weird I got better marks for English than Indonesian throughout my school years

Okay about the ost itself I am surprised because I actually liked a lot of songs. when i first sampled them (aka when i watched some episodes of the show) my opinion was among the line of "yoo wtf some of these tracks are straight up Kajiura ripoff but they're not as good as Kajiura's stuff". I will post a more detailed review later but I guess I really should be giving Ozawa's soundtracks a try.
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shrine at night = altar di malam hari:XD: very literal. When I say altar malam sounds kinda weird in Indonesian is because it doesn't actually mean shrine/altar at night but more of shrine/altar built for night.
I kinda took the wrong screenshot cause that's when the track was playing. The point made earlier was that the shrine they are investigating (or path to it) appeared only at night. So uh, it kinda literally is "a night shrine" (?rumour/uwasa).
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OK, so... I don't know why I'm so invested in this OST (d'uh - clearly I like it) but whatever. Don't have anything else to do where I'm at right now.

I was trying to make sense of all the track titles so far and how they are used in the show (which is quite specific/consistent as I said above) - there's a few which I'm not sure about. (As of OST2) I had a little problem with three titles, one obviously being La gis sulva za Celow and the other two - ORO and Rumored JINTA. Every other track title makes perfect sense within the show, knowing/assuming they are Japanese, English, Indonesian (as @ritarudandoo said) and Spanish (Edit: here's moar...).

La gis sulva za Celow
We might never know with this one... lol. Might be gibberish (that is also sung in the track). I suspect this is the one @Azokad guessed Polish (that's what Google translate is guessing) - it's not. If anyone knows what this means, holler!

I know it's "gold" in several languages - makes no sense. I also got results for "airy"/"atmospheric"/etc in Lithuanian - seems like a stretch soooo...
Is it Japanese? A result from Jisho which isn't a perfect match (orooro):
Common word​
Adverb, Adverb taking the 'to' particle, Suru verb​
1. in confusion; in a fluster; in bewilderment; in a dither; in a panic; all shook up; helplessly (Onomatopoeic or mimetic word)​
2. sobbing; tearfully; trembling (voice) (Onomatopoeic or mimetic word)​
Other forms​

or maybe it is supposed to be Swedish? A perfect match but it would be the only title so far to be in Swedish:
concern, anxiety, botheration, worry, unrest, trouble​

I guess they essentially are the same thing, make sense with the music and within the show, but the confusion is real since it's either not a perfect match (maybe someone who knows Japanese could confirm if a single ORO makes sense? Particularly since it's all caps and jisho also lists the katakana version in "Other forms") or another language that's only used once (as of OST2; also why all caps?). ;p

Rumored JINTA
Assuming it's not random gibberish, I'm not really getting any results for other languages so the best guess is it's Japanese;
But since the results on Jisho make no bloody sense, I had to do a bit of digging. Here's what I figure:

Excerpt from Resonances of Chindon-ya: Sounding Space and Sociality in Contemporary Japan (Marié Abe):
(...) a precursor to chindon-ya. A jinta was a small brass band, hired by an advertising agent, that paraded through the streets with banners bearing store or product names, or that performed to entertain audiences at circus shows and festivals (...)​
Another excerpt from Wind Bands and Cultural Identity in Japanese Schools (David G. Hebert):
According to Hosokawa, there are two notable stories used to explain the origins of the term "jinta", either of which might be relatively accurate. One suggests that the term comes from the distrinctive rhythmic sound of cymbals charachteristic of the simple music by these bands: "jinta, jinta, jintakatatta" while another story links these bands with a town called Jin, from which it is claimed that band performers toured to other communities in order to promote the industries of their own (...) Generally, the jinta were regarded as very amateurish groups that mostly lacked serious musical skills, and their music served a purely commercial role, for promotion of products and merchants. (...)​
Both books go deeper into it and it's quite an interesting read actually from what little I skipped through.

Considering how the track is used in the show - always during gossiping/spreading rumours. In the last appearance it literally shows an Uwasa following people and doing so - it seems to make a lot of sense for the track to be called this.

If anyone is more educated, feel free to let me know.~

If whoever is titling the tracks is consistent, I'm guessing the mellow piano/vocal track from OST3 might also be called a "Rumor* SOMETHING" (following Rumored JINTA and Rumor THEATER).

Also going back to ORO - since JINTA is also stylized in all caps, leaning toward Japanese on ORO.

