Lets post some funny pics

^Oh, why America? whyyy? :XD: ...though I can imagine some people taking offence in that, like - :white: :omg: :fwa:
Wonder what Obama's reaction would be if he saw that himself?
is that for real? :XD: maybe just some typo by the video editors. LOL


^ :ohoho: LOL
^ sylvi, see the other link i posted there, it has worse mistake abaout Obama- Osama :plot:
@zoakaiser and sylvi lol! :XD: :ohoho: , btw yes zoakaiser your avatar really :shy: :nosebleed: ,(what program did u use?) it's from Kalafina @ anime boston part 6 right?

^ I used Photoshop :XD:

if im not mistaken, yes it is from anime boston :XD:
uwahh even photoshop can be used like that? okay thx 4 the info Zoa :XD: i'll learn now :sohappy:

ZoaKaizer said:
^ sylvi, see the other link i posted there, it has worse mistake abaout Obama- Osama :plot:

^ yeah it is :ohoho: They really aired that? Oh wow. :ohoho:
next funny pics from mine is my signature :ohoho: (Special thanks to Zoakaiser for told me how to fo it :dote: )
what ? i only told u to "use photoshop", its surprising u can make one so fast this early already :XD:
but still it's a fundamental step right? so if you didn't tell me i wouldn't be able to make it :XD:
very useful for work actually, especially with those people you don't really want to hang out with.