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Setlist according to tada (chat)

3.Kimi ga Hikari
5.Destination Unknown
7.To the Beginning

According to him, there was a bit of offnote by Wakana and Keiko, but in general they sounded great. To the beginning was better than in the nico studio live.
A very nice live by Kalafina !! Thanks god that i was able to attend and see their performance.

I will like to share my experience and feeling about this live. Firstly, everyone is shouting like crazy before Kalafina coming out, they show a video that introduce them one by one. Then come the first song Magia. Wakana seems to off pitch on some part but overall it is wonderful ! :sohappy:

Then they continue with Lacrimosa, hohoho i was singing in shouting condition that time XD And they speak English on the first mc after those 2 songs. Hikaru speak quite fluent, and she said she was kind of nervous actually, but...but when i see all of you i was able to sing in front of you! ~~ :shy:

Then 2 KNK song Kimi Ga Hikari Ni Kaete Iku and Sprinter. I was so happy that they sang this song ( Kimi Ga )!! Then without stoping they continue with Destination Unknown and Ongaku.Btw Keiko sing so strong in the Destination Unknown, i was not notice too much of mistake or what coz i was lost myself that time singing, shouting, waving the light stick and clapping. :XD:

Then come with the second MC, they talk about their favourite food, i was just able to heard Wakana saying she like Mee Goreng ( Fried Noodle).

* Actually i was not really good in Japanese so pardon me if i heard anything wrong :XD:

Then Keiko said they actually like dessert and they asking us what dessert is nice in Malaysia, but everyone is saying different answer so 3 of them step forward and listen for the answer that speak by us, lastly everyone said Cendol, but they don't know what is it actually so they need to ask other later on.

They introduce the anime song that they had sing, and come to the last song, To The Beginning. It was so amazingly wonderful !! Everyone is shouting like crazy, sing along with them. Before they leave, they said will visit Malaysia next time ~~ And i remember clearly that Keiko said 'I WILL BE BACK' very loud before she leave the stage.

No one is satisfied then, everyone is shouting for 'encore', but it doesnt turn out to have any good news. But, they are going to have a autography session for those who bought their CD. There are SO SO SO many people queue for the CD and waiting for the signature. I was able to get their signature and they are just in front of me OMG!! I was so happy to see so many people started to like Kalafina after the concert, and some even said to teir friend that - why you didn't introduce Kalafina to me earlier ?? :XD:

Keiko is very very thin from what i actually expected, and they are so cute and polite when signing the CD. Wakana is the last one in signing so she will said 'bye bye' to everyone that queue for the sign. :nosebleed:

I guess that's all from me, I think there will be more CPM members will going to share their feeling and can describe what Kalafina said better than me XD
Oky review time guys <3
first off the playlist for AFAMY 2012 (Kalafina section)
3.Kimi ga Hikari
5.Destination Unknown
7.To the Beginning

Things to comment first:
I felt Wakana and Hikaru were just awesome today especially Wakana and her high notes :shy: To all those who were worried about Wakana's high notes...all i could say is that she is back to her old self!
Hikaru OMG Hikaru :nosebleed:
Dark Hikaru was epic epic epic today...my gosh...speechless :chuu:
For Keiko WHOAH WHOAH that voice was just epic epic! :ohoho:
But she has to control her excitement a little, because probably she was too excited, she accented on some areas that she was not suppose to do so...OKY now for the review for every song

As usual the girls started off their concert with the overture beginning and Magia came in (I think ill skip the usual details and point out the spectacular things that occured)
What i liked about Magia was that firstly Hikaru was great! Not too much of her dark hikaru mode and also not too much of her nasal voice...her mixture was perfect. Hikaru also demonstrated a beautiful vibrato today giving Magia a vibe that i felt was missing in many of their live Magias.
Another thing that i really enjoyed about Magia was the harmony between Wakana and Keiko. Both harmony were clearly audible BUT it didn't feel awkward (like one was too overpowering in comparison to the other)
In conclusion...was better than Singapore's version last year and better than the After Eden live version (which i always thought was the perfect one)

They always always get better and better when they sing this song...
Wakana perfectly in pitch and Hikaru was beautiful with the Kajiuran...nothing much to comment about Lacrimosa :ayashii: all i can say is that they keep getting better each time they perform this song

3.Kimi ga Hikari
Whoah i screamed when they sang this song :dote: never expected them to sing this song! The song was beautiful but i had only 1 issue with it...and sadly Keiko was at fault :XD:
I think she tried to accent on the first section of the song resulting into her adding staccatos into her sing which made it awkward...
Wakana sounded great! i love her vibrato in this song! makes it sound so sad :sparkleguy:

Whoah Whoah! Hikaru! LOL she was epic epic in this song! her first line
(kimi to deai, kanawanu yume wo mita) LOL it was sooooo perfect! no pitch problems, perfect vibrato, perfect vocal control, lol just too perfect
And Keiko at the Maya (rap part...or thats what i call it) lol she was sooo cool that part! Wakana sang the Kajiuran part with ease...
Conclusion...it very very well done

5.Destination Unknown
LOL Dark Hikaru Damn :shy: She sounded even better than Keiko...Hikaru was seriously on fire tonight...her vocal control vibrato and the melodic wave of her singing was just perfect today. Keiko did well :ayashii: She sang really loud :ohoho: causing the speaker at 1 part of the song to go buzzz a little (but it was less than a second actually XD) Wakana did the Kajiuran parts again with ease. Definitely one of fav songs of the night thanks to Hikaru :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

The Girls did the usual thingy at the start before they started to chant :ohoho: Keiko sounded again a little too staccato in her singing but it was much an issue. Hikaru was again EPIC EPIC EPIC with her voice...i love how she resonated from her chest voice today (almost every song she used her chest voice...i dont think i heard her use her squeaky nasal tone today) Wakana did the usual harmony fine. NOW the part i was most anxious about...Wakana's Kajiuran solo after the chanting section. If u guys can remember, Wakana died on the high note...like literally went flat during the After Eden Live Concert. BUT BUT BUT BUT! Today she was perfectly in tune! She hit that note beautifully and it was clearly done without much strain. I was soo relieve when she did that!
Conclusion...Ongaku was nicely done, but i was more consoled that Wakana is back to normal again (hopefully this maintains...)

7.To The Beginning
Oky first off...this was my fav song of the night...and reason to it...Wakana owned the song :hero: :hero: :hero: :hero:
Keiko sounded beautifully when she sang her verse, Hikaru as well
Wakana hit all the high notes of the chorus without much strain :ayashii: SHE EVEN WAVED TO ME AND MY BROTHER!!! AHAHAHAHAH...oky back to the review....
What i liked about TTB was that Wakana surprised me by sing the Kajiuran parts that Yuriko and Hanae did. In the Kajiuran part after that chorus which Hikaru goes (hohoemi no chikaku) normally that part Keiko would sing the Jap part and in the mp3 i think it was Hanae and Yuriko who did this part...LOL WAKANA SANG THAT PART! she sang that part and connected it the jap part (sunda mizu no naka he kaeshitai) which is the part she is suppose to sing. WHOAH WAKANA actually could hit so high :fwa: :fwa: :fwa:
Even the the ending part of the song where there is a Kajiuran part sung by Yuriko and Hanae...she SANG IT WHOAH!
AND SHE WAS ALL IN TUNE :fwa: :fwa: :fwa:
Thank you Wakana for making this song sooo epic :nosebleed:

In conclusion:
Kalafina exceeded my expectations today especially Hikaru and Wakana(TTB=EPIC) oh gosh sooo good :dote: :dote: :dote:
Fav Song: To The Beginning and Destination Unknown
Oh and for those guys who wanted to know just on the order of performances for day 1 Anisong

There was actually a malaysian singer who sang before the concert started off officially at 7pm. I think her name was Sheryl K or something...her voice was sooo good...she seriously set the standard for the night looool :ohoho: :ohoho: she sang 3 songs...2 were japanese songs and 1 was english song remix by her which turned out to be epic <3 :ohoho: :ohoho:

After Sheryl left the stage...Maon Kurosaki went up first! She really impressed me :dote: she could dance, she could sing really well and she was soo energetic! I seriously enjoyed Maon's peformances! She even waved to me!!! AHAHAHAHAHAH

After Maon finished...Aimi sang...which wasn't as good...she was out of tune in most of the songs... and if she wasn't out of tune she was kinda squeaky at her high notes...BUT I LOVE when she sang Hare Hare Yukai !!! SO fun!!! Everyone was dancing LOL

Then KALAFINA came XD AND OWNED THE WHOLE CONCERT!!! I wonder anyone saw me :O? I was on the the first row
A29 and A30! I was wearing the 2011 AFA Kalafina shirt and i was wearing some black colored cat paws before the concert! :ayashii:
your very welcome :ohoho:
i had great fun doing the reviews too :nosebleed:
It was my pleasure :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy:
Oky review time guys <3
first off the playlist for AFAMY 2012 (Kalafina section)
3.Kimi ga Hikari
5.Destination Unknown
7.To the Beginning

Things to comment first:
I felt Wakana and Hikaru were just awesome today especially Wakana and her high notes To all those who were worried about Wakana's high notes...all i could say is that she is back to her old self!
Hikaru OMG Hikaru
Dark Hikaru was epic epic epic today...my gosh...speechless
For Keiko WHOAH WHOAH that voice was just epic epic!
But she has to control her excitement a little, because probably she was too excited, she accented on some areas that she was not suppose to do so...OKY now for the review for every song

As usual the girls started off their concert with the overture beginning and Magia came in (I think ill skip the usual details and point out the spectacular things that occured)
What i liked about Magia was that firstly Hikaru was great! Not too much of her dark hikaru mode and also not too much of her nasal voice...her mixture was perfect. Hikaru also demonstrated a beautiful vibrato today giving Magia a vibe that i felt was missing in many of their live Magias.
Another thing that i really enjoyed about Magia was the harmony between Wakana and Keiko. Both harmony were clearly audible BUT it didn't feel awkward (like one was too overpowering in comparison to the other)
In conclusion...was better than Singapore's version last year and better than the After Eden live version (which i always thought was the perfect one)

They always always get better and better when they sing this song...
Wakana perfectly in pitch and Hikaru was beautiful with the Kajiuran...nothing much to comment about Lacrimosa all i can say is that they keep getting better each time they perform this song

3.Kimi ga Hikari
Whoah i screamed when they sang this song never expected them to sing this song! The song was beautiful but i had only 1 issue with it...and sadly Keiko was at fault
I think she tried to accent on the first section of the song resulting into her adding staccatos into her sing which made it awkward...
Wakana sounded great! i love her vibrato in this song! makes it sound so sad

Whoah Whoah! Hikaru! LOL she was epic epic in this song! her first line
(kimi to deai, kanawanu yume wo mita) LOL it was sooooo perfect! no pitch problems, perfect vibrato, perfect vocal control, lol just too perfect
And Keiko at the Maya (rap part...or thats what i call it) lol she was sooo cool that part! Wakana sang the Kajiuran part with ease...
Conclusion...it very very well done

5.Destination Unknown
LOL Dark Hikaru Damn She sounded even better than Keiko...Hikaru was seriously on fire tonight...her vocal control vibrato and the melodic wave of her singing was just perfect today. Keiko did well She sang really loud causing the speaker at 1 part of the song to go buzzz a little (but it was less than a second actually XD) Wakana did the Kajiuran parts again with ease. Definitely one of fav songs of the night thanks to Hikaru

The Girls did the usual thingy at the start before they started to chant Keiko sounded again a little too staccato in her singing but it was much an issue. Hikaru was again EPIC EPIC EPIC with her voice...i love how she resonated from her chest voice today (almost every song she used her chest voice...i dont think i heard her use her squeaky nasal tone today) Wakana did the usual harmony fine. NOW the part i was most anxious about...Wakana's Kajiuran solo after the chanting section. If u guys can remember, Wakana died on the high note...like literally went flat during the After Eden Live Concert. BUT BUT BUT BUT! Today she was perfectly in tune! She hit that note beautifully and it was clearly done without much strain. I was soo relieve when she did that!
Conclusion...Ongaku was nicely done, but i was more consoled that Wakana is back to normal again (hopefully this maintains...)

7.To The Beginning
Oky first off...this was my fav song of the night...and reason to it...Wakana owned the song
Keiko sounded beautifully when she sang her verse, Hikaru as well
Wakana hit all the high notes of the chorus without much strain SHE EVEN WAVED TO ME AND MY BROTHER!!! AHAHAHAHAH...oky back to the review....
What i liked about TTB was that Wakana surprised me by sing the Kajiuran parts that Yuriko and Hanae did. In the Kajiuran part after that chorus which Hikaru goes (hohoemi no chikaku) normally that part Keiko would sing the Jap part and in the mp3 i think it was Hanae and Yuriko who did this part...LOL WAKANA SANG THAT PART! she sang that part and connected it the jap part (sunda mizu no naka he kaeshitai) which is the part she is suppose to sing. WHOAH WAKANA actually could hit so high
Even the the ending part of the song where there is a Kajiuran part sung by Yuriko and Hanae...she SANG IT WHOAH!
Thank you Wakana for making this song sooo epic

In conclusion:
Kalafina exceeded my expectations today especially Hikaru and Wakana(TTB=EPIC) oh gosh sooo good
Fav Song: To The Beginning and Destination Unknown
OMG OMG!!! Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *WWWWWWWWWWWWW* I really hope to see a video of the event!!! :shy: :shy: :shy:

Adhara said:
But, they are going to have a autography session for those who bought their CD. There are SO SO SO many people queue for the CD and waiting for the signature.

they were signing CDs instead of the poster?

Adhara said:
But, they are going to have a autography session for those who bought their CD. There are SO SO SO many people queue for the CD and waiting for the signature.
LOL SONY :ohoho:

Anyway, thank you for the report guys! Sounds like everyone had a great time which is what's important. :goodjob:
how i wish i was there.. hahaha.. but thanks for the review guys. Hoping to at least see some video especially for to the beginning.. Hmm.. Hope so someone recorded them if it's allowed.

:dote: I would have bought a CD just for the sign :ohoho:

OH i have a big question mark...

The crowd sang along? Do they all memorized the lyrics i mean? Wow.... cuz i couldn't seem to remember much of the lyrics.. xD
Re: Re:

Welcome =)

And thanks alactiray for the review coz i'm not too focused on listening, but keep singing with them :XD:

xcad said:
Adhara said:
But, they are going to have a autography session for those who bought their CD. There are SO SO SO many people queue for the CD and waiting for the signature.

they were signing CDs instead of the poster?

Actually what i saw is they only sign the CD for those who bought it, i'm not sure whether they sign the poster after the CD's queue ....i didnt saw there is any poster on the table when i receiving their sign :XD:

sourbrick said:
The crowd sang along? Do they all memorized the lyrics i mean? Wow.... cuz i couldn't seem to remember much of the lyrics.. xD

That was what i heard though, this is the only song that i heard there are many overlapping sound from the audience, even though it is not too obvious but i think i heard it XD I'm not sure whether they sing from the start to te end, but the beginning 'estia kasa misti firiato' and the ending 'uta' like everyone is sing with them :sohappy: I'm one of them that sing adn shout from the beginning to the end :XD:
Yeah, I've already bought the Japan ver not gonna buy another after eden for their siggy. :uh..: but I've hand them my last present for Kajiura-san that's is what's important to me :shy:

Hope they will remember me when I passed them the gifts during backstage the first time. :shy:
WAKANA bowing back to me several times makes my face so red "arigatou" :shy: :dote:

Yasogami said:
Kimi ga Hikari ni Kaete Iku is definitely me favorite part :dote: :dote: :dote:

Yes, that's my favorite part as well since it's been a long time we've seen that one Live! I've yelled , jumped , swinging both my arms up and down for the crowd to continue cheering for Encore till I lost my voice, while the guy beside me 3 to 4seats away were even standing on the chair!! for more enkores! :ohoho: but alas to no avail :cry:


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OMG OMG OMG! :sparkleguy:
was walking back from lunch back to Federal Hotel and then i saw them at the lobby again!!!! They were leaving already!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: i said bye bye and Keiko and Wakana said...Sayōnara watashitachi no konsāto ni kitekurete arigatō ( which means thank you for coming to our concert!) :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: