Thank you for everyone sharings here...I always have problem with niconicovideo..

Ok... I don't want to start a quarrel with anyone.. I have my own standard and I know that it may be too high for someone and too low for someone else... The same go to other people, everyone is different... so I'd say that it's better to be respectful to other people opinions...
Absolutely agree with Grunty for Hikari Furu... I think it's well composed even it's not my cup of tea... the bridge sounds really beautiful. (and I guess I may prefer to have Hanae or Yuriko to deal with the high chorus instead of Wakana..., but it may sound weird at live..) Wakana's singing in the beginning is....
Nick Hunter said:
Those who didn't like Sagitta Luminis may fall asleep, but as the original already got me mesmerized, it's just awesome. I think I even like it more than Mirai for now.
Congratulation Nick! I'm one who don't like Sagitta Luminis but I prefer Hikari Furu XP. What bothers me is only Wakana's falsetto in the opening. BTW, as I've said earlier...if Hikari Furu is really the cover of SL, I'd skip this album...
Wakana sounds a bit (?) worse in live.... Keiko&Hikaru were quite fine...even I don't like Keiko's singing style during her solo in this live. Wakana was good after that opening falsetto.. esp. her harmonization and legatos... It sounds better than the recording.
A bit off-topic:
IMO, I feel that Yuki's standard for recording isn't high. There are some songs that I think the girls can sing live better than the recording, but Yuki still put the singing that isn't the best in the recording version. Kaori also mentioned that sometimes when she went out from the recording room, Yuki praised her so much but she was skeptical that whether it's that good...?? So she isn't that 'perfectionist' for me.
As for the other lives... for Mirai... Hikaru and Keiko did quite fine, even Hikaru sounds unstable at the beginning, but it got better and better. Wakana strained herself so much in Mirai Live....
For Magia Quttro.. I feel that the strings blend better in the recording version. Not Hikaru's best perf. for this song but it wasn't that bad. Wakana's 'toki wo tomete' was horrible, but Keiko's counterpart wasn't that good as well...(even it's better...) Am I the one who don't like Keiko's singing in the bridge? I prefer her previous singing style...