Kalafina new song "Μärchen" (メルヒェン) ED for Zaregoto OVA

Okay, even if it's a copyasted IEN, I must say
I FREAKING ADORE IT :hearts::hearts:
I never cared about IEN to begin with. buut this is fantastic. Everything sounds very dark and mysterious. May not be the most original thing ever, buuut I'll consider it Kalafina's "new start" after so many crappy, forgettable anisongs.
And I'm sure this live will be breathtaking =D
Yep the structure of harmony Marchen is the same as IEN. Oh Kaijura, if there was one thing I could count on it was that you used different structures for melodies.

While it disappoints me I'd rather this than a song I hate.

Also has anyone touched on the fact this is the Zaregoto BGM too? Especially when Wakana kicks in, it's unmistakable.
So Kaijura pulled a storia, but honestly I LOVE IT. I really freakin' loved that BGM so when I heard this on the bus home and noticed I was super pumped.

If this is the A-side then I wonder what the B-side will be? Also Keiko needs a solo verse, I can almost hear it coming
believe in > :hypno:


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the version with kajiurago sounds much more better, I don't know why.

Likely because that's what the song was initially written for. Not always the case (Manten improves the original for example) but having to adapt the melody and structure even a little to incorporate actual lyrics can completely change the whole feel and sound of the song.
Yesterday i was talking with yuki.n and she reminded me of the possibility that the song could be released as an album track. Thinking about it in Tsubasa Tokyo Revelations OVA they released the OP as single (synchronicity) and the ED (kioku no mori) was released in everlastings songs. So a thing like that happening again (since we talk about OVA again) is not unlikely.

I think that if they were to announce the single, yesterday would be the best date, but they didnt.
Best part is KEIKO's part. Should've had KEIKO do all of HIKARU's lines and had HIKARU be harmony. Like seriously what's the big idea about not giving KEIKO any lead anisongs when clearly her voice fits them (i.e. blaze). Smh.

because it's Kajiura. in her mind, Keiko translates as a reliable harmony singer. I still hate Hikaru's voice. I can clearly hear how she's trying way too hard and how she still doesn't have a firm grasp on her notes. this will sound shit live just like blaze.
because it's Kajiura. in her mind, Keiko translates as a reliable harmony singer. I still hate Hikaru's voice. I can clearly hear how she's trying way too hard and how she still doesn't have a firm grasp on her notes. this will sound shit live just like blaze.
I also think it should have been Keiko lead for this song but I'm not going to deny how much I still like it. Kajiura is too set in her ways so we can only expect Alleluia to happen every...4 albums lol?
Yesterday i was talking with yuki.n and she reminded me of the possibility that the song could be released as an album track. Thinking about it in Tsubasa Tokyo Revelations OVA they released the OP as single (synchronicity) and the ED (kioku no mori) was released in everlastings songs. So a thing like that happening again (since we talk about OVA again) is not unlikely.

That or it's only released with the soundtrack.
I also think it should have been Keiko lead for this song but I'm not going to deny how much I still like it. Kajiura is too set in her ways so we can only expect Alleluia to happen every...4 albums lol?

Kajiura wasn't that bad before. Remember te to te to me to me? it's on their 2nd album and it's an even more Keiko-centric song than Alleluia. Keiko also is the main vocal for the most part of Ongaku. It's after After Eden that she doesn't get any "solo/centric" album song. Alleluia and lapis happened but they aren't included in any of their studio albums (not counting BEST Red). the main problem I have is just like what Atlas said, there are songs/part of songs that are within Keiko's range and fit her voice well but Kajiura still uses Hikaru (and sometimes even Wakana) just because Kajiura is too set on having Keiko as a harmony singer.

Anyway it's Kalafina. I doubt Sony will not release this song on a single and not leech more money from their fans. After all Zaregoto is 12 (or idk whatever amount) OVA that's going to be released every month. They still have plenty time to release this song.
Kajiura wasn't that bad before. Remember te to te to me to me? it's on their 2nd album and it's an even more Keiko-centric song than Alleluia.
Yeah but I was referring to anisongs since Alleluia is the only single where Keiko is main. The only one. I know she gets to shine more on album songs but its always the same formula and it gets tiresome. Keiko really could have done wonders with this song but eh, its Kajiura. I really have no hope for her to change. ^_^
Yeah but I was referring to anisongs since Alleluia is the only single where Keiko is main. The only one. I know she gets to shine more on album songs but its always the same formula and it gets tiresome. Keiko really could have done wonders with this song but eh, its Kajiura. I really have no hope for her to change. ^_^

ah yeah, completely forgot the point about Alleluia being a single song (that got less to none promotion at all). I only looked at it as a Keiko centric song. lol.
I love the song. I love Hikaru's power belting in this and don't agree with the assessment that she's off tune or straining, her voice just sounds like this imo. Or, to find a middle ground, let's just say I'm glad her voice isn't wavering like in Mahiru which was kind of a traumatic song to listen to as a Hikaru fan. I agree Keiko would be a good lead for this song, and I really hope the full version features her in a verse or bridge, her part with Wakana sounds lovely more because of her than because of Wakana. I like the overlap of the flute with the hard guitar and bass, it gives the song a softer or more ethereal feel even though it's dark and rocking.
My heart, I freaking love this song. And the background music. This here is what "pulling a Storia" should be seen as, because Storia in my personal opinion was done wrong. Though the same case goes here as with other Kajiuran/Language splits in that I like the Kajiurago version more, people had been on this thread truly dogging Hikaru.
I am just enthralled with this little work set and would certainly want FictionJunction to perform the BGM live, because of personal (nitpicky) preferences of mine regarding Kajiurago. BUT for メルヒェン、I believe Hikaru is perfectly fine. "Trying too hard" nonsense and whatnot? I don't see it. I have seen it, but not here.

Now for random things.
One, does the Zaregoto BGM have a title yet or will it always just be labeled as such, like a Petit Cossette case?
Two, does anyone have an MP3 of メルヒェン that DOESN'T have talking over it?
(Edit: I finally found one of the TV version and will be happy to send it to anyone else.)
Three, I personally don't see this as a 2.0 of IEN. For me, the songs' constant, almost erratic-feeling change in time signature provides a surprisingly large amount of difference to dilute the heavy beat and Hikaru lead that alludes it to IEN. BUT for any singers (especially choir), try singing IEN as a coda over the BGM. It sounds absolutely amazing.
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