Man, seeing it split up like this makes me realise how damn good the set list for the first three quarters is and how much it fell apart in the last quarter. Put Alleluia at the end of the first disc instead of snow falling and scrap the second half of disc two entirely and you really wouldn't lose much of interest.
Kalafina 2016年1月20日発売『Kalafina 8th Anniversary Special products The Live Album「Kalafina LIVE TOUR 2014」 at 東京国際フォーラムホールA』店頭特典が決定!
Kalafina 2016年1月20日発売『Kalafina 8th Anniversary Special products The Live Album「Kalafina LIVE TOUR 2014」 at 東京国際フォーラムホールA』(SECL-1833~1834)を下記対象店舗でお買い上げの方に、先着で店頭特典としてKalafina オリジナル・ポストカードをプレゼント!是非お早めにご予約ください。
I did not even notice that, but yeah that might be a good indicator. I based it off of Keiko's pose and the songs (from the tour at least) that have W/H parts with no Keiko.
The release of this album literally made me come out of my shell. I had a cold and school and then I remembered about the forum and I've felt guilty for not coming back sooner for awhile for whatever reason. The album is super exciting especially since CDs are easier to get MP3s out of which is good since having a CD in my laptop 24/7 isn't a good idea. I just checked on CD Japan. No mention of the bonus postcard but knowing other releases it's very likely it will be there and it looks beautiful too. I'll probably pre-order it soon or purchase it the day of release.
Neowing was listed in the list of stores that'd be getting the Tokuten, they'll get it. It's pretty usual for CDJapan to take ages to update stuff regarding bonuses anyway.
Just looking at the tracklisting now it's kinda strange that Destination Unknown isn't there, it seems to be a new regular for live sets. But I mean we get Adore which I haven't heard in forever and Storia and a couple of B-sides I've never heard before so