Dang Gong
Apparently this could be ?romanized tibetan? meaning "last night" (as in previous night)? That seems like a stretch (plus makes no sense in the show's context) so I figure it could more literal to the sound of the track? Whether it's just gibberish or onomatopoeia or something specific related to the bell instrument (gamelan ensemble if we're going through with the Indonesian angle lol) - I don't know. Not that I'm even sure about that musical relation...

I also found something about "gondang" which is apparently "ritual music" (not sure if that's a translation or a description, I really can't figure out stuff about this from google). Could make sense since in the show it's used for witchification scenes in 2 of 3 appearances, but again - not an exact match.

tldr: ???????????????

Maybe someone more educated could shine a light on this too.

Fata Magică
(also double checked booklet and it actually says Fata Magică, which would suggest Romanian rather than Latin or anything else)

I think this might be Romanian, since it comes out as "magical girl"? (singular) BUT "fată" (examples have regular "fata" though) so idk
If it was Fāta Magica then it could be Latin and Magical Fates/Destinies? (plural) BUT "fāta" and "magica" so idk
Trying to figure out if it's anything in the other languages but nothing really makes sense. It's played twice, both times during transformations (second time extends to a very short fight).

Memórias com você
Checked the booklet and this also seems to be Memórias com você, which would make it Portuguese and "Memories with you"?

Guess there are one off languages here...?

Edit over 9000: Cleaning up and adding more stuff.
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What about La gis sulva za celow? What language is it? I did some superficial googling on that but the only results I got were Magireco soundtrack pages, hue.
Like I said in the post above, not a clue. There was nothing to elaborate on with that one.
OK, so to spam some more.

I added more stuff to the previous post. I really tried looking around if anyone was discussing this OST but failed at finding anything helpful.

If any polyglots or otherwise have suggestions or corrections, DO SHARE!

Original Soundtrack 1
Creeping Darkness
La chica dijo^1SpanishThe girl said
La gis sulva za Celow^2?
She Insisted
Rumored JINTA^2
Magia CurativaSpanish/Portuguese/ItalianHealing Magic
Fata Magică^2?RomanianMagical Girl
Philosopher's Play
Paradero de Memoria^1SpanishMemory's whereabouts
Original Soundtrack 2
Wings of MAGIUS
ウワサ数え唄 (ver.Music Box)JapaneseUWASA Counting Song/Rumour Counting Song
Memórias com vocêPortugueseMemories with you
水名悲恋伝説JapaneseMizuna Tragic Love Legend/Legend of Tragic Love at Mizuna (Shrine)
Altar malamIndonesianNight shrine
feel close
Andiamo!ItalianLet's go!
50点!?Japanese50 points!?
Lucky Lucky lovely Lives→But??
No es sola?Spanish?(It's) not alone
Excited Beat
Find you
月華咲夜 [battle against MAGIUS]JapaneseGekka Sakuya ?Moon Flower
Dang Gong^2?
邂逅ノイズJapaneseEncounter NOISE/Chance meeting NOISE
BAN BAN BANZAI!万☆々☆歳!!^3

^1 mixed genders? Not sure how broken that is.
^2 look in previous post for more detailed writeups and doubts
^3 万々歳 BAN BAN ZAI is the name of a bar in the show; why it has an extra BAN here - I don't know.
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I wonder if that potential Rumor piano/vocal track I mentioned from eps8-9 could be featuring Remi...
OST3 titles, kinda late this time.
01. Amazing Artist!!
02. Chica se lamenta
03. Invisible Girl
04. Radio Kula
05. AI=0
06. Rumeurs de Solitude
07. Flaunt
08. craves trust
09. Colapso da arte
10. one's place
11. SanAId
12. bygone days

Silly titles again.

Seems like there will be a short OST4 in September indeed.

bygone days is probably the arrange of repeat days from the game. It played at the beginning of episode 10.

Let's see...
Chica se lamenta = Spanish? = Girl laments (verb, as in she laments)
Radio Kula = Croatian? = Radio Tower
Rumeurs de Solitude = French? = Rumours of Solitude (I guess it's that vocal track I was talking about)
Colapso da arte = Portuguese? = Collapse of Art (Alina fight track? Amazing Artist!! could also be Alina tbh...)

SanAId, hmm, obviously two main characters Sana+AI and plus what??? +"aid"? +"id"? or "-ed" as in a verb like e.g. "Pwnd"?

OST4 confirmed with DVD/BD volume 5 @ September 2
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