Lets post some funny pics

Venus is also cute. :dote: But I wonder why Earth is so naughty. Is that how the author sees space exploration programs? :ohoho:
And poor Pluto's crying... probably because nobody considers her a planet anymore.

Yes! hahaha
Who's your bet? Saber Arturia Pendragon (Britain) VS Joan of Arc (France)

Poor Caster's eyes would boggle EVEN MORE if he were to see this. :ohoho:
I don't envy him as it is in the series, where he's
stalking a former king of the country he formerly fought at Jeanne's side... :@_@: :XD:

As to the fight... hard to say. But a Heroic Spirit vs Puella Magi fight is something you'd get rich selling tickets to. :ohoho: