Kalafina's new single ~Kimi no Gin no Niwa~

Wow, so much pink! heh I have been liking pink more and more now, but only light or dark pink, none of that bright neon stuff. Anyways, I like the pics. It makes me think that they are tiny dolls in a doll house. (*remembering the one my grandpa made for me*) But it's kind of like a creepy doll house in some parts. heh I can't wait anymore for this single! I am going crazy!!!! :wai:
Kimi no sounds like the Clock Town song from Majora's Mask. :XD: I didn't like it at first but now I love it. Can't wait to get my copies :shy:
wohh really llike this PV, love seeing how sweet they are in that dresses :nosebleed: hoping to get an HD quality vers soon so i can make wallpaper from it :XD:

salvanos said:
Kimi no sounds like the Clock Town song from Majora's Mask. :XD: I didn't like it at first but now I love it. Can't wait to get my copies :shy:

I just re-listened to it and YOU'RE RIGHT, IT DOES! :omg: This makes me happy. First moonfesta with MM's Deku Palace and now this. I wonder if Yuki likes Majora's Mask. :psst:
I originally thought I wouldn't like this song because it was another bright song and Natsu no Ringo similarities, which I didn't like that song. Surprisingly, I like it and the bits that remind me of Natsu no Ringo fit much better here. Aha, I did notice the similarities with Yane, but I liked that song, so...
I think I'll get the CD. I originally wasn't because misterioso was meh for me on first listen, but we'll see if that changes! :shy:

Thank You so much for taking the trouble to record and upload the videos of the Nico Live, Cerise! I've watched the live stream but I'm still definitely saving your files for keeping and rewatching! :bow:

Yuuki Aoi being less of a nutjob in this stream for once haha. :ohoho:

Cerise said:
there's a certain thread in General/Spam you might want to visit :psst:
By any chance, might you be talking about that yummy thread on LEGS. Oh, I am sooooooo on it! :psst:
Re: Re:

Spirica Rose said:

First moonfesta with MM's Deku Palace and now this. I wonder if Yuki likes Majora's Mask. :psst:
*Listens again*
Oh wow, that is an uncanny resemblance indeed... I can't say I'm quite hearing that same kind of uncanny resemblance between Kimi no Gin no Niwa and Clock Town tho. I get where you're coming from, but I wouldn't say they're that alike.
Ahh must resist listening. Only 8 more days! I wonder with so many new songs coming out so soon, if they will come out with a new album sooner than normal. That would be great. I know consolation just came out, but it seems like awhile ago.
Liana_Ilia said:
Ahh must resist listening. Only 8 more days! I wonder with so many new songs coming out so soon, if they will come out with a new album sooner than normal. That would be great. I know consolation just came out, but it seems like awhile ago.
Well, there were three single-releases between After Eden and Consolation, right? We've had two singles in a relatively short span of time here, so by the time they release another one, a fifth album might indeed not be too far off, I guess.

Also somehow I had gotten the impression that Red Moon, After Eden and Consolation were released with no more than a one-year-gap between each one. Double-checking the release-dates though, I found that this was completely wrong so who knows where I even got that idea from.
I'm kind of "afraid" that they might release a compilation album next, seeing that they have four albums already.
I somehow doubt they'll release one so soon after the Best Live album (they'd probably release them together, or release them a while apart). Granted, it's not a terrible idea from a commercial standpoint. Those that already have all the albums can just skip it unless SME is gonna be ingenious/evil and include a bonus exclusive track.
^Oh yeah. I forgot about the Best Live album. I really would not want a compilation album anytime soon, so I'm happy to be reminded about that.
Tnx Wai for the pics, they are beautiful! :nosebleed: :dote:

I'm not crazy about the idea of the compilation album as well, but...

Coral said:
Those that already have all the albums can just skip it unless SME is gonna be ingenious/evil and include a bonus exclusive track.
...I'm afraid that this might happen. There are high chances :desksweat:
^Nooo! They can't do that. Especially after 4 anime tie-ins. They have to at least have those on the album, which would make sense to make a whole new album then. I wonder what it will be called... anyways back on track... one week!