Kalafina's new single ~Kimi no Gin no Niwa~

[EDIT: link removed due to epic brainfart, will correct and reupload] I tried transcribing half the melody for the flute but I'm not at all sure I got it right :spotlight: can someone please check it?

Kowz said:
anyways back on track... one week!

Nah, I bet it will leak on Saturday.

Satuday never fail us lol

Yurika-Chan said:
Kimi no Gin no Niwa PV HD


Do you have the source?

Nevermind, found it ^^

yuki.n said:
I tried transcribing half the melody for the flute but I'm not at all sure I got it right :spotlight: can someone please check it?

I can ask a friend to check it but that will be until tomorrow ^^
Re: Re:

Spirica Rose said:
moonfesta with MM's Deku Palace

Oh my god. How did I never notice that?

I really like Kimi no Gin. It feels light in a nice way, and in a good contrast to Alleluia. I'm usually pretty indifferent to Wakana, but I think she did really well here.
11月2日(土) bayfmの公開生放送「KEIYOGINKO POWER COUNTDOWN JAPAN HOT 30」にゲスト出演!
(15:00-17:55 / スタジオ・イクスピアリ)

based on past event there will be a stream here right? :confu:
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/bayfm78-p ... pan-hot-30

リスアニ!VOICEは、11月6日に『劇場版 魔法少女まどかマギカ[新編]叛逆の物語通算』主題歌にして通算14枚目のシングル「君の銀の庭」をリリースするKalafinaをフィーチャー。メンバー3人がそれぞれの言葉で、楽曲の世界観や歌詞についてじっくりと語ってくれる。ミュージック・ビデオのメイキングも必見だ。

Lisan interview

11月2日(土) 0:00から始まる「チケット2次先行予約」へのアクセスはコチラ。


11月2日(土) 0:00~11月4日(月・祝) 23:59まで
アイドルマスターシンデレラガールズ (大橋彩香・津田美波・五十嵐裕美・福原綾香・内田真礼・洲崎綾・原紗友里・松嵜麗・佳村はるか) / OLDCODEX / 川田まみ / 澤野弘之[nZk] / スフィア / 春奈るな / fripSide (五十音順)

藍井エイル / ALTIMA / Kalafina / 小松未可子 / 日笠陽子 / μ's / LiSA (五十音順)

■時間:25日(土) 開場:15:00 開演:16:00 (予定)
    26日(日) 開場:14:00 開演:15:00 (予定)
■チケット:7,350円(税込) 全席指定
チケット一般発売日:12/14(土) 10:00~
■主催:リスアニ!LIVE実行委員会 / 文化放送 / ニッポン放送
■制作:バンダイナムコ ライブクリエイティブ
■お問い合わせ:インフォメーションダイヤル Tel.03-5793-8878 (平日13:00~18:00)
Totally agree, the outfits seem better from that angle, especially Hikaru's and Keiko's.

D-chan2510 said:
11月2日(土) bayfmの公開生放送「KEIYOGINKO POWER COUNTDOWN JAPAN HOT 30」にゲスト出演!
(15:00-17:55 / スタジオ・イクスピアリ)

based on past event there will be a stream here right? :confu:
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/bayfm78-p ... pan-hot-30
Thanks for the reminder!

To briefly translate, Kalafina will be guesting on POWER COUNTDOWN JAPAN HOT 30 today (November 2). Their guest appearance on the show will be from 16:00-16:30 (JST) so don't miss it! :sohappy:
Tsuioku alert if you know where to look for dirty spoiler previews~
Thanks a bunch. Really like Tsuioku (although it reminds me of another kajiura song which I can't remember atm- oh yea, its totally serenato in the way it flows, especially in the chorus and the bridge obviously, thanks D-chan2510). Kajiura can still deliver when she tries. Shame she doesn't seem to be trying most of the time. :p
Tsuioku FTW! :sohappy: :sohappy:

Really glad to buy the single now.

I think it's more like Sandpiper X Signal, truthfully.

Loved Hikaru's and Keiko's individual parts, and the WK up-down singing at the beginning. :nosebleed:
Tsuioku is the song of this single! Love everything about it, and I really love Keiko's and Wakana's voice here~ :nosebleed:

casarina26 said:
I think it's more like Sandpiper X Signal, truthfully.

You have just given me a mental image about Tsuioku about which I'm not sure it's even possible to top. Either I'm going to be disappointed after hearing that combination, or it'll likely become my new favourite Kalafina song